Afraid of baldness. Part 976520

Afraid of baldness. Part 976520
Posted by NightwingGR on August 03, 2002 at 04:59:09: Previous Next

I'm 19 years old and been i have been growing my hair out for 3 years. The idea of going bald is torturing me for one year or more. My father is completely bald and gone bald at a young age, but his father is 89 years old and still has all his hair (not so thick anymore but it's normal at an age like this). My mother's father who passed out at the age of 80 had a little frontal recession in his hairline but he was far from bald. I noticed that my hairline has receeded a little since last year. What's going on? Is it something normal that hapens to everybody? (Nearly all guys at my age have the same frontal recession, even more).Am I going to be bald? I don't know if the type of strands counts, but I think I have my mother's thick type of strands and not my father's thin type. Please help me, I don't know what to do and everybody gets pissed off when I mention it and keep telling me it's only my imagination. I don't know, maybe it's only that but I can't get out of my mind that my hairline is receeding, especially on the left side. On the right it appears that the receeding is smaller.That's another strange thing eh? I think I have 50% to be bald.Arrgh!

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