If one should cut his hair real short...

If one should cut his hair real short...
Posted by thunderstruck67 on September 16, 2003 at 00:55:16: Previous Next

..and takes better care of it as it grows, can it grow out differently than previous attempts? This is my second year long attempt at growing it out, and I'm again almost ready to deem it a failure. It grows so slowly and is very dry and dull looking.

It looks exactly like Guitar Guys hair, only not quite as long...the back is so curly. The only time I can make it look good, is if I wear gel or something after a shower on damp hair, and then putting on a hat or a bandanna. After about 2-4 hours, I can take off the hat or bandanna and use my fingers to kind of comb it out. It looks alright, but its been growing since September (from 1.5 inch) and it's not really that long yet.

Chris (who is almost ready to go Stone Cold Steve Austin style)

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