Reasons to grow hair...

Reasons to grow hair...
Posted by The Rev on October 22, 2002 at 13:26:41: Previous Next

People will often ask you, "Why are you growing your hair long?" If you're like me, you're tired of explaining it, so I have prepared a list of alternative responses you can use to keep from getting bored:

1) I'm on haircut strike, and refuse to cut my hair until a lasting world peace is reached.

2) I live in a tower and am hard up for a date.

3) I'm not, it's just doing it whether I like it or not.

4) Isn't it supposed to grow? (Look sincerely confused by the question)

5) It's part of the Thomas Jefferson look I'm going for

6) I don't want people mistaking me for you.

7) My head was cold.

8) I don't know. (Kinda leaves em with nothing to say)

9) Oh my GOD!! It was short this morning!! (Then run away in a panic)

10) Your wife said I should. BTW, you're out of condoms.

The Rev

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