? for Clarko and a little news
Posted by HappyPuppy on November 14, 2003 at 00:36:18: Previous Next
Just wondering how your situation turned out. I recall you were having doubts about keeping your hair. How'd that end up? I haven't been on in a pretty long while, so it's quite possible you've already posted on this, and I missed it. Either way, I'm too lazy to check.
As for me, my situation kinda ties in here. I was doubting, much in the same way Clarko was. And tomorrow, everything comes to a head. That's right, people, it's the big choppy-choppy for me. I've decided that, for me, the benefits of having shorter hair outweigh the benefits of having it longer.
I already know I look better with short hair, but there were a few things keeping me from taking the plunge.
First off, it's just more convenient being able to tie my hair back, and not worry about it the rest of the day. That was pretty much the main reason for me keeping my hair, which harkens back to me being lazy.
Secondly, I've put almost a year and a half into growing it, and I didn't want to think the akward stage had been in vain.
But the downsides to my hair were really starting to get to me. As I've already stated, it didn't look very good on me, in my opinion. My hair was too curly to wear loose without having first tied it back and letting it dry and straighten. And even after it had straightened from being pulled back all day, it was still really poofy and just big all around. I looked like a lion, or, as my brother's friend seems so fond of reminding me, Michael Jackson.
I was also getting really annoyed with hair getting in my face all the time, especially when I was working out. Struggling to hold a barbell over my head while at the same time being too stubborn to ask for a spotter, is not the greatest time to have my hair tickling my nose.
Sleeping also proved to be rather tricky, as I found myself constantly tucking the hairs against my neck underneath the back of my head, and sleeping on a lump of my own hair.
Of course short hair has its disadvantages as well. One of the big reasons I wanted to grow my hair was so I wouldn't have to use any sort of product in it. Now I realize that I didn't really give myself many options in the way of the product department. It was basically 2 handfuls of gel, and nothing's moving my hair. Now I'm looking to explore more options, and find something that will hold curls together, but still lets them move freely and independently of each other. If anyone's got any advice on a product that matches that description, help'd be appreciated.
I don't regret growing my hair out, but I think it was more just something I had to get out of my system. I wanted to see what it would look like, how it would feel, all that sorts of stuff. Now that I'm endowed with that knowledge, I feel safe backing off and knowing I've made the right decision. And Hell, even if I do end up regretting it afterward, a little over a year isn't that long.
I would like to take this time, partially to prove that I'm not anti-longhair, to praise a few longhairs.
-Viggo Mortensen: For inspiring me into this wacky little journey.
-Whoever started the akward stage trend: You made it so much easier for me. Thank you from the bottom of my heart and the heart of my bottom.
-Ben Savage (Cory from Boy Meets World): For reminding all of us to be thankful our hair isn't *that* bad.
-"Wierd Al" Yankovic: For surviving what was quite possibly the worst akward stage in recorded history.
-Steve Perry from Journey: For having the greatest mullet the world has and will ever see.
Okay now, enough beating around the bush. Wanna know the real reason I'm cutting? It's a girl. That's right. (Most) chicks dig the shorter hair. I've asked around. *Oh believe me*, I've asked around. And once I got the opinion of one girl in particular, I was gone.
Okay, maybe it wasn't the real reason, but damned if it didn't push me over the edge. When you start getting all these doubts in your head, and you throw in peer pressure, that's it - Throw in the towel, time to tap out, however you wanna say it, it's over.
And it's not just any old peer pressure. This is the most beautiful peer pressure ever, so don't you go get all huffy with me mister, I'll send you right back to that smelly old country I found you in. And we'll see who's laughing then, when they're poking you with sticks and asking if you want a cookie. There's no cookies here! There's no cookies ANYWHERE!
Welcome to paradise.
In case you're wondering, I have no idea what I was talking about either.
So I guess that's all. And in case I don't come back, I just wanna say - and you can quote me on this - Queer Eye rules, and there's nothing you can do about it!
Posted by Redleader on November 14, 2003 at 01:54:13: Previous Next
In Reply to: ? for Clarko and a little news posted by HappyPuppy on November 14, 2003 at 00:36:18:
: Okay now, enough beating around the bush. Wanna know the real reason I'm cutting? It's a girl. That's right. (Most) chicks dig the shorter hair. I've asked around.
