just started

just started
Posted by A on November 03, 2002 at 17:26:58: Previous Next

My usual hair style has always been having the top trimmed with a #4 clipper and having the sides and back done with a #2 because my hair is so thick and curly it's just easier to take care of that way. I finally decided I was sick of short hair. I'm not sure long hair would look good on me but I'll never know till I try it. I have been letting my hair grow out for about 3 or 4 months now. I did have the back and sideburns trimmed hoping that the top will catch up a bit. I'm not sure my goal is extremely long hair but maybe as long as my chin the entire way around. My bangs do reach my eyebrows if I pull them down but once I let go they go right back up into a curl. The top and back is wavy, but not as curly as my bangs. Seems like it's taking forever. The wait is driving me nuts. Anyway, on to my question. I work in a factory and washing my hair daily is a must. I wash it before work just so I can style it (avoiding the BOZO the clown look) and then I wash it after work because my job isn't very clean. Is this too damaging to hair to think about letting it grow long? Should I reconsider having long hair? Any tips are appreciated. Thanks...

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