strangest responses to your hair

strangest responses to your hair
Posted by tommy turbo on October 22, 2002 at 21:46:24: Previous Next

So what are the strangest responses you all have had with your hair?
Last night I was in the store and this lady just walked up and said "can I touch your hair"? I said no, but she said "well I am gonna touch it anyway" and did.

I don't mind close people I know touching it, but strangers, Yuck!

When I lived in Georgia, I had butt length hair, I had people come running up to me on the street fast out of no where, kinda scary, asking to touch or buy it. I guess to make wiggs.

I also used to walk to places alot, and would have people go buy in cars and make cat calls at me, both women and some emberased men(after recognizing) have done that.

So what about all of you?

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