Son's hair
Posted by Lisa on September 22, 2002 at 13:01:51: Previous Next
This is a really neat board. I'm so glad I found about it. I'm divorced now, but my ex had really long hair which I just loved. I have two sons, 7 & 9. They both have long hair. My 7 year old has never had his cut except for trims. His braid is 28 inches long, way below his waist. My older son's hair is @ mid back. I want to get his hair as long as his brothers. Of course they both get teased a lot, but they are OK with it. Are there any other mom's out there with boys with long hair? I would love to hear from you
Re: Son's hair
Posted by Santiago on September 22, 2002 at 20:09:21: Previous Next
In Reply to: Son's hair posted by Lisa on September 22, 2002 at 13:01:51:
Don't you want to go back 15 years and be my mother?
I love mothers like you, thank you for your love for long hair.
Re: Son's hair
Posted by tommy turbo on September 22, 2002 at 23:19:01: Previous Next
In Reply to: Son's hair posted by Lisa on September 22, 2002 at 13:01:51:
You sound like a really cool mom, mine is ok, I am sure she probably doesn't like it, but she doesn't give me a hard time or anything.
I hope that there are more moms like you out there. So many parents seem to make their kids misserable insisting that they be something they aren't.
Good luck, hope your boys don't give up. I had to battle my dad to let me grow it out when I was growing up, but since I lived with mom, eventually it worked out. I honestly haven't had too many problems from other kids, but at 24 I have with bosses.
If I can do one thing, I am telling you explain to them as they get older not to be allowed to be forced or coersed into cutting it for work, or school, ect. That is what happened to me where I work two years ago, and I am still bitter over it. Make sure they understand that if they are persistant and work hard they can make it with long hair.
Re: Son's hair
Posted by Dan on September 23, 2002 at 00:03:16: Previous Next
In Reply to: Son's hair posted by Lisa on September 22, 2002 at 13:01:51:
:would love to see some pictures of the boys
Re: Son's hair
Posted by IndianBoy on September 23, 2002 at 02:45:56: Previous Next
In Reply to: Son's hair posted by Lisa on September 22, 2002 at 13:01:51:
thts excellent
i wish u could have been my mom
how about posting some pics of your son
: Hi,
: This is a really neat board. I'm so glad I found about it. I'm divorced now, but my ex had really long hair which I just loved. I have two sons, 7 & 9. They both have long hair. My 7 year old has never had his cut except for trims. His braid is 28 inches long, way below his waist. My older son's hair is @ mid back. I want to get his hair as long as his brothers. Of course they both get teased a lot, but they are OK with it. Are there any other mom's out there with boys with long hair? I would love to hear from you
Re: Son's hair
Posted by 4everlong on September 23, 2002 at 09:09:31: Previous Next
In Reply to: Son's hair posted by Lisa on September 22, 2002 at 13:01:51:
: Hi,
: This is a really neat board. I'm so glad I found about it. I'm divorced now, but my ex had really long hair which I just loved. I have two sons, 7 & 9. They both have long hair. My 7 year old has never had his cut except for trims. His braid is 28 inches long, way below his waist. My older son's hair is @ mid back. I want to get his hair as long as his brothers. Of course they both get teased a lot, but they are OK with it. Are there any other mom's out there with boys with long hair? I would love to hear from you
You're the coolest Mom in the whole wide world!!!!! I share the same feelings others have: I wish I had a Mom like you!!!
Posted by Simone on September 30, 2002 at 14:01:28: Previous Next
In Reply to: Re: Son's hair posted by 4everlong on September 23, 2002 at 09:09:31:
: You're the coolest Mom in the whole wide world!!!!!
I bet HE isn't even a SHE!!! I smell a troll here...
Re: Son's hair
Posted by Julie on September 23, 2002 at 17:56:25: Previous Next
In Reply to: Son's hair posted by Lisa on September 22, 2002 at 13:01:51:
Hi Lisa,
I would like to talk to you about this!
Re: Son's hair
Posted by Todd on September 24, 2002 at 18:15:53: Previous Next
In Reply to: Son's hair posted by Lisa on September 22, 2002 at 13:01:51:
No one ever believes the claims about young sons with waist length hair that crop up here from time to time. Usually its just someone who gets their jollies by typing stuff like that.