Simply Untrue. Maybe in a preppy, middle-class, suburban atmosphere, but expand your horizons, Happy Puppy. Any girl who will only date you with short hair is NOT worth your time. It saddens us all to see you give up/in.
Posted by ColdFlu on November 14, 2003 at 07:57:32: Previous Next
In Reply to: Re: posted by Redleader on November 14, 2003 at 01:54:13:
: : Okay now, enough beating around the bush. Wanna know the real reason I'm cutting? It's a girl. That's right. (Most) chicks dig the shorter hair. I've asked around.
: Simply Untrue. Maybe in a preppy, middle-class, suburban atmosphere, but expand your horizons, Happy Puppy. Any girl who will only date you with short hair is NOT worth your time. It saddens us all to see you give up/in.
I live in one of those areas that Redleader just described and honestly, right now that I am just out of the awkard stage, I feel that I have more women's attentions. I mean I don't care because I am happily married, but you know the vibe I'm talking about. My personality also sticks out more, maybe because it fits me with my look, or I just feel better or more unique or something. I'm not really sure why. Of course I do get some bad vibes too, but it does not affect me in any way. The awkward stage was a different story, especially on bad hair days (which were most days). Sooner or later in life, you will realize what is more important about having a partner (woman) in your life, and believe me, looks are not the most important characteristic. You'll learn that sometime through your journey of life.
Posted by HappyPuppy on November 14, 2003 at 09:34:58: Previous Next
In Reply to: Re: posted by ColdFlu on November 14, 2003 at 07:57:32:
:Sooner or later in life, you will realize what is more important about having a partner (woman) in your life, and believe me, looks are not the most important characteristic. You'll learn that sometime through your journey of life.
I've already learned it, but dude, I'm 20. It's still a factor. Blame it as much on the ladies as on me, but it's not gonna change.
Posted by HappyPuppy on November 14, 2003 at 09:32:36: Previous Next
In Reply to: Re: posted by Redleader on November 14, 2003 at 01:54:13:
: : Okay now, enough beating around the bush. Wanna know the real reason I'm cutting? It's a girl. That's right. (Most) chicks dig the shorter hair. I've asked around.
: Simply Untrue. Maybe in a preppy, middle-class, suburban atmosphere,
Welcome to my world.
:Any girl who will only date you with short hair is NOT worth your time. It saddens us all to see you give up/in.
I didn't say she'd only date me if I had short hair. It just kinda helps the process along. We were getting along fine before I told her I was even thinking about cutting my hair.
And I'm not giving up/in. The whole reason I started thinking about this was for myself. And after building up enough support from both sides to swing me either way, I asked around. It's not like I heard one person say "You should cut your hair," and caved in. Trust me, if that were the case, I'd've done it 13 months ago.
I don't know man
Posted by ahren on November 14, 2003 at 03:18:48: Previous Next
In Reply to: ? for Clarko and a little news posted by HappyPuppy on November 14, 2003 at 00:36:18:
Sounds like you're still a little confused. First, humor me, post a picture and see if we think you look as bad as you think you look. Second, what if the next beautifull thing you encounter likes long hair? Finally, you sound like me about 2 years ago. I had been growing about a year, and after a combination of factors I cut my hair. I felt almost exactly like you, just replace girl with job. Three days later I had no job and no hair. Women are fickle, watch, next week she'll be with some guy with hair down to his butt, mark my words. Thing is, after I cut my hair I didn't feel regreat so much as resolve. I knew this time around nothing was going to stand in the way of me growing my hair really fricking long. Nothing. If nothing else do this one thing for yourself. Forget about the little troubles you've had, forget about girl, and everything else. Push it all out of your mind and just ask yourself honestly "do I want long hair?". I hope my ramblings give you confidence in whatever you may decide.
Re: ? for Clarko and a little news
Posted by Gollan on November 14, 2003 at 11:52:34: Previous Next
In Reply to: ? for Clarko and a little news posted by HappyPuppy on November 14, 2003 at 00:36:18:
:: I was also getting really annoyed with hair getting in my face all the time, especially when I was working out.
I wear a bandana (head scarf) to retain my hair during my workouts. I notice some other people wear a baseball cap either backwards or forwards. Sorry long hair didn't work out for you. I sure hope you get the girl.
