2 new things.. LOREAL VIVE

2 new things.. LOREAL VIVE
Posted by Sid on September 15, 2003 at 17:23:50: Previous Next

Alright folks... the time has finally came. I finally got out and bought some of the loreal vive smooth intense Shamp and Conditioner. Today I just rinsed my hair with water rather than washing it so we'll see how that goes when I really do wash it tomorrow. Anyway, I had a few questions/comments for those of you who would know...

1) For all you VIVE users out there, how's it been holding up with the test of time? Still tha same great results? No buildup or anything yet?

2) I gotta admit, in this humid weather here it was gettin to be too much to deal with so I trimmed it down to about 3 inches. I know, I know, it's a sin, please dont hold it against me. The question is, should I start using vive now or wait until I hit the akward stage?

Well I am getting anxious to try this out! Depending on how well this works may make or break my ambition to be a long hair. We'll see how it goes, and thanks for the advice!

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