Thought I would share

Thought I would share
Posted by Erik on August 24, 2002 at 01:38:14: Previous Next

welll todays the end of the 2 day first week of my new school year, i got lots of comments from teachers and students. Let me start with the good lol. One of my teachers from last year said that she wishes she had my nice blonde hair and that it looks really nie now since i can tuck it behind my ears. Another teacher said that he didnt expect to see my hair so long and that he thought id cutt it for the summer but he said it looks better then last year. Now onto the good comments of students. The greatest comment I got was from this new girl that said she wishes she could have hair as thick and beautiful as mine and said she was jealus that a guy has longer hair then her. Then my friend that i never got in contact said that he thinks that i look alot better with long hair instead of the buzzcutt i use to get before the new school year. And now onto the bad comments, wich i actually like just as much as the good to be honest lol. Two kids i dont know where making fun of me saying that im trying to be a girl. The principal taped me on the shoulder from behind because he thought i was this girl he was looking and told me that i should cutt my hair because it dont work on guys that bastard. one girl told me that she thinks that im a fagget or just a guy trying to be a girl. and then the greatest of them all, the question from the new kid, it was simply "why are you trying to be a girl" but as i said i just like to go along with people, its all funny to me i simply just asked the kid why hes such a conformist, and when he asked what that was i told him i dont even want to be seen with someone that has such low intellegents

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