Good Long Hair and Bad Long Hair
Posted by Anonymous on October 31, 2002 at 14:10:56: Previous Next
I have to get something off my chest. Not all long hair is good guys. If you're one of those longhairs that lets it go unwashed for more than 48 hours at a time, this is a practice which must be stopped. No-one likes greasy-looking hair.
Haircuts. If you're a longhair and you don't get it styled, start doing so. Long hair that just kind of comes to a nasty split-end point in the middle of your back doesn't look good. A professional hair cut will make it look so much better, trust me.
All women seem to have nice hair: soft, clean, shiny, stylish. This is because they care for their hair, and also because they've been doing it since a very young age. Take influence from the opposite sex when it comes to having long hair - they obviously have more experience than you.
So am I alone on this one? Or does everyone on this board have hair like I just described? (judging from some pictures i've seen, there's at least a few here....)
Re: Good Long Hair and Bad Long Hair
Posted by Cloud on October 31, 2002 at 15:07:20: Previous Next
In Reply to: Good Long Hair and Bad Long Hair posted by Anonymous on October 31, 2002 at 14:10:56:
Ever notice how the vast majority of long haired men have much more hair then women? Since Men have larger skulls than women, and arguably larger hair follicles, this means a greater volume and density of hair. As such, it can get messy really easily even if you care for it, it may still look unkept. For women, there's much less thickness and it's easier to care for and manage.
Re: Good Long Hair and Bad Long Hair
Posted by SixStringThing on October 31, 2002 at 15:29:01: Previous Next
In Reply to: Good Long Hair and Bad Long Hair posted by Anonymous on October 31, 2002 at 14:10:56:
: I have to get something off my chest. Not all long hair is good guys. If you're one of those longhairs that lets it go unwashed for more than 48 hours at a time, this is a practice which must be stopped. No-one likes greasy-looking hair.
Not true. First off, although I don't, some people may actually like the greasy hair look(did you actually ask EVERYONE) Second, I know people that can go about three days without washing their hair and it still looks dry.
: Haircuts. If you're a longhair and you don't get it styled, start doing so. Long hair that just kind of comes to a nasty split-end point in the middle of your back doesn't look good. A professional hair cut will make it look so much better, trust me.
True, when you get to your desired lenght trims are good. But other than that genetics plays a major role in how nice your hair looks. I know a few guys who just have long hair for the look and know nothing about caring for it yet they have really nice, silky looking hair. I know this one guy that takes really good care of his hair and it's a frizzy mess.
: All women seem to have nice hair: soft, clean, shiny, stylish. This is because they care for their hair, and also because they've been doing it since a very young age. Take influence from the opposite sex when it comes to having long hair - they obviously have more experience than you.
Most women do seem to have really nice hair. This is because they spend hours working on it and put tons of products to get it to look that good. Take influence from women on hair?... have you seen the way some of them brush their hair??? OUCH!
: So am I alone on this one? Or does everyone on this board have hair like I just described? (judging from some pictures i've seen, there's at least a few here....)
My hair is a bit frizzy but I take very good care of it (it's genetics b/c everyone on my dads side of my family has hair like this) I'm not going to get trims just for the hell of it when I have no split ends and I'm not going to use a bunch of products to cover up how my hair naturally looks (if someone doesn't like it, to bad)
Re: Good Long Hair and Bad Long Hair
Posted by Cactus Jack on October 31, 2002 at 17:03:39: Previous Next
In Reply to: Good Long Hair and Bad Long Hair posted by Anonymous on October 31, 2002 at 14:10:56:
hmm, i've went almost a year without any trims and not a single split end
also wash it every day otherwise my scalp gets EXTREMLY itchy and its not dry, don't use any products either because i can't stand the feel of gel or hairspray or anything
Posted by Mick on October 31, 2002 at 20:12:48: Previous Next
In Reply to: Good Long Hair and Bad Long Hair posted by Anonymous on October 31, 2002 at 14:10:56:
I agree! I've said similar things in the past on these boards.
Some men want long hair JUST to have long hair. Many men do not care if it looks good or not. In fact. for some reason, I think some of the men here would think that nice, long hair is a kind of feminine.
