Mullets get a bad rap....

Mullets get a bad rap....
Posted by Mullet Pride on January 01, 2004 at 11:38:32: Previous Next

The reasons are so obvious, Jealousy comes to mind!

Ponder this!! How many mullet wearers in our society have started wars/battles like the short haired war mongers have, whether it's in business or life in general? Don't bring up wife beatings/killings either, because we know true psychos sport short hair. Just check the headlines and see for yourself. Many sites are ridiculing mullet wearers, yet the ones making fun are all sporting short hair...Makes you wonder who truly drops below sea level in the gene pool...You'll find a few mullet wearers in jail, but not near as high of a percentage as short to no hair wearers....Hitler lives among short haired people, be very afraid!

Think about it....

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