Snap a quick picture of them, from behind (we don't need to see their faces), and post it here so we can believe your claim. After all, "seeing is believing".
Re: Son's hair
Posted by Rudy on September 25, 2002 at 05:08:33: Previous Next
In Reply to: Re: Son's hair posted by Todd on September 24, 2002 at 18:15:53:
:"seeing is believing".
I wonder, given some of the replies to posts including pics here.
Re: Son's hair
Posted by Hair Religion on September 25, 2002 at 16:10:14: Previous Next
In Reply to: Re: Son's hair posted by Todd on September 24, 2002 at 18:15:53:
Ya, holy hit-and-run poster. Did anyone hear more from her? (notice there is no email address)
I don't really get what kind of jollies people get from spare posts like that, it seems like there are about 1000 other ways to get better jollies.
I want to believe it
Posted by Santiago on September 25, 2002 at 20:14:51: Previous Next
In Reply to: Son's hair posted by Lisa on September 22, 2002 at 13:01:51:
I don't know if it is true or false, a lot of people don't like to post their addresses publicly because of spammers.
I once heard ignorance is bliss. I have no idea whether its true, but the idea is so good that I want to believe it. And I envy those kids even if they don't exist. Who cares, maybe lisa doesn't have kids with ultra long hair, but I'm sure some other women do.
my bs detector went off
Posted by j.s. on September 26, 2002 at 08:11:17: Previous Next
In Reply to: Son's hair posted by Lisa on September 22, 2002 at 13:01:51:
i'm an average height adult male and my tail is 23 inches from hair tie to the very end- it just reaches my waist when tied. unless you "7-year-old" is unusually tall- WAY taller than the average 7-year-old-- a 28 inch braid will be closer to the floor than his waist. a first or second grader whose 28 inch braid is described in reference to waist length as opposed to floor length is not going to get teased.
assuming that this is true and you not just jerking our collective chains- i am concerned about some of your wording... YOU want your older son's hair to reach a longer length... what about what HE wants? you like your ex's hair so you are modeling your sons' hair after his? what if either son wishes to (*gasp*) get a short cut like his classmates? what then? they get teased alot but they are ok with it? are you sure they are ok with it? better set aside some of that college money for counseling- they'll need it.
Posted by Danielle on October 01, 2002 at 01:24:20: Previous Next
In Reply to: my bs detector went off posted by j.s. on September 26, 2002 at 08:11:17:
Why is it so hard to believe a young boy can have long hair? I've watched this board ridicule people, and possibly kids who are legitimate in their claims. I've finally decided to speek up. My husband and I started coming to this board since it's inception (thanks Victor!), and we decided then that if we had a boy, we'd let his hair grow long (unless of course it grew out "nappy" or anything but nice and straight). It's been 5 years now, and scissors have yet to touch his hair (though I want to even out the length soon).
But why do you guys want pictures? It never is good enough for you all. I've seen one person post a picture of their son here, who had really long hair, but he wore a cap. I made a bet with my husband that someone would reply with "why don't you take his cap off and take a pic? how do we know it's really long hair and not a wig?" And sure enough, someone did. Later, a mother who had THREE kids, all of which had beautiful long hair, and she took pics and posted. Well, to "break even" on our bet, my husband "bet" me and said that someone would reply with "that's great! now how about pictures of the front?" And sure enough, ditto. I've joined the "mom's with boy's with long hair" clubs on yahoo, but all that is, is a bunch of male pervs who want to see little boys with long hair. I've chatted with "women" who say they have boys with long hair, only so desperate for me to provide more and more pics of my son's hair, and I have YET to see theirs. I drew the line when I was asked to provide pics of me slicking his hair back for an olive oil treatment(it's great for hair guys and gals), and shampooing it. Never again. I left that club. And now...well, we knew this would happen.
It's really long now, and I don't plan on cutting it, unless of course he asks, then it will go without question. He really enjoys BRAIDS. I'm glad, because he looks nice in them, but since he's so young, tends to look much feminine.
This will be my first, and last post here. Until someone can accept the fact that it is very possible for a parent to allow their child to wear their hair long, and not DEMAND proof (or just pictures to add in their little boy collection), I won't return.
