Bad hair week

Bad hair week
Posted by RonaldMcDonaldHair on September 30, 2003 at 16:44:54: Previous Next

Bah! I'm having a really bad hair week and its taking almost everything I've got to stop me from just hacking it all off. My hair is 4inches long now and it is becoming more and more disobedient. It wont sit flat anymore and the gum i use to style it is not holding so well anymore. Its not curly, just very slightly wavy so therefore I get a few random areas where it seems to lump out compared to the rest. I know it'll look good and be exactly what I want if I stick with it, but as you all know it can be really hard at times. Also being in the UK I cannot get your fabled MELTing gel so I think I'm gonna perhaps have to wear a beanie everyday (coz baseball caps make the hair below the rim curl up round it and puff out!
Bah sorry I'm ranting... but at least i'm not reaching for the clippers

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