Hair grows too slow!!!

Hair grows too slow!!!
Posted by Chris on September 15, 2002 at 16:03:23: Previous Next

... but I guess it makes us appreciate it that much more, huh? Still, when you're growing your hair out from a COMPLETELY shaved head it can feel like forever. I'm 5 months along the way and my hair is still very short. It does extend past my eyebrows though when stretched and the back is starting to look kinda long. When I think about having my hair long it makes me really excited... I don't feel like me with short hair. Ahhh! Well, just venting... thanks for listening. Hey, could someone tell me how to post a pic? I don't have my pictures anywhere on the web... does anyone know where a good place would be to put them up, so I can post them on here? Thanks!


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