: i'm an average height adult male and my tail is 23 inches from hair tie to the very end- it just reaches my waist when tied. unless you "7-year-old" is unusually tall- WAY taller than the average 7-year-old-- a 28 inch braid will be closer to the floor than his waist. a first or second grader whose 28 inch braid is described in reference to waist length as opposed to floor length is not going to get teased.
: assuming that this is true and you not just jerking our collective chains- i am concerned about some of your wording... YOU want your older son's hair to reach a longer length... what about what HE wants? you like your ex's hair so you are modeling your sons' hair after his? what if either son wishes to (*gasp*) get a short cut like his classmates? what then? they get teased alot but they are ok with it? are you sure they are ok with it? better set aside some of that college money for counseling- they'll need it.
Posted by j.s. on October 02, 2002 at 06:23:34: Previous Next
In Reply to: Why? posted by Danielle on October 01, 2002 at 01:24:20: just doesn't add up. i do not care to see a photo or anything else- i do not require proof... but the post just didn't ring true- if you actually read my response you'd know why i have reservations with "lisa's" message. it's not that i find it so hard to believe that a young boy would have long hair- i've seen enough longhaired kids to know they exist... beyond describing hair length out of proportion for a 7-year-old, she posts that she wants his brother's hair to be just as long- SHE wants his hair longer? what about him? it's his hair, his image, not hers. maybe her next post will be that she wants to dress him up in girls clothing... or maybe she's trying to create little replicas of her ex-husband. whatever the case, IF the post is factual, then it suggests that the author has issues best aired out with a psychiatrist and NOT on the WWWeb.
while i think it's good to have this board as a support for long haired men & boys, but i don't think it is a forum for unhealthy parenting practices.
Posted by j.s. on October 02, 2002 at 08:12:39: Previous Next
In Reply to: because... posted by j.s. on October 02, 2002 at 06:23:34:
ASSUMING that the post is genuine the LAST thing i would recommend is posting pictures of the boys on the internet- with issues like a split up or divorce and mom imposing her own personal hair preferences on them- no less unhealthy than holding them down and forcing a haircut.
Re: You already know why.
Posted by Hair Religion on October 02, 2002 at 14:40:04: Previous Next
In Reply to: Why? posted by Danielle on October 01, 2002 at 01:24:20:
Don't do the "first-&-last-hit-&-run-post" thing please.
I haven't seen people on this board ridicule people who post here about their hair. This is a bogus "charge" against people on this board. If someone is going to post a picture then it should be decent enough to show what they are talking about so any pic that is really bad and doesn't show their hair is subject to comments or requests for a better one.
I think that the constant requests for pics has something to do with fetishes with a few guys on this board so that may help you to understand the constant requests. Others want to know who they are talking to or about.
I remember a guy asking what kind of sunglasses we liked and how we thought he would look with those on with his "several inch long" hair and no pic to show. Huh?
The fact that you knew that the poor picture would get comments isn't proof that this board is too critical but rather shows that you yourself recognize a picture that doesn't properly illustrate the subject at hand. Don't bash this board for noticing the same thing that you did.
There are fake posts placed here and after awhile you get pretty adept at recognizing them. Take this lady's post, did she ever follow up or answer questions or actually chat with anyone like she said she wanted to? Someone below mentioned growth rate inaccuracies. Hit and run posts are the problem here and the internet makes it easy for disingenuous claims to be is just typed letters on a screen. If someone doesn't care to show pics of kids (I don't think they should), then why go on a board and gush about them?
fantasy disguised
Posted by j.s. on October 02, 2002 at 18:38:57: Previous Next
In Reply to: Re: You already know why. posted by Hair Religion on October 02, 2002 at 14:40:04:
my guess is that 'lisa' is one of those male 'pervs' who drove danielle away from the yahoo club- danielle was so incensed by my skepticism that she didn't realize it.
after having posted how glad 'she' was at finding this really neat board 'she never followed up with any responses to any of the 'you're such a great mom' posts. what 'she' was undoubtedly trying to do was gull a well-intentioned mom like danielle into believing 'her' and then doing things one would only consider after establishing a level of trust. by now my bs detector has blown a fuse.