Comment on the Tonight Show

Comment on the Tonight Show
Posted by Redleader on January 14, 2004 at 22:44:03: Previous Next

Did anyone else catch last night's Tonight Show? Jay Leno had a guy on for the "don't try this at home" who drank an entire bottle of hot sauce. He was a U.S. soldier who had been stationed in Spain for the past year. One of Leno's preliminary questions was "Since you've gotten back, what did you notice here that's different?" One of his answers was that all of the guys seem to be growing their hair out.

I was thinking about this tonight while at a local mall. I bought a slice of Pizza from Sabarro and saw three long-haired guys working at the same time. One had an intricate braid almost to his waist. I then took my tray to the seating area and noticed a group of six younger-looking adults seated around a table. Four of the six (and coincidently the same ratio of guys to the group) all hand long ponytails.

I've been hesitent to declare that long hair is back 'in,' but after the past few days, I truely believe that it is. This is predominantly a good thing, but a part of my mind enjoys being in the small minority.

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