When going to sleep..
Posted by Efelios on September 16, 2003 at 01:21:07: Previous Next
is good to make a ponytail when going to sleep? or not? and wot kinda things do u do for not damaging ur hair while sleeping? thanks
Re: When going to sleep..
Posted by Robert on September 16, 2003 at 05:02:56: Previous Next
In Reply to: When going to sleep.. posted by Efelios on September 16, 2003 at 01:21:07:
The only thing I do at bed time is to brush my hair out and make sure there are no tangles in it. My hair is mid-back length. I don't have many concerns about damaging it at night. I sleep on my sides, and I make sure my hair is out "behind me" so to speak. When I roll over, I have to toss it behind me there, too. When I wake up, it's it pretty much the same shape as when I went to sleep.
: is good to make a ponytail when going to sleep? or not? and wot kinda things do u do for not damaging ur hair while sleeping? thanks
Re: When going to sleep..
Posted by Mary C. on September 16, 2003 at 07:49:19: Previous Next
In Reply to: When going to sleep.. posted by Efelios on September 16, 2003 at 01:21:07:
: is good to make a ponytail when going to sleep? or not? and wot kinda things do u do for not damaging ur hair while sleeping? thanks
Using a satin pillowcase to reduce friction on your hair is a good idea. They are available at stores like Bed, Bath, and Beyond, or one can be made from inexpensive washable satin purchased at the fabric store.
Re: When going to sleep..
Posted by LucksKind on September 16, 2003 at 10:46:29: Previous Next
In Reply to: When going to sleep.. posted by Efelios on September 16, 2003 at 01:21:07:
I keep my hair in a loose tail while sleeping...
and haven't noticed any damage.
Re: When going to sleep..
Posted by Stephen on September 16, 2003 at 15:04:22: Previous Next
In Reply to: When going to sleep.. posted by Efelios on September 16, 2003 at 01:21:07:
I always braid my hair for sleeping. It keeps it from tangling. My hair is mid-back length.
: is good to make a ponytail when going to sleep? or not? and wot kinda things do u do for not damaging ur hair while sleeping? thanks
Re: When going to sleep..
Posted by Ria on September 16, 2003 at 16:22:13: Previous Next
In Reply to: When going to sleep.. posted by Efelios on September 16, 2003 at 01:21:07:
Personally, while I find that sleeping certainly can mess up hair, I don't think it causes much in the way of real damage.....not in the same way as chemical treatments (perms, colours etc) or heat (blow dryers, irons etc) can do.
If a loose ponytail or braid makes things easier next morning...Go for it!
Re: When going to sleep..
Posted by Victor on September 16, 2003 at 23:35:59: Previous Next
In Reply to: When going to sleep.. posted by Efelios on September 16, 2003 at 01:21:07:
: is good to make a ponytail when going to sleep? or not? and wot kinda things do u do for not damaging ur hair while sleeping? thanks
I usually leave mine loose, but I sometimes braid it loosely or wrap it around my neck. Actually, I have more problems with my beard than with my hair. If I'm taking a nap during the day, I'll sometimes gently wrap my hair over my eyes. It shuts out the light but allows me to still breath (unlike covering my head with a pillow).
When seeing a boring movie, if the seatbacks are sharp and uncomfortable, I will take my hair and wrap it into a bun. I'll then lean back on it and possibly sleep through the rest of the movie.
When driving on long trips, it can be useful to use the hair as guy wires, holdin the head up thus preventing collisions due to driver falling asleep (JUST KIDDING!!! Don't try this at home). Actually, though, hair can have this function. Perhaps it is better used at church (although look out for drool). If the hair is long enough to sit on or at least lean back on, first tilt your head slightly forward. Then sit and lean back. If you leaned your head just right, you will not nod off because your hair will be supporting your head.