..."CaLL YoU a HiPPiE?"
Posted by LucksKind on August 09, 2002 at 11:09:57: Previous Next
...HoW MaNY times have you heard this said???
..What's so bad about a hippie? Drugs?
Aha hahahaha...plenty of shorthairs doing that!
Peace, Love? Hmmmmmm, but doesn't everybody think this
world needs MORE of that?!
OK, so what's the problem? Is there a problem? Yes...
and it's THEIR 'problem.' :p
Re: ..."CaLL YoU a HiPPiE?"
Posted by The Rev on August 09, 2002 at 11:21:06: Previous Next
In Reply to: ..."CaLL YoU a HiPPiE?" posted by LucksKind on August 09, 2002 at 11:09:57:
You've kind lost me. Were YOU called a hippie? By strangers, friends, family? And in what context?
I ask because I cultivate a "sort-of" hippie look, and have never heard anything derogatory about it. In fact, I think when people see a long hair walking down the street, and he looks all "peace and love", they find it relieving. So many longhairs in movies and such are bikers, criminals, and other violent stereotypes.
The Rev
"CaLL YoU a HiPPiE?"
Posted by LucksKind on August 09, 2002 at 12:55:42: Previous Next
In Reply to: Re: ..."CaLL YoU a HiPPiE?" posted by The Rev on August 09, 2002 at 11:21:06:
: You've kind lost me. Were YOU called a hippie? By strangers, friends, family? And in what context? ~The Rev
I was called a 'hippie' only once--and by a FRIEND!
He meant it in a friendly/joking way though.
Hmmmmm...now that you mention it, people do tend to go out of
their way to be nice toward me--even the sales clerks. LoL
Being a Longhair and living in the desert, I would guess that
is a good thing since the hair probably protects the back of your neck from the sun?
Re: "CaLL YoU a HiPPiE?"
Posted by The Rev on August 09, 2002 at 14:41:52: Previous Next
In Reply to: "CaLL YoU a HiPPiE?" posted by LucksKind on August 09, 2002 at 12:55:42:
: Being a Longhair and living in the desert, I would guess that
: is a good thing since the hair probably protects the back of your neck from the sun?
Ha ha :D
Actually, I just end up with a ponytail tan line!
The Rev
Re: ..."CaLL YoU a HiPPiE?"
Posted by Treyn on August 09, 2002 at 12:38:04: Previous Next
In Reply to: ..."CaLL YoU a HiPPiE?" posted by LucksKind on August 09, 2002 at 11:09:57:
What's in a word, huh? I consider it to be a compliment myself. I mean, after all, they are refering to my hair or they wouldn't make the statement in the first place. Peace!
Re: ..."CaLL YoU a HiPPiE?"
Posted by Bill on August 09, 2002 at 13:59:19: Previous Next
In Reply to: ..."CaLL YoU a HiPPiE?" posted by LucksKind on August 09, 2002 at 11:09:57:
: ...HoW MaNY times have you heard this said???
I get called a hippie frequently. It has already happened twice this week actually!
The first time we were watching the Electric Light Parade at Disneyland. One of the Disney characters was greeting lots of the kids along the route, and when he saw me, he threw me a peace sign and a thumbs up! He didn't say anything, but it was really noisy with jingly music and those characters are supposed to mime their communications, not talk, anyway. He did a great job of saying, "Hey hippie!"
The second time was yesterday about noon on a street in Long Beach. Some guys passing by in a car yelled out, "Hey hippie dude!"
I don't mind it at all, and actually I like it. People are going to pigeonhole you, and there are only so many pigeonholes for each "look". For the longhair look, "hippie" is one of the nicest stereotypes as one of the others replying to this thread said. I've found people to be far more comfortable around me when they can pigeonhole me - they don't want to be conflicted about what social group you identify with any more than they want to be conflicted about what sex you are.
On top of that, now that I go with the flow and have the hippie look, some people are major drawn to me. That never happened in my life before!
You've got to look the part though. I was talking with a little Mexican friend about this sort of thing yesterday. He talked about how he can wear different clothes and be taken lots of different ways. One image was to wear saggy clothes and a ball cap on backwards. I couldn't pull off that look at all as a big graying Anglo guy, and he with his short hair couldn't pull off my hippie look.
And I'd say you have to feel the part as well as look it. I came of age in the 60s and 70s and identifying with hippies was easy. I guess to some extent I've always been one. :-)
If you want a longhair look but not be taken as a hippie, there are other looks. If you fall into one of those, you'll get comments about that instead about hippies I suppose. Hey, I see a lot of rockers on here, and there might be a few bikers and American Indians, too!
Other groups, "yuppies" for example, don't celebrate long hair, and if you want to be identified as that, you'll have to be slicking it down or tying it back. I'm talking about groups that flaunt long hair as part of their identity.
Celebrate it long and free!
Re: …CaLL YoU a HiPPiE?…Yes!
Posted by Draco on August 09, 2002 at 14:53:20: Previous Next
In Reply to: Re: ..."CaLL YoU a HiPPiE?" posted by Bill on August 09, 2002 at 13:59:19:
: : ...HoW MaNY times have you heard this said???
: I get called a hippie frequently. It has already happened twice this week actually!
: The first time we were watching the Electric Light Parade at Disneyland. One of the Disney characters was greeting lots of the kids along the route, and when he saw me, he threw me a peace sign and a thumbs up!
I do that, too! This started from my school days back in the 1960's, when the school bus would go up Laurel Canyon to my home on the top of the hill. On the way up, we would pass the Laurel Canyon Country Store, where we would give the peace sign to a bunch of hippies there, just as if we were saluting the flag!
Re: ..."CaLL YoU a HiPPiE?"
Posted by Ron on August 09, 2002 at 16:17:20: Previous Next
In Reply to: ..."CaLL YoU a HiPPiE?" posted by LucksKind on August 09, 2002 at 11:09:57:
: Hi,so what is wrong with being a hippie?
I grew up during the 1960's and found that
I would rather be around hippies as they are
nicer people than a lot of other types
Re: ..."CaLL YoU a HiPPiE?"
Posted by Reflective on August 09, 2002 at 22:31:26: Previous Next
In Reply to: ..."CaLL YoU a HiPPiE?" posted by LucksKind on August 09, 2002 at 11:09:57:
Hmmm... let's reflect on the word "Hippie" for a moment. Originally, back in the 60s, a Hippie was one who was following the current fashion of the day, they were "Hip". Long hair was in. Those who grew it were part of the "in" crowd. They were hip. They were Hippies! The shorthairs were "out" they were called "Squares". I think that it's interesting how the meaning of the word "Hippie" now means much ,but not quite all, of what the word "Square" meant back in the day. Well, I for one couldn't care less if long hair is in or not. It's in for me and that's all that counts!