Work story...

Work story...
Posted by Treyn on November 12, 2003 at 18:15:45: Previous Next

Hey all,
Thought I would share this little bit:

I was at work today close to the ending of the work day and me and four other work mates were standing around in the service managers office shootin' the breeze. Now the service manager and two of the other three guys are the ones who razz me most about my hair from time to time, all just in fun though. The service manager looked at me and asked, "What do you think the chances are of you sitting right here in this chair and letting me cut your hair?" to which I replied, "That surely ain't happenin'!" Then one of the other guys produced a box-knife cutter and said to the another, "You got the door held? We're havin' us a hair cuttin'!"

Now they were only joking around, but what kept running through my mind was if they had jokingly wrestled me around and acted as if they were going to slice at my hair (these guys would never intentionally do it) and accidentally got too close and cut some off anyway, ruining the length in one spot. So I kinda backed my way out of the office so I would have a chance to run if they wanted get a little rough. None of those guys could catch me anyway. Especially the one who had the box-knife. He weighs about 320 lbs, where I weigh only 180 lbs. Peace!

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