why trim?
Posted by Scott on December 02, 2003 at 18:22:43: Previous Next
i see a lot on this board about trimming...i have been thinking about trimming my hair mainly in the back because it sticks out and curls alot after i comb it...i'm about 7 months in from a buzzcut (3.5 inches)....in a way i do want to trim it,to possibly make it look better...but i also don't want to trim it because i don't want to loose much length seeing as it has only been growing for seven months..i am thinking of waiting 12 months until i get a trim (because of split ends)...i don't care too much about how it looks at the moment, but rather if it is better to get it trimmed or not, my friend said if i didn't get it trimmed that when my hair grew out that i wouldn't be able to get it perfectly straight.. (the ends that is....i think)is this true?...can someone please help me...thanks :)
Re: why trim?
Posted by Treyn on December 02, 2003 at 21:32:24: Previous Next
In Reply to: why trim? posted by Scott on December 02, 2003 at 18:22:43:
Hey Scott,
That curling and flipping in the back is very characteristic of 3.5 inch hair length. You are going to be experiencing this for quite some time while growing your hair long. Trimming it will only keep it that way longer. If the trimming makes it better, it will only be temporary because the hair will grow back out to do the same thing again. Length and Weight is the cure for this problem, and that means you have to just let it grow and put up with the down sides of the Awkward Stage. As the hair grows longer, it obtains more weight which falls under gravity, thus causing the hair to fall straighter. My hair has been through that stage and I sympathize, but this is the only logical solution in my book. Hope this helps in your decision making. Peace!
Re: why trim?
Posted by Sid on December 02, 2003 at 21:42:27: Previous Next
In Reply to: why trim? posted by Scott on December 02, 2003 at 18:22:43:
I say go for a slight trim. A lot of people here will disagree with me, but I think you're better of enjoying your hair as it grows out and being patient, rather than not liking the way it looks just cause you wanna grow it out faster.
Re: why trim?
Posted by Justin on December 02, 2003 at 22:27:39: Previous Next
In Reply to: why trim? posted by Scott on December 02, 2003 at 18:22:43:
: i have been thinking about trimming my hair mainly in the back because it sticks out and curls alot after i comb it...i'm about 7 months in from a buzzcut (3.5 inches)....in a way i do want to trim it,to possibly make it look better...but i also don't want to trim it because i don't want to loose much length..........
Ever time you trim it at your stage you will be setting yourself back unfortunately. Sure, the trim will look great, but then the flips and all will start all over again. Best to just "bite the bullet" and avoid trims. The hair will even itself out as it gets longer. Good luck.
Re: why trim?
Posted by Sorted on December 03, 2003 at 12:24:36: Previous Next
In Reply to: why trim? posted by Scott on December 02, 2003 at 18:22:43:
I agree with everyone so far, if you trim, you'll get to the same stage again in another few months time.
If you are going to trim you have to trim every 3 months leaving the length on top ie: taking the ends only, (max 1cm if that.) Basically you just get your hair trimmed at the back and sides until the top layers catch up with the bottom layers.
This is what I'm doing more or less, this is a good way to work if you intend to grow all your hair to one length.
But dont fool yourself into thinking you can get one trim now and breeze throught the next 2 years without another. You can either stick it out, or start a regular trimming schedule which means its probably gonna cost you about an inch a year in length.
Personally I'm OK with that but many others are not. I just think its gonna take 20-24 months to grow my hair out to my target length, so whats another 3-4 months on top of that? Especially considering you'll probably feel better about your hair for the trims, this inturn makes you less likely to cave in after 12 months and start over...
Re: why trim?
Posted by edstoker on December 03, 2003 at 12:35:16: Previous Next
In Reply to: why trim? posted by Scott on December 02, 2003 at 18:22:43:
Why don't you try having it braided occasionally to help you through the awkward period. Have 4 or 5 cane rows put in and you can usually go a week or so with it in if you take care of it. It doesn't take long to do and is inexpensive.
Re: why trim?
Posted by jakerdoodle on December 04, 2003 at 00:31:06: Previous Next
In Reply to: why trim? posted by Scott on December 02, 2003 at 18:22:43:
After 8 months of growth, I finally caved in (it looked like crap) and got a trim in the beginning of October. I was extremely hesitant, and I was almost convinced that I would come out of the place with a totally different, shorter hair cut. Turns out, it was a great thing to do, and the length grew back probably in a week or two. The haircutter did most of the work on the back, to give the top, thicker hair a chance to catch up with the rest. I highly recommend it, and I will be getting another one after the new year. Overall, it'll look better and grow out more even. But this doesn't really eliminate the awkward stage. Just sort of makes it less awkward.
-jacob...growing hair out since February 2003...and i look frickin awesome.
: i see a lot on this board about trimming...i have been thinking about trimming my hair mainly in the back because it sticks out and curls alot after i comb it...i'm about 7 months in from a buzzcut (3.5 inches)....in a way i do want to trim it,to possibly make it look better...but i also don't want to trim it because i don't want to loose much length seeing as it has only been growing for seven months..i am thinking of waiting 12 months until i get a trim (because of split ends)...i don't care too much about how it looks at the moment, but rather if it is better to get it trimmed or not, my friend said if i didn't get it trimmed that when my hair grew out that i wouldn't be able to get it perfectly straight.. (the ends that is....i think)is this true?...can someone please help me...thanks :)
Re: why trim?
Posted by GoGreen on December 09, 2003 at 15:04:32: Previous Next
In Reply to: Re: why trim? posted by jakerdoodle on December 04, 2003 at 00:31:06:
What did you tell the person at the salon? I, like a lot of people, have had some terrible experiences with stylists taking off way more than I want or just messing things up in general. Did you say something specific or did you just luck out with a good stylist?
: After 8 months of growth, I finally caved in (it looked like crap) and got a trim in the beginning of October. I was extremely hesitant, and I was almost convinced that I would come out of the place with a totally different, shorter hair cut. Turns out, it was a great thing to do, and the length grew back probably in a week or two. The haircutter did most of the work on the back, to give the top, thicker hair a chance to catch up with the rest. I highly recommend it, and I will be getting another one after the new year. Overall, it'll look better and grow out more even. But this doesn't really eliminate the awkward stage. Just sort of makes it less awkward.
: -jacob...growing hair out since February 2003...and i look frickin awesome.