Posted by Mike on November 14, 2003 at 14:12:33: Previous Next
In Reply to: ? for Clarko and a little news posted by HappyPuppy on November 14, 2003 at 00:36:18:
: for me, the benefits of having shorter hair outweigh the benefits of having it longer.
the key words there is "for me"... do what you feel is right at the moment... I know ppl that grew it out got it out of their system and then cut it... I know ppl who have been growing it for years... I know ppl who grew it, cut it and regretted it... If you feel it's out of your system go for it...
: I already know I look better with short hair, but there were a few things keeping me from taking the plunge.
: First off, it's just more convenient being able to tie my hair back, and not worry about it the rest of the day. That was pretty much the main reason for me keeping my hair, which harkens back to me being lazy.
: Secondly, I've put almost a year and a half into growing it, and I didn't want to think the akward stage had been in vain.
: But the downsides to my hair were really starting to get to me. As I've already stated, it didn't look very good on me, in my opinion. My hair was too curly to wear loose without having first tied it back and letting it dry and straighten.
->wanna talk curly...? :) check http://www.owu.edu/~mmlazaro/my_hair.htm
: I was also getting really annoyed with hair getting in my face all the time, especially when I was working out. Struggling to hold a barbell over my head while at the same time being too stubborn to ask for a spotter, is not the greatest time to have my hair tickling my nose.
-> that is annoying... but i thought u said u can grab it in a ponytail? oh... and working out without a spot is not very wise... not only for safety, but u can usually push urself more when u have a spot (do more reps), instead of the other way around...
: Sleeping also proved to be rather tricky, as I found myself constantly tucking the hairs against my neck underneath the back of my head, and sleeping on a lump of my own hair.
-> i personally like this, even though when u wake up you look like ... frankenstein
: Of course short hair has its disadvantages as well. One of the big reasons I wanted to grow my hair was so I wouldn't have to use any sort of product in it. Now I realize that I didn't really give myself many options in the way of the product department. It was basically 2 handfuls of gel, and nothing's moving my hair. Now I'm looking to explore more options, and find something that will hold curls together, but still lets them move freely and independently of each other. If anyone's got any advice on a product that matches that description, help'd be appreciated.
-> very little melting gels works... once u are past 8 inches of crowth though... it seems the lnoger the hair the less gel it needs
: Okay now, enough beating around the bush. Wanna know the real reason I'm cutting? It's a girl. That's right. (Most) chicks dig the shorter hair. I've asked around. *Oh believe me*, I've asked around. And once I got the opinion of one girl in particular, I was gone.
-> NO, not for a girl! don't change anything for a girl... they change their mind all the time... plus if they asked u to do it, they are not worth it... change my appearance for someone NO...
: Okay, maybe it wasn't the real reason, but damned if it didn't push me over the edge. When you start getting all these doubts in your head, and you throw in peer pressure, that's it - Throw in the towel, time to tap out, however you wanna say it, it's over.
: And it's not just any old peer pressure. This is the most beautiful peer pressure ever, so don't you go get all huffy with me mister, I'll send you right back to that smelly old country I found you in. And we'll see who's laughing then, when they're poking you with sticks and asking if you want a cookie. There's no cookies here! There's no cookies ANYWHERE!
: Welcome to paradise.
: In case you're wondering, I have no idea what I was talking about either.
-> no shit!
Good luck with short hair. [n/t]
Posted by Brian on November 14, 2003 at 14:14:47: Previous Next
In Reply to: ? for Clarko and a little news posted by HappyPuppy on November 14, 2003 at 00:36:18:
A tiny request from me
Posted by Evil Milkman on November 14, 2003 at 20:49:15: Previous Next
In Reply to: ? for Clarko and a little news posted by HappyPuppy on November 14, 2003 at 00:36:18:
I for one would love to see a before and after picture. I've had similar thoughts as you lately, but I think I'll try to stick it out for the winter. :)
Good luck in whatever you do, Pup.
Re: ? for Clarko and a little news
Posted by Txclpr on November 15, 2003 at 22:14:01: Previous Next
In Reply to: ? for Clarko and a little news posted by HappyPuppy on November 14, 2003 at 00:36:18:
Well Happy,
To each his own. Only you know what makes you feel good about you. I think it's great that you even started the venture. You're still very young and hopefully have a full life ahead of you. I think everyone should follow some type of goal in there life, what ever that will be. Women come and go. You will find the right one and I can assure you that hair length won't make a bit of difference.