my (trying) to get long hair experience

my (trying) to get long hair experience
Posted by chris on November 12, 2003 at 14:51:18: Previous Next

hi, (im male) when i was in playschool up to the beginning of infant i had always had long hair (shoulder length) Then i got it cut, i had it short from junior school to secondary school. In year 7 i wasn't really into the long hair thing, when i moved into year 8 i saw some boys with long hair and i liked it, i was a skater like most of my mates, most skaters have long hair but none of my close mates did. I wanted long hair like other boys so i decided to grow it. I was currently going through puberty at the time and my hair got very thick and wavey at the back. I grew it for about 5-6 months and got ALOT of discrimination from "townies" (u know the meat heads in the school) "get a hair cut" "u ever heard of a hairdresser?" "long haired freak" , so as you can imagine i was kinda annoyed, i was always self-consious about my hair when it was like that, i spent 30mins doing it in the morning, it was at a stage when i had it over my ears, just below the ear-lobes and those sides stuck out so i had like 2 pom poms on each ear, people said i looked stupid, and i knew i did, but i really wanted to get past this stage and just get shoulder length hair! after about 6months i decided to cut it, i couldn't put up with all the harrassment, this was at the beginning of year 9 when i got it cut, and i've regretted it ever since, I am now half way through year 9 and have kept it short. I tried to ignore people, but it's very hard. And it didn't help that my hair was wavey and thick, i just wanted it to be shoulder length, shiney and straight. Please give me some advice on what to do because i REALLY want to try and grow it long again. Thanks.

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