Posted by SPEEDRACER on September 04, 2002 at 10:05:43: Previous Next
I am new to the site...and stumbled across this site by searching for "jobs / long hair". I have had long hair since the age of 16...I am now 34. I am almost ashamed to say that I have a kind of "mullett" style...not so much a true mullett but pretty close to it. If I had to pick a celebrity I would say that I am a red-headed version of Andre Agassi...back when he was famous for his hair...and back when he had hair. Yes, I am an avid tennis player as well. I am very pleased to have found your site! I am in the process of letting my hair grow out long all over - through the wishes of my wife. I am extremely interested in hearing from others out there as to what you guys do for a living...I graduated from college in 1991 with a BBA degree in Marketing, and have been doing the normal "office type" work for the past 10 years now...however, this is getting very old and I am looking for a new start. My trouble is that all work to be done outside of the office environment for the most part doesn't require a college education and it often times seems to come with a label attached...people tend to look down their noses at you...not to mention with work outdoors there is often times weekend work to be done...which is not up my tree at all. However, not matter what the situation is - my hair will NEVER be cut...I refuse to conform! I don't judge others by their appearance - so why should they judge those of us with long hair?! If this is not the proper forum for "job questions", then I do apologize - but I do indeed thank you for this site...and have very much enjoyed reading the comments thus far. Thanks again.
Posted by Angela on September 04, 2002 at 11:43:48: Previous Next
In Reply to: THANK YOU posted by SPEEDRACER on September 04, 2002 at 10:05:43:
Don't be ashamed to have a "mullet" style, I don't know what is wrong with it exept outdated. I also like that hairstyle LOL
"However, not matter what the situation is - my hair will NEVER be cut...I refuse to conform! I don't judge others by their appearance - so why should they judge those of us with long hair?!"
I am proud of you that you refuese to conform!! It is nothing wrong with long hair, I also do not judge others by their appearance, how they look like is their individualty, no one should conform just to fit in.
Posted by j.s. on September 04, 2002 at 14:20:49: Previous Next
In Reply to: THANK YOU posted by SPEEDRACER on September 04, 2002 at 10:05:43:
i'm as blue collar as they come... manufacturing; die press operater. i've run printing & cutting presses for cardboard, custom picture framed, been a warehouse superviser... all with longer hair. no grief yet.
Posted by LucksKind on September 04, 2002 at 14:39:49: Previous Next
In Reply to: THANK YOU posted by SPEEDRACER on September 04, 2002 at 10:05:43:
...Great! Stick by your decisions.
....People who want to give you a hard time...
..already have their 'issues' STUCK IN their heads. What
can you do about that, anyway?
Posted by Robert on September 04, 2002 at 15:51:40: Previous Next
In Reply to: THANK YOU posted by SPEEDRACER on September 04, 2002 at 10:05:43:
Welcome! I am a teacher. I teach Latin to teenagers. My hair is shoulder-blade length, and I began growing my hair out about 6 months before I did interviews for the new job. I was right in the middle of the awkward stage when I interviewed! Nevertheless. The adults around me either like my hair or keep quiet. The kids think it's cool. I am, btw, 42,and October will make 2 years.
: I am new to the site...and stumbled across this site by searching for "jobs / long hair". I have had long hair since the age of 16...I am now 34. I am almost ashamed to say that I have a kind of "mullett" style...not so much a true mullett but pretty close to it. If I had to pick a celebrity I would say that I am a red-headed version of Andre Agassi...back when he was famous for his hair...and back when he had hair. Yes, I am an avid tennis player as well. I am very pleased to have found your site! I am in the process of letting my hair grow out long all over - through the wishes of my wife. I am extremely interested in hearing from others out there as to what you guys do for a living...I graduated from college in 1991 with a BBA degree in Marketing, and have been doing the normal "office type" work for the past 10 years now...however, this is getting very old and I am looking for a new start. My trouble is that all work to be done outside of the office environment for the most part doesn't require a college education and it often times seems to come with a label attached...people tend to look down their noses at you...not to mention with work outdoors there is often times weekend work to be done...which is not up my tree at all. However, not matter what the situation is - my hair will NEVER be cut...I refuse to conform! I don't judge others by their appearance - so why should they judge those of us with long hair?! If this is not the proper forum for "job questions", then I do apologize - but I do indeed thank you for this site...and have very much enjoyed reading the comments thus far. Thanks again.
