strangest responses to your hair
Posted by tommy turbo on October 22, 2002 at 21:46:24: Previous Next
So what are the strangest responses you all have had with your hair?
Last night I was in the store and this lady just walked up and said "can I touch your hair"? I said no, but she said "well I am gonna touch it anyway" and did.
I don't mind close people I know touching it, but strangers, Yuck!
When I lived in Georgia, I had butt length hair, I had people come running up to me on the street fast out of no where, kinda scary, asking to touch or buy it. I guess to make wiggs.
I also used to walk to places alot, and would have people go buy in cars and make cat calls at me, both women and some emberased men(after recognizing) have done that.
So what about all of you?
Re: strangest responses to your hair
Posted by The Rev on October 22, 2002 at 23:12:51: Previous Next
In Reply to: strangest responses to your hair posted by tommy turbo on October 22, 2002 at 21:46:24:
I'm a fairly big guy. Most people, not knowing me, assume I have some propensity toward violence, so they don't mess with me. Actually, I haven't raised a hand in anger since grade school. Amazing how little people need to know before they think they know everything about you.
The worst thing I've had to deal with is family members pulling my ponytail. They think it's funny, but it's irritating.
The Rev
Re: strangest responses to your hair
Posted by Bill on October 23, 2002 at 02:21:20: Previous Next
In Reply to: strangest responses to your hair posted by tommy turbo on October 22, 2002 at 21:46:24:
: So what are the strangest responses you all have had with your hair?
I used to mind the attention from all these people. Then at some point I realized that all of them like me, so I should just celebrate it! Now I just enjoy the encounter, and then they do too. The secret is to keep contact brief. They are all living fantasies and their fun ends if I should shatter them.
Getting feedback that people like me sure beats the opposite, which would be overhearing them say to a friend, "Look at that ugly troll." So I don't mind it when people show they like me, at all!
What people don't want to do often is touch or play with my hair. Well, I suspect that guy tonight would have, soon enough. :-)
Great post!...
Posted by LucksKind on October 23, 2002 at 09:17:02: Previous Next
In Reply to: Re: strangest responses to your hair posted by Bill on October 23, 2002 at 02:21:20:
...Thanx for sharing!!
Re: strangest responses to your hair
Posted by Longhaired cowboy on October 24, 2002 at 13:05:11: Previous Next
In Reply to: Re: strangest responses to your hair posted by Bill on October 23, 2002 at 02:21:20:
I have had the same thing happen to me-Pictures taken, offer of drugs, and sex. Because I live in Texas and always dress as a cowboy-skin tight wranglers, hugh rodeo belt buckle, cowboy boots and hat people assume i a some sort of C & W singer and have evern asked my for my authgraph-- I have fun with it.
Re: strangest responses
Posted by Hair Religion on October 24, 2002 at 15:23:05: Previous Next
In Reply to: strangest responses to your hair posted by tommy turbo on October 22, 2002 at 21:46:24:
The strangest responses are the simple, common responses.
Things like:
"Why do you have such long hair?"
"Doesn't that bother you after awhile?"
"When are you going to get that cut?"
These are all...hmmmm, for a lack of a better word...STUPID (and strange) questions.
The person asking could answer their own question if they took say 3 seconds to think about it first.
Possible response:
"Because I want to have it long (obivously)."
"No, if it bothered me then I probably wouldn't have it long like it is."
"Why do you assume that I am going to get it cut?"
They really needed me to tell them that!