Are most longhairs homosexual?

Are most longhairs homosexual?
Posted by Giggm on November 08, 2002 at 15:23:07: Previous Next

I know that sounds like a severely bad question. But I am curious.

I am not homosexual, I have some friends that deeply are. I don't mind it at all. But from many of the posts I am reading... I get some sense of many of the posters here being homosexual in nature.

Again, I don't mind this at all. It might simply make me rethink my own desire for long hair. I have been growing for around one year now with some trims. I wear it pulled back most often and try and pull off the eccentric wealthy guy look.

I hope no one takes offense to this. As I said, its just a question.

If your'e gay, your'e gay. No sense being ashamed or vindictive of my question.

Thanks :)

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