Posted by FITMUS on September 04, 2002 at 18:23:13: Previous Next
In Reply to: THANK YOU posted by SPEEDRACER on September 04, 2002 at 10:05:43:
...this post brings back memories from when I first started posting here a few months ago. I found this site much the same way you did: out of a concern for wanting my hair to grow out, but not knowing how my coworkers/employers would perceive me. Like you, I'm in my 30's (I just turned 30); like you I graduated in the 90's with a business degree (1995--BS in Management). I had the "feathered" long hair in the 80's (geesh, remember that! haha!) and then I had all one length a few years ago but decided to cut it for a few reasons. I'm currently a law student and I'm a 2-monther. I wrote in much the same type of question as you and heard responses from an attorney, a doctor and a teacher. I also got some advice (and I wish I remembered who said it on this board) that it's how you carry yourself that matters. My fears were not necessarily put to rest, but let's just say that my courage and conviction went through the roof from the support received on this board. Go for for it! Welcome to the board, where you'll always be amongst friends!
Posted by LucksKind on September 04, 2002 at 19:12:45: Previous Next
In Reply to: Ahhhhh... posted by FITMUS on September 04, 2002 at 18:23:13:
Welcome to the board, where you'll always be amongst friends!
....Nice reply, FITMUS! You summed it up in a nutshell.
Re: Ahhhhh...
Posted by SPEEDRACER on September 05, 2002 at 10:01:29: Previous Next
In Reply to: Ahhhhh... posted by FITMUS on September 04, 2002 at 18:23:13:
I agree..."How you carry yourself" is the key. Although, I have had long hair for almost 18 years now, I still come across that awkward situation every now and then. I have even felt shameful a few times, but you just have to say, "Hey, this is it or leave it". Believe it or not - my Mother will still let a comment slip at least once a month about my hair..."Hello, I am 34 years old and I've had long hair since the age of should be used to it by now?!" Mother's are funny like that though. To all of you "youngsters" out there...Mother will always love you no matter how long your hair know, "unconditional love". They will complain from time to time (I know from experience) but eventually they'll get used to it. Thanks again for making me feel welcome! If there are any more mid 30's college grads out there who are thinking of letting their hair grow out, or who are like me...already have long hair and refuse to conform...I would like to hear from you.
Re: Ahhhhh...
Posted by slacker on September 05, 2002 at 21:39:05: Previous Next
In Reply to: Re: Ahhhhh... posted by SPEEDRACER on September 05, 2002 at 10:01:29:
: I agree..."How you carry yourself" is the key. Although, I have had long hair for almost 18 years now, I still come across that awkward situation every now and then. I have even felt shameful a few times, but you just have to say, "Hey, this is it or leave it". Believe it or not - my Mother will still let a comment slip at least once a month about my hair..."Hello, I am 34 years old and I've had long hair since the age of should be used to it by now?!" Mother's are funny like that though. To all of you "youngsters" out there...Mother will always love you no matter how long your hair know, "unconditional love". They will complain from time to time (I know from experience) but eventually they'll get used to it. Thanks again for making me feel welcome! If there are any more mid 30's college grads out there who are thinking of letting their hair grow out, or who are like me...already have long hair and refuse to conform...I would like to hear from you.
What sort of things does your mother say?
"when you gonna get that cut" could be negative, or just her joking, even if you dont appreciate the joke.
"your hair is getting long" is probably neutral
"it looks fine" can be good, or she doesn't personally like it but thinks its ok.
Like, I don't personally care for girls who have long, one length hair except for short bangs that they comb down. But if it was at least cut well and correctly, even if I don't like the style, then I gotta say it looks fine...Where do I get off saying what style looks good and what doesn't?
A buzz cut is only ugly if the barber missed a spot. If he didn't, then you just don't like the style.
Re: Ahhhhh...
