Through the eyes of a child

Through the eyes of a child
Posted by S - on November 18, 2003 at 14:42:37: Previous Next

So today at work (I work part time in a Library) this lady and her kid who looks around 6 or 7 years old come up to the desk. While I’m making an inquiry on the computer I hear the kid whisper something to her [inaudible]. The lady then says to her kid “Go on, ask him”. So I’m thinking “ahh, he’s too shy to ask me for a book he’d like...cute”.

The lady then says to me, “He wants to know if you’re a boy or a girl”


“oh, I’m a boy [man]” I said with a smile...but inside I was thrown.

This caught me totally off guard. I mean, at this stage I’m becoming pretty efficient at fielding long hair teases off the hip - but this was definitely something new.

Had he actually thought I was a girl?? I have side burns and that day hadn’t shaved in around two days...but maybe kids don’t know to look for this stuff.

Anyway, the lady says “I knew you wouldn’t mind if I asked...I’m sure you’ve heard worse”. ‘A little presumptuous of you’ I thought to myself...but I said yes...because I had. She then says, you know it’s just that so many guys wear there hair short he just assumed that short is for boys and long is for girls. ‘Thought provoking’ I erm...thought.

Not an unpleasant incident...just something new.

Thought I’d share.

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