I personally want long, NICE hair. Not just long hair. If my hair can not look good long, then I don't want it. I want hair that people will say, "look at that beautiful, healthy, well-care-for hair!". Not just, "his hair is long....".
I think this is how long haired men in general get a bad reputation. Many people think of long haired men as people with long, unhealthy hair." Some men seem to think that long hair always looks good, no matter what. They are sadly mistaken.......
My hair is about 27" (measured from the hairline) and I've had trims at least every 10 weeks the entire time. And yes, my hair still progressed in length (I been growing it 2 years now). I get many compliments on it.
For the sake of all men, please take care of your hair!!
Re: Good Long Hair and Bad Long Hair
Posted by The Rev on October 31, 2002 at 21:30:32: Previous Next
In Reply to: Good Long Hair and Bad Long Hair posted by Anonymous on October 31, 2002 at 14:10:56:
If you're going to post to this board just to criticize, at least have the self-respect to post as SOMEONE. Using the alias "Anonymous" tells me you know that you're likely to anger some of the people who frequent here.
BTW, I don't remember a single post on this board that has praised dirty, greasy hair. I don't remember a single post that praised not taking care of one's hair, ignoring split ends, or not caring about one's appearance. Yet you feel the need to "get it off your chest" as though this whole board is about something BESIDES looking your best as a man with long hair!
Now, I have some advice for you: Get Lost! We "got it" long before you came along with your passive agressive variety of "help."
The Rev
Posted by Rokker on November 01, 2002 at 08:14:41: Previous Next
In Reply to: Re: Good Long Hair and Bad Long Hair posted by The Rev on October 31, 2002 at 21:30:32:
: Now, I have some advice for you: Get Lost! We "got it" long before you came along with your passive agressive variety of "help."
There is no need for a "48 hour rule". The entire post was condescending and mean-spirited. My hunch is he's a wannabe longhair with a jealous streak.
Re: Good Long Hair and Bad Long Hair
Posted by Baldie the Eagle on November 01, 2002 at 00:28:54: Previous Next
In Reply to: Good Long Hair and Bad Long Hair posted by Anonymous on October 31, 2002 at 14:10:56:
You've certainly made some forceful comments, and some valid points, but not everybody would agree with you.
Obviously, long hair should look nice, but exactly how we go about making it look nice is something each of us has to work out for ourselves. Some people need to wash their hair more often than others, some people get a lot of split ends, others don't. Some people's hair looks fantastic when it is natural (ie allowed to grow without being atyled). With both man and women, there is awesome long hair and awful long hair. True, you don't often see women with dirty hair, although there are a few. You do see quite a lot of women with hair which would be beautiful if they didn't spend so much time ruining it by doing unnecessary things to it. It's my theory that a lot of women like long hair on men because as a rule long haired men have more 'natural' hair.
Even if we don't all agree with you, thank you for giving us some food for thought. If you have long hair yourself, or decide to grow yours, we'll be here to help and encourage you along the way.
Re: Good Long Hair and Bad Long Hair
Posted by me on November 01, 2002 at 16:43:35: Previous Next
In Reply to: Good Long Hair and Bad Long Hair posted by Anonymous on October 31, 2002 at 14:10:56:
you are right i just got a trim this week after allmost a year and i didnt even have split ends and my hair looks so much better its all even now and it tangles less too.......
Re: ani-mouse
Posted by Hair Religion on November 02, 2002 at 14:23:38: Previous Next
In Reply to: Good Long Hair and Bad Long Hair posted by Anonymous on October 31, 2002 at 14:10:56:
>>All women seem to have nice hair: soft, clean, shiny, stylish. This is because they care for their hair, and also because they've been doing it since a very young age. Take influence from the opposite sex when it comes to having long hair - they obviously have more experience than you.
Well, here on planet Earth many if not most women do not have soft, clean, shiny, stylish hair. Most seem to have short, overworked hair (fried) in pretty much the same styles that everyone else has (or no style at all). If you can't see this just by looking around you then you it becomes clear when women come up to you and inform you how much they would prefer to have your hair.
Most women don't know jack about hair. Take my housemate who washes her hair but doesn't use conditioner because she wants more volume. The women making comments about your hair usually have done everything they can to hurt their hair and when you learn this then you recognize it all around you.