Posted by SPEEDRACER on September 06, 2002 at 09:24:54: Previous Next
In Reply to: Re: Ahhhhh... posted by slacker on September 05, 2002 at 21:39:05:
Mother - I usually will get a mixed bag of comments from her...and depending on my mood she will usually get a mixed bag of reactions from me. I would say that, for the most part, they are just harmless little comments...but my wife has told me several times that my Mother has made comments to her while I am not around. My wife's response is, "That's who he is so you better get used to it...besides I like his long hair...and personally I would hate for him to ever get it cut." What a beautiful wife I have!!! Anyway, like I had said in my last entry...a mother's love is unconditional - so I am really not worried about this "tug of war" mother and I have been having - for almost half my life now - about the length of my fact, it's kind of fun at times. Back in the '80's when the glam-metal scene was all over the place I would point out things to my mother...In other words, she thought Jon Bon Jovi, Brett Michaels of Poison, etc. were all good looking men...Mother, look real closely at these guys..."THEY ALL HAVE LONG HAIR?!" That's how I have fun with my mother.
Re: Ahhhhh...
Posted by slacker on September 06, 2002 at 23:48:18: Previous Next
In Reply to: Re: Ahhhhh... posted by SPEEDRACER on September 06, 2002 at 09:24:54:
: Mother - I usually will get a mixed bag of comments from her...and depending on my mood she will usually get a mixed bag of reactions from me. I would say that, for the most part, they are just harmless little comments...but my wife has told me several times that my Mother has made comments to her while I am not around. My wife's response is, "That's who he is so you better get used to it...besides I like his long hair...and personally I would hate for him to ever get it cut." What a beautiful wife I have!!! Anyway, like I had said in my last entry...a mother's love is unconditional - so I am really not worried about this "tug of war" mother and I have been having - for almost half my life now - about the length of my fact, it's kind of fun at times. Back in the '80's when the glam-metal scene was all over the place I would point out things to my mother...In other words, she thought Jon Bon Jovi, Brett Michaels of Poison, etc. were all good looking men...Mother, look real closely at these guys..."THEY ALL HAVE LONG HAIR?!" That's how I have fun with my mother.
If you don't mind me asking, how old are ya?
Re: Ahhhhh...
Posted by SPEEDRACER on September 09, 2002 at 14:24:05: Previous Next
In Reply to: Re: Ahhhhh... posted by slacker on September 06, 2002 at 23:48:18:
: If you don't mind me asking, how old are ya?
I don't mind you asking at all...I am 34 years old. What's your story? Has mother given you a hard time? Thanks.
Re: Ahhhhh...
Posted by SPEEDRACER on September 09, 2002 at 14:24:24: Previous Next
In Reply to: Re: Ahhhhh... posted by slacker on September 06, 2002 at 23:48:18:
: If you don't mind me asking, how old are ya?
I don't mind you asking at all...I am 34 years old. What's your story? Has mother given you a hard time? Thanks.
Re: Ahhhhh...
Posted by slacker on September 11, 2002 at 19:27:42: Previous Next
In Reply to: Re: Ahhhhh... posted by SPEEDRACER on September 09, 2002 at 14:24:24:
: : If you don't mind me asking, how old are ya?
: I don't mind you asking at all...I am 34 years old. What's your story? Has mother given you a hard time? Thanks.
Your mother sounds a little overbearing, if you are 34.
My mother asks if I am going to get a haircut soon, when I don't get one for a few months, but me being 19, I expect it. She wouldn't ever make me cut it, and I wouldn't cut my hair for someone else, anyway, so it works out good.
Usually when she asks, I actually was about ready to get one in a week or two. So I end up not irritating her, anyway.
Hey Nate - Read this...
Posted by SPEEDRACER on September 10, 2002 at 16:09:07: Previous Next
In Reply to: Re: Ahhhhh... posted by SPEEDRACER on September 06, 2002 at 09:24:54:
: Mother - I usually will get a mixed bag of comments from her...and depending on my mood she will usually get a mixed bag of reactions from me. I would say that, for the most part, they are just harmless little comments...but my wife has told me several times that my Mother has made comments to her while I am not around. My wife's response is, "That's who he is so you better get used to it...besides I like his long hair...and personally I would hate for him to ever get it cut." What a beautiful wife I have!!! Anyway, like I had said in my last entry...a mother's love is unconditional - so I am really not worried about this "tug of war" mother and I have been having - for almost half my life now - about the length of my fact, it's kind of fun at times. Back in the '80's when the glam-metal scene was all over the place I would point out things to my mother...In other words, she thought Jon Bon Jovi, Brett Michaels of Poison, etc. were all good looking men...Mother, look real closely at these guys..."THEY ALL HAVE LONG HAIR?!" That's how I have fun with my mother.