It's GONE!

It's GONE!
Posted by Goodwin on April 06, 2003 at 21:43:44: Previous Next

You may remember that I posted that I was going to have my head shaved for charity. Well, it didn't happen that night, but it did finally happen on April Fools Day.

I raised over 3600 dollars to have my head shaved for charity, including 700 in the last half hour. When the time came, 60 people cheered me on as they watched 2 and a half feet of hair come off my head, carefully laid aside for Locks of Love. I even went so far as to make the first cut myself; with a trembling hand, I held the clippers to the front of my hand and buzzed off the long hair at the front, which I used to brush back to cover my balding scalp. with just a few swipes, 2 foot long strands came off easily to reveal what I would have looked like in a few years if I kept the hair. I have to say that the bald top with long sides looked stupid, so I was glad to feel those clippers buzzing off the rest. I also decided to let them take off my bushy beard so to make a completely clean start. In a matter of 2 minutes, it was over. Years of growth were gone in 2 minute. I was left with only eyebrows. I went home and looked in the mirror to survey the damage. They left patches of beard and missed a spot behind my left ear, so I took my beard trimmer and sheared off those last long strands. I then applied shaving lather to my face and head and shaved myself clean.

The result? I absolutely love it. I'm sorry it took me so long to do it. So I guess I wasn't a true longhair at heart. It's also weird looking in the mirror and seeing no hair or beard but a really hairy chest. I also noticed that I have sprouted a lot of back hair, something I never noticed before. Also, the 20 extra pounds I've put on in the past year are more noticeable to me now. So, despite being, furry, and bald, I'm getting a lot of attention from females who want to rub my head. Maybe I'll get back to the gym, then have my back and chest shaved. The other fun part was walking into work yesterday and today and watching jaws drop and eyes pop. Oh, and everyone seems to enjoy rubbing my rub; I can't say I don't enjoy it.

I'm going to keep my head shaved for a while, but I think I'll grow a goatee to go with it. So, here's where we part company guys. I can't see me ever having long hair again. It was fun for a while, but now this is a new me, and I'm motivated to get in shape and move up in my life. Thanks to all who encouraged me to follow my heart. And for that Hair Religion guy: I read your advice, but I didn't take it. I can see how someone who loves their hair to the point of making a false idol of it and forming a religion around it would be against any organization that had anything to do with haircutting, but 2 charities benefitted from my headshaving, and that is a feeling far more satisfying than I ever could imagine if I'd kept my hair. Who knows, I may meet the woman of my dreams looking like this now, and my entire destiny could changed. You never know.

Thanks again, guys, and goodbye and good luck.

Bald and Happy,

BALDwin (formerly Goodwin--actually, that is my real name, so I guess I can't really change it.)

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