Re: Style of this board.

Re: Style of this board.
Posted by teknohippy on August 20, 2002 at 07:04:27: Previous Next

Recently there was a discussion relating to the style of this board and it's difference to others that many people use.

I have taken the 10 minutes it takes to set up an example of a board that I often use and really quite like. I would like to see what people think of it. If people like it I don't mind hosting it as my bandwidth is free. As you will see it is on a fast server so there should be no problems there.

Webmaster I have set up a user for you so that you have admin rights, I will email you the details.

Personally I really don't get on with the board as it is with Matt's Script as I prefer the method where recently added to threads appear at the top.

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