Cant upload pics
Posted by SixStringThing on September 11, 2002 at 14:47:57: Previous Next
Why can't I upload pictures? I know the webmaster said it was going to be down for a while but I see other people posting pics and im wondering how they are doing it.
Re: Cant upload pics
Posted by Chris on September 11, 2002 at 17:07:12: Previous Next
In Reply to: Cant upload pics posted by SixStringThing on September 11, 2002 at 14:47:57:
: Why can't I upload pictures? I know the webmaster said it was going to be down for a while but I see other people posting pics and im wondering how they are doing it.
I don't know. I can't either.
Here's how we do it...
Posted by Treyn on September 11, 2002 at 18:01:21: Previous Next
In Reply to: Cant upload pics posted by SixStringThing on September 11, 2002 at 14:47:57:
The way everyone else, including myself, are showing pics is by HTML tagging. We are pretty much routing or refering you to the image from another web source by doing this. This is kinda hard to explain when someone doesn't quiet understand, but here it goes:
O.K., say there is a certain image that resides on a certain web-site page that you are interested in sharing with us. The image thus resides on a web server somewhere. The web page has a URL in the location bar as with all web pages. The certain picture you see on that page has a file name and file type (.BMP, .GIF, .JPG, etc) Now, you will have to know the file name and type to do this. My site for example:
Now this is the main URL for my site/page.
This is an image file that resides on my site.
Now we put these two together like this:
Listen closely now. What you see above is slightly incomplete. Right before http you put a " mark. Right after jpg you put a " mark. The reason I left it incomplete is because if I made it whole it would show my image and not the text. So below I will add the "'s and you will see my image:
A way you can find what an image file name is is by right clicking it and clicking "save as" and it will show you what the image file name is.
Now that I have totally confused the living hell out of you, GOOD LUCK! And remember, KEEP IT LONG, RIGHT OR WRONG, BABY!!!!!
Sorry, it screwed up, as usual...
Posted by Treyn on September 11, 2002 at 18:03:49: Previous Next
In Reply to: Here's how we do it... posted by Treyn on September 11, 2002 at 18:01:21:
Posted by RedRocker on September 13, 2002 at 23:53:33: Previous Next
In Reply to: Sorry, it screwed up, as usual... posted by Treyn on September 11, 2002 at 18:03:49:
...IT!! DON'T put yourself down! You didn't screw up "as usual". We all make mistakes in life -- no one is perfect!!
I'm only posting this because I used to think this way. I had little (if any) confidence and VERY low self esteem.
I did have ONE thing to be confident about. I started learning electronics at a very young age (about 12 years old). I didn't know what I was doing at first; but as I got older I stayed with it and eventually became an electronics technician. I didn't plan it. It just sort of came to be.
I got a job at a TV/VCR (etc.) repair shop when I was 16. I had never worked on these things before, but I knew how to troubleshoot (most projects I've tried DON'T work straight from books or kits). I always had to try and fix them (sometimes unsuccessfully).
When I was learning electronics, I "fried" many parts -- at first. Eventually, I learned enough to know what I was doing wrong and became a damn good tech (even if I say so myself). It's not just that I claim to be "a good tech"; it's that I've proven it to myself and others. I always took on the most difficult repair jobs. Eventually, I was ALWAYS given the hardest repairs -- ones that others had given up on -- or simply didn't know enough theory to fix (experience helps a lot too).
The whole time I was doing this I studied and worked with computers as well as electronics. I guess I've always just had a fascination with how things work. So today, I repair computers (build as well) in addition to repairing electronics. I've repaired everything from satellite recievers to arcade game machines [I used to have Tempest -- which I loved].
Despite the fact that I know a lot and sometimes design circuitry, there is always more to learn. NO ONE knows everything, but I am constantly learning and perfecting my art.
Anyway, in a nutshell, I guess I'm trying to say that everyone has something they have a "natural" affinity for and will probably do better than most people. I just hate to hear people put themselves down.
I don't know what you do (or your age, etc.); but don't say things like that. It's very defeating. I wanted to give up -a lot- when I started out.
Like I said, you didn't screw up -- you simply made a minor mistake. Hell, it took me a few tries to get the pix post thing right, and I used to program computers (don't really have the time these days). There's just some much to remember.....
Anyway, take care.
Re: Here's how we do it…
Posted by STALKER on September 11, 2002 at 21:42:54: Previous Next
In Reply to: Here's how we do it... posted by Treyn on September 11, 2002 at 18:01:21:
: cap_001.jpg
: Now we put these two together like this:
: Listen closely now. What you see above is slightly incomplete. Right before http you put a " mark. Right after jpg you put a " mark. The reason I left it incomplete is because if I made it whole it would show my image and not the text.
Hey, you don't need the quote marks; it will show the image without them!
New to me...
Posted by Treyn on September 11, 2002 at 21:48:51: Previous Next
In Reply to: Re: Here's how we do it… posted by STALKER on September 11, 2002 at 21:42:54:
I wasn't aware of this fact untill after I did it. Surprised the crap out of me. It is hard to explain this kind of thing to someone. Kind of a hands on thing I guess. Like a computer, click and learn, huh!
Here's how we do it...
Posted by Treyn on September 11, 2002 at 18:01:40: Previous Next
In Reply to: Cant upload pics posted by SixStringThing on September 11, 2002 at 14:47:57:
The way everyone else, including myself, are showing pics is by HTML tagging. We are pretty much routing or refering you to the image from another web source by doing this. This is kinda hard to explain when someone doesn't quiet understand, but here it goes:
O.K., say there is a certain image that resides on a certain web-site page that you are interested in sharing with us. The image thus resides on a web server somewhere. The web page has a URL in the location bar as with all web pages. The certain picture you see on that page has a file name and file type (.BMP, .GIF, .JPG, etc) Now, you will have to know the file name and type to do this. My site for example:
Now this is the main URL for my site/page.
