Need hair advice

Need hair advice
Posted by Aries on September 29, 2003 at 18:47:10: Previous Next

Well, my hair is definately not growing back the way I want since I last had it cut. It's been a month since my last cut but the lower back hair strands were cut shorter than the top and sides and it just makes it look a bit top heavy or too moppy on top or something like that. I have bascially thich and wavy hair and it just doesn't feel or look right. It also makes it seem too thin right in front where my hairline is.
I'm going to a different salon this week and was wondering what I should say to the stylist to help it grow back better? Should I tell her that I just want enough cut off the longer strands on the top and sides to become closer to the lenght of the shorter strands in the lower back and trim the split ends on the shorter hairs so it will all blend in better?

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