lookin our best? hair worth the trouble?

lookin our best? hair worth the trouble?
Posted by Jeff on October 07, 2003 at 13:59:04: Previous Next

Hey all, first off let me say that I think this board is awesome, I've enjoyed lurking here for some time, checking out people's progress pics, and reading all the various discussions that have popped up. Really cool board!

Anyway, to my questions:

Can we still "look our best" with long hair? One of my friends is giving me hell because I want to grow my hair out. He says that I need to "look my best", which I guess means make myself as attractive as possible, for the benefit of others. By this I think he means wear my hair really short, with gel and spikes and all that nonsense. He consideres that the most attractive style for a guy. He says it is selfish of me to want to deviate from what is the status quo of maximum attractiveness. Doesn't that sound silly?

So what do you think? Is it selfish of me to deviate from the styles and standards that are the norm? Is it wrong of me to not look as attractive as I possibly could? Wow this all sounds really narcissistic but he has been really laying it on me with these types of comments so I am really starting to wonder if he has a point...

And my second question -- is long hair worth the trouble? By that I mean, the upkeep and maintenance... You see, I have been used to the really short haircuts which you just shampoo and you're done - no combing, no thought even! I don't like to spend a lot of time on my personal hygiene, beyond what is necessary to be clean. and I am already starting to have to spend more time making my hair look somewhat presentable as I enter the awkward stage (6 months growth all around). So I am wondering if I will have to modify my lifestyle in order to look even marginally presentable.

I guess a better question is -- what do you all think is a reasonable amount of time to devote to your hair and appearance? How long do you all spend on those sorts of things each day?

Well thanks for your thoughts, y'all, I look forward to reading what you have to think on these matters.


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