Anyone like the "clean" look?

Anyone like the "clean" look?
Posted by SixStringThing on October 14, 2002 at 13:38:55: Previous Next

I know alot of people here like long beards too but does anyone like the clean-shaved look? I do. I still have a goatee from when I had short hair but as soon as my hair hits the 1 1/2 year mark or around there I'm going to shave that off. Maybe if I had blonde hair I would leave it, I feel it looks better on blonde people. I don't know, the black hair, long black beard... just looks dirty to me, just my opinion though. I know most people here are't exactly dying to conform to societys standards as far as looks go but I still want to look presentable, the people i see with long hair combined with the huge beard usually look really dirty, but once again thats only my opinion and it's probably based on the fact that that is what i have seen growing up. But anyone else here like the long hair w/no beard combo?

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