Comment on the Tonight Show
Posted by Redleader on January 14, 2004 at 22:44:03: Previous Next
Did anyone else catch last night's Tonight Show? Jay Leno had a guy on for the "don't try this at home" who drank an entire bottle of hot sauce. He was a U.S. soldier who had been stationed in Spain for the past year. One of Leno's preliminary questions was "Since you've gotten back, what did you notice here that's different?" One of his answers was that all of the guys seem to be growing their hair out.
I was thinking about this tonight while at a local mall. I bought a slice of Pizza from Sabarro and saw three long-haired guys working at the same time. One had an intricate braid almost to his waist. I then took my tray to the seating area and noticed a group of six younger-looking adults seated around a table. Four of the six (and coincidently the same ratio of guys to the group) all hand long ponytails.
I've been hesitent to declare that long hair is back 'in,' but after the past few days, I truely believe that it is. This is predominantly a good thing, but a part of my mind enjoys being in the small minority.
Re: Comment on the Tonight Show
Posted by ElMuffinMan on January 14, 2004 at 23:12:50: Previous Next
In Reply to: Comment on the Tonight Show posted by Redleader on January 14, 2004 at 22:44:03:
I've been seeing alot of people around my age (21) in early stages of the awkward stage lately. Like they've been growing for 6 months or so. Like in my college classes I see a few guys in every class like this but have not seen one longhair on campus yet.
I think it is a growing/current fad to be in that stage, or at least in my neck of the woods. We'll see if they cut it when it starts getting longer or if they just keep at that shaggy length. I've been going at it for 15 months so I don't think I'm really a longhair but I don't think I've seen any hair longer than mine this first week of the new semester.
Re: Comment on the Tonight Show
Posted by Aries on January 15, 2004 at 08:05:47: Previous Next
In Reply to: Re: Comment on the Tonight Show posted by ElMuffinMan on January 14, 2004 at 23:12:50:
: Would that "awkaward stage" be the same style that Ashton Kucher has?
Re: Comment on the Tonight Show
Posted by ElMuffinMan on January 16, 2004 at 22:16:36: Previous Next
In Reply to: Re: Comment on the Tonight Show posted by Aries on January 15, 2004 at 08:05:47:
: : Would that "awkaward stage" be the same style that Ashton Kucher has?
Umm kind of, maybe a little shorter than that, but yea that style.
Re: Well
Posted by Aries on January 17, 2004 at 19:41:18: Previous Next
In Reply to: Re: Comment on the Tonight Show posted by ElMuffinMan on January 16, 2004 at 22:16:36:
: When going through that "awkward/Ashton Kucher" stage, simply wear a trucker style cap and it will be the latest "style" thanks to Mr. Demi Moore.
Re: Well
Posted by Jim Morrison on January 21, 2004 at 22:52:10: Previous Next
In Reply to: Re: Well posted by Aries on January 17, 2004 at 19:41:18:
: : When going through that "awkward/Ashton Kucher" stage, simply wear a trucker style cap and it will be the latest "style" thanks to Mr. Demi Moore.
lol it's called emo hair btw. emo is the new name for the new rock bands.
Emo hair is big with the teen 20 crowds, Hot topics crowd,
Bands like The Strokes, Ashton Kutcher popularized in by having his hair at way on That 70's show and n real life,and now it's caught on.
Re: Well
Posted by Strange Being on February 10, 2004 at 18:16:31: Previous Next
In Reply to: Re: Well posted by Jim Morrison on January 21, 2004 at 22:52:10:
: : : When going through that "awkward/Ashton Kucher" stage, simply wear a trucker style cap and it will be the latest "style" thanks to Mr. Demi Moore.
: ---
: lol it's called emo hair btw. emo is the new name for the new rock bands.
: Emo hair is big with the teen 20 crowds, Hot topics crowd,
: Bands like The Strokes, Ashton Kutcher popularized in by having his hair at way on That 70's show and n real life,and now it's caught on.
Emo? I would hardly call that emo hair. Check out Letter Kills, thats emo. And hot topic kids? haha please spare emo of the insult.
Re: Comment on the Tonight Show
Posted by Reflective on January 15, 2004 at 07:47:17: Previous Next
In Reply to: Comment on the Tonight Show posted by Redleader on January 14, 2004 at 22:44:03:
In New York City, I have noticed that there is a conspicuous decline in the number of buzz cuts. Sure, there are still a few around, but they are now in the small minority. And while the majority of guys are still wearing their hair short, there does seem to be an increase in the number of guys in the awkward stage. I wonder what percentage of these will end up as shoulder length or longer longhairs? Right now, I wouldn't say that there are more longhairs than usual, but it seems that the buzz trend may be finally coming to an end.
Yes, there is hope for the future. More than hope actually, evidence of progress!
Re: Comment on the Tonight Show
Posted by Jesus on January 17, 2004 at 05:55:07: Previous Next
In Reply to: Re: Comment on the Tonight Show posted by Reflective on January 15, 2004 at 07:47:17:
: In New York City, I have noticed that there is a conspicuous decline in the number of buzz cuts. Sure, there are still a few around, but they are now in the small minority. And while the majority of guys are still wearing their hair short, there does seem to be an increase in the number of guys in the awkward stage. I wonder what percentage of these will end up as shoulder length or longer longhairs? Right now, I wouldn't say that there are more longhairs than usual, but it seems that the buzz trend may be finally coming to an end.
: Yes, there is hope for the future. More than hope actually, evidence of progress!
It is winter though and many find a buzzcut too cold hence more people in the awkward stage... you may find they cut their hair when it gets warmer...
I hope this helps my child
Re: Comment on the Tonight Show
Posted by Peter on January 16, 2004 at 13:36:24: Previous Next
In Reply to: Comment on the Tonight Show posted by Redleader on January 14, 2004 at 22:44:03:
I've been noticing more guys in the "awkward stage" too, or maybe it's just because I am now in that stage too. It's like when you buy a certain car, then you suddenly see a ton of other people driving the same kind of car that you never really paid attention to before.
But I agree, I think really short hair is not as popular as it was, which would make sense. Trends change and it might very well be time for something new. Like someone else mentioned, I kind of liked the idea of being in the minority, but I suspect many guys will give up in the awkward stage and give in to trims or stay with a short haircut (but longer than a buzz cut)
I was thinking, when trends change to short cropped hair, it's easy for someone to just go get their hair cut that way, in a matter of minutes literally. Spur of the moment or planned. But, if a guy decides he wants to grow his hair out (to whatever lenght), that can take months or even years to accomplish. So, it will take a while, likely several years before we see a lot more longhairs, or even just guys with "longer than the current average" hair length.
Re: Comment on the Tonight Show
Posted by Tracy on