Baldness theory

Baldness theory
Posted by S-17 on August 03, 2002 at 06:13:37: Previous Next

This theory came from a site outlining all possible causes of male pattern baldness. And claims to be non biased. Just thought you lot might find it interesting.

One clinic in America claims that 99 per cent of all hair loss in men and women is caused by one thing - excessive oil. This oil, called sebum, clogs the pores of the scalp and stifles follicle growth. In time the hair root is asphyxiated, making it impossible for new hair to grow.

The follicles on top of a man's head grow straight up; consequently, when oil is released from the scalp, it has no place to go. On a woman's head, it can slip down the hair shaft towards the end, on a man's, it can only slide back to where it came from - the scalp.

If the scalp is not cleaned properly this oil becomes wax thus clogging the pores. When a hair is shed, its successor cannot come out. It becomes weak and literally goes to sleep under the scalp. The few hairs that manage to push through that waxy barrier are so puny that they are ready to fall out as soon as they break through. Such are the circumstances leading to Male Pattern Baldness.

If this theory is true i bet all the shorthaired males would grow their hair out in a second.

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