A Strange Observation

A Strange Observation
Posted by JamesH on November 17, 2002 at 20:26:09: Previous Next

Okay, as a prelude to my message, I must caution sensative readers that I mean no racial disrespect or insensitivity by the following statement:

I've noticed that there are now a lot more African American males with long hair... I'm not sure whether this can be attributed to the likes of Allen Irvenson (NBA) and Booker T (WWE) bringing long hair to the mainstream for blacks, but in any case, its nice to see an increased acceptance for long hair.

Why did I make a point to mention this? Well, I don't know if this is just relative to my experience, but I've seldom EVER seen an African-American male in the awkward stage of growing his hair out: It usually seems to be that they either have their heads very closely shaved or they've got the polar opposite, usually in the form of long braids or dreadlocks. I do not mean to suggest that blacks never have to endure the awkward stage; rather, I'm just commenting on the fact that while its not uncommon for me to see white boys with unruly hair due to growing through the awkward stage, I very rarely see a black male suffering the same symptoms. It's as though they've either got it (long hair), or they don't: There seems to be little grey-area, as if African Amcerican males can just grow out their hair at a rate fast enough to forego the awkward stage. Then again, blacks are a minority in America, and the long-haired male blacks are even more of a minority, so the results really shouldn't be surprising.

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