Why are maintenance trims evil?

Why are maintenance trims evil?
Posted by Sorted on October 25, 2003 at 09:49:36: Previous Next

A couple of days ago I posted as to weather I should get a maintenance trim or not and the overwhelming response was NO!

True to the form of any wannabe longhair I completely ignored the advice of my peers regarding my hair and went along and got a trim ;-)

There seems to be a great deal of skepticism about getting trims, yet every stylist I have ever spoken to will encourage anyone to get a trim every 8-12 weeks whilst growing out, And every 12-16 weeks for people who already have really long hair? Do we honestly believe they are just trying to keep themselves in a job or is there something more to it?

I asked my stylist about this and it seems to be that they can offer a very good argument on many levels for getting regular trims here's a list of reasons she came up with:

1) Damaged ends, (OK unless you've got chemical damage or bad brushing technique, split ends only seem to naturally occur after 6-12 months plus good conditioning seems to prevent it anyway, not much of a case for 3 monthly trims.)

2) Confidence - How many people hate their hair when its in the arkward stage and give up growing - not everyone has the benefit of a support community like this so regular trims can inspire confidence and help wannabe longhairs become longhairs. (Good reason.)

3) Style - I guarantee neatly styled hair with go far with the women or men you are trying to attract or impress regardless of its length.
Travis Fimmel (see http://the-light.com/mens/messages/55683.html) will not ever be passed over at a job interview becasue he has long hair.

4) It seems to work - all the girls I know with great looking long hair get trims every 3-4 months. They seem to know what they're doing their hair looks great.

5) My stylist acknowledged that she doesn't always heed her own advice because she doesn't trust anyone she works with to cut her hair. (Apparently going to another salon is a sackable offence.) She had gone 6 months and commented that her ends looked like a dog had chewed them... I didn't like to agree with her but she was right!

6) It balances out in the long run anyway. Sooner or later most people even their hair out so it all falls to one length, why not do that gradually and maintain style rather than take 6 inches off your hair after 2 years of agonising growing? (Its the length on top which ultimately has to grow right?)

Apologies for the long post but I had to get all this down and I though it was worth typing, your thoughts?

- Sorted -

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