This is an image file that resides on my site.
Now we put these two together like this:
Listen closely now. What you see above is slightly incomplete. Right before http you put a " mark. Right after jpg you put a " mark. The reason I left it incomplete is because if I made it whole it would show my image and not the text. So below I will add the "'s and you will see my image:
A way you can find what an image file name is is by right clicking it and clicking "save as" and it will show you what the image file name is.
Now that I have totally confused the living hell out of you, GOOD LUCK! And remember, KEEP IT LONG, RIGHT OR WRONG, BABY!!!!!
Re: Here's how we do it...
Posted by slacker on September 11, 2002 at 18:41:20: Previous Next
In Reply to: Here's how we do it... posted by Treyn on September 11, 2002 at 18:01:40:
: The way everyone else, including myself, are showing pics is by HTML tagging. We are pretty much routing or refering you to the image from another web source by doing this. This is kinda hard to explain when someone doesn't quiet understand, but here it goes:
: O.K., say there is a certain image that resides on a certain web-site page that you are interested in sharing with us. The image thus resides on a web server somewhere. The web page has a URL in the location bar as with all web pages. The certain picture you see on that page has a file name and file type (.BMP, .GIF, .JPG, etc) Now, you will have to know the file name and type to do this. My site for example:
: Now this is the main URL for my site/page.
: cap_001.jpg
: This is an image file that resides on my site.
: Now we put these two together like this:
: Listen closely now. What you see above is slightly incomplete. Right before http you put a " mark. Right after jpg you put a " mark. The reason I left it incomplete is because if I made it whole it would show my image and not the text. So below I will add the "'s and you will see my image:
: A way you can find what an image file name is is by right clicking it and clicking "save as" and it will show you what the image file name is.
: Now that I have totally confused the living hell out of you, GOOD LUCK! And remember, KEEP IT LONG, RIGHT OR WRONG, BABY!!!!!
I already know how to posts pics, and you totally confused the living hell out of me, haha. =)
Re: Here's how I do it…
Posted by STALKER on September 11, 2002 at 21:59:09: Previous Next
In Reply to: Re: Here's how we do it... posted by slacker on September 11, 2002 at 18:41:20:
: : The way everyone else, including myself, are showing pics is by HTML tagging. We are pretty much routing or refering you to the image from another web source by doing this. This is kinda hard to explain when someone doesn't quiet understand, but here it goes:
: : O.K., say there is a certain image that resides on a certain web-site page that you are interested in sharing with us. The image thus resides on a web server somewhere. The web page has a URL in the location bar as with all web pages. The certain picture you see on that page has a file name and file type (.BMP, .GIF, .JPG, etc) Now, you will have to know the file name and type to do this. My site for example:
: :
: : Now this is the main URL for my site/page.
: : cap_001.jpg
: : This is an image file that resides on my site.
: : Now we put these two together like this:
: : A way you can find what an image file name is is by right clicking it and clicking "save as" and it will show you what the image file name is.
: : Now that I have totally confused the living hell out of you, GOOD LUCK! And remember, KEEP IT LONG, RIGHT OR WRONG, BABY!!!!!
: I already know how to posts pics, and you totally confused the living hell out of me, haha. =)
You use the Optional Image URL like this: If you would like to include a picture with your message, enter the URL for the picture here.
It will look like
uploading pics not necessary
Posted by LucksKind on September 11, 2002 at 18:36:55: Previous Next
In Reply to: Cant upload pics posted by SixStringThing on September 11, 2002 at 14:47:57:
...If you have your own website or something like an online photo album...
....just put your URL in between <.img..src.= "yourURL".>
...REMOVE ALL the dots...
...make sure there is a space between img + src...
Re: uploading pics not necessary
Posted by j.s. on September 11, 2002 at 18:50:53: Previous Next
In Reply to: uploading pics not necessary posted by LucksKind on September 11, 2002 at 18:36:55:
i have a self pic posted, its URL is
the html code to display it on this board will look like this:
<img src="">
very nice...
Posted by LucksKind on September 11, 2002 at 20:42:14: Previous Next
In Reply to: Re: uploading pics not necessary posted by j.s. on September 11, 2002 at 18:50:53:
...I had to copy and paste to see it...
....very impressive!
Posted by j.s. on September 12, 2002 at 04:16:41: Previous Next
In Reply to: very nice... posted by LucksKind on September 11, 2002 at 20:42:14:
you shouldn't need to paste it... i posted the html version of '<' and '>'... the picture should have appeared in your (quoted) response as the code showed up in the text response area of my post
Re: uploading pics not necessary
Posted by Victor on September 11, 2002 at 22:08:33: Previous Next
In Reply to: uploading pics not necessary posted by LucksKind on September 11, 2002 at 18:36:55:
: ...REMOVE ALL the dots...
Speaking of all the dots, what is it with all the elipses that you put in all your posts? Certainly, it gives your posts a little character. I can always tell which ones are yours. OTOH, I actually do find it hard sometimes to distinguish quotes from your comments. I know the dots go in a different direction, but when you're skimming quickly, it's easy to confuse.
... just my own opinion ....
Posted by HisHair2000 on September 11, 2002 at 22:47:17: Previous Next
In Reply to: Cant upload pics posted by SixStringThing on September 11, 2002 at 14:47:57:
C'mon, Victor fix the problem so we can upload the old way! Many people do not have any web space to link to! And, unless you are fairly web-savvy it is a little hard for novices to do. Finally, the old way offered privacy--you could offer your images without fear that someone could track you down via the link you used. Maybe your boss? Not being paranoid here but the old way offered a comfortable level of official anonymity. Please fix it, Victor!!