How much difference does it REALLY make?
Posted by Mantraschism on September 03, 2002 at 19:47:47: Previous Next
As you all know, I'm growing my hair long, and I think it's coming along quite nicely.
Soon (as in this weekend/early next week) I'll be moving to Dallas to live with my brother and to get a good job, as well as the fact that I need a big change. My mom and my grandma both insist that I should cut my hair before moving, because they think that no one will hire me with my hair as it is. Now, I'd hate to cut my hair because of what MAY happen, but I'm sure they have a point. My hair looks nice when I'm not just letting it go (like I am today), and it never looks horrible (IMO); but still, it IS awkward stage hair. My bangs are almost past my bottom lip, and if I wanted to, I could take all of my back hair and put it into a small ponytail (which would really just be pointless), but you get the idea. It's 'getting there', and I'd hate to cut it; but I need a job badly. Is it REALLY that hard to find a job that allows longish/long hair? I've explained time and again to my mother why I don't wish to cut it at all, and she understands, but the fact remains that most people don't. So what should I do? I would hate to sell myself, but I gotta have a job. Is it really that hard to find a job with longish hair, and I mean a good job? I'd appreciate any help. Thanks. =]
Dont cut it!
Posted by chris on September 03, 2002 at 20:24:09: Previous Next
In Reply to: How much difference does it REALLY make? posted by Mantraschism on September 03, 2002 at 19:47:47:
Leave it as it is, and congrats on moving to dallas, that is where I am - I have just this past year been bounced out of the computer (Information Technology / programming / database ) because of a bunch of reasons, im bored with it and dont want to keep learning new languages and I wouldnt conform to corporate professionalisim. Im retraining for two years to get into being an x-ray tech - medical seems to let your appearance be less of an issue, I was keeping my head skin shaved and wearing earrings, that hacked the corporate guys off, now im gonna go the other way and grow it long, its not going to matter too much because its hard to get a decent job now anyways how things have changed, growing long hair is a small, but rewarding comfort to me in this world thats gone to heck since 2000 lol stick with it and look for a job that will allow it. Im just now starting to grow mine from a buzz, it will be a year or more before im where you are at
Re: How much difference does it REALLY make?
Posted by HairGarden on September 03, 2002 at 23:12:23: Previous Next
In Reply to: How much difference does it REALLY make? posted by Mantraschism on September 03, 2002 at 19:47:47:
Maybe you ought to feel things out there before you need in cutting before you get there. This may not mean squat for your situation or particular location, but every time I flip past the VH1 country channel, it seems that the hairstyles are getting longer. Maybe they grow hair longer in the part of Texas where you are moving to.
Do NOT cut!
Posted by Rokker on September 04, 2002 at 08:37:04: Previous Next
In Reply to: How much difference does it REALLY make? posted by Mantraschism on September 03, 2002 at 19:47:47:
I had a friend who was up for a great job. Had the interview scheduled and all was set.
He cut his long ((halfway down his back) hair to more of a shoulder length cut. Think Bon Jovi/ Johnny Rzeznik kind of cut.
He gets the job. On his first day, he is shown his cubicle and his cubicle mate is....a longhair! A guy with hair to his waist.
The moral of the story here is don't cut it. Period. I will never cut my hair. I believe in the saying, "remain independent of any source of income that will deprive you of your freedom and personal liberties."
Re: Do NOT cut!
Posted by Angela on September 04, 2002 at 12:32:22: Previous Next
In Reply to: Do NOT cut! posted by Rokker on September 04, 2002 at 08:37:04:
Poor see it is NOT always the long hair wich you make believe not getting a job, it can be anything. As I said it is to easy to blame it on the hair.
Re: How much difference does it REALLY make?
Posted by mudtallica on September 04, 2002 at 09:30:48: Previous Next
In Reply to: How much difference does it REALLY make? posted by Mantraschism on September 03, 2002 at 19:47:47:
I can't speak for every employer in the world. I can't even speak for another person, but I CAN tell you this: I was a career firefighter for 21 years, (I got on when I was 18, and I've had long hair for that entire time. It was the topic of conversation many times, especially when I was applying and interviewing for the job. But I presented myself in a professional manner, offered intelligent answers to questions and NEVER became arrogant or defensive about it. I showed people I can do my job in a way that produces positive results. I also showed I can compromise, and ALWAYS kept it pulled back in a pony tail when I was at the firehouse, whether on duty or not. Additionally, my fire department runs an ambulance service, and I've never had a complaint from any patient I've transported about my hair! I also work part time for a private ambulance service, and I've had no complaints there either! Occasional comments, sure. But never a complaint.
I am "retired" from the F.D. now, but still active in the fire service as an instructor. Recently, I've become the 2nd vice president of the state firefighters instructors association. (I've only been a member of this association for less than a year!) The length of my hair has NEVER even been questioned. Again, I'm showing people professionalism and results.
So, I think it's more a matter of HOW you present yourself and not so much what you look like. I realized long ago that long hair is very much a part of who I am, and it is WAY more important to be true to myself and to be happy with who I am than it is to be someone I'm not just to make someone else happy. Follow what's in your heart and do what you know is right for you, not everyone else. If people can't accept you for who and what you are, maybe you're hanging around the wrong people!
Re: How much difference does it REALLY make?
Posted by Angela on September 04, 2002 at 12:25:15: Previous Next
In Reply to: Re: How much difference does it REALLY make? posted by mudtallica on September 04, 2002 at 09:30:48:
"I realized long ago that long hair is very much a part of who I am, and it is WAY more important to be true to myself and to be happy with who I am than it is to be someone I'm not just to make someone else happy."
It is the same with me, I am speaking as a woman but my long hair is a very important part of me and I would be totally sad if it would be short so I understand this totally, I guess men feel in the same way.
It is MOST important to be true to yourself and not just do what others tell you to do, you may fit in then but your are sad.
People are to much used to it seeing men with short hair, now we have to make them used to it that men also love to have long hair!!
Re: How much difference does it REALLY make?
Posted by The Rev on September 04, 2002 at 09:46:22: Previous Next
In Reply to: How much difference does it REALLY make? posted by Mantraschism on September 03, 2002 at 19:47:47:
The bottom line here is, you don't know if it will matter or not. Some companyies will have a problem, some won't. The only important one is the one that hires you, and you can't know how they feel until you go in and ask for a job.
My advice? Try to get a job there as you are, with your hair. Be professional (as advised before) and be yourself as well. If you find after many interviews that you can't get the job you want with long hair, then think about cutting it. But for now, as long as the issue is still a question mark, don't do anything to your hair.
The Rev
Re: How much difference does it REALLY make?
Posted by Angela on September 04, 2002 at 12:12:50: Previous Next
In Reply to: How much difference does it REALLY make? posted by Mantraschism on September 03, 2002 at 19:47:47:
It almost sounds like as you never can get a job with long hair. I think it is to easy to blame it on the hair unless they tell you it is because of your long hair. If your hair is important for you just try to find a job with your long hair and if that is going to be to hard (what I think is a shame) you have to think about what to do then....still I think long hair or not, it can't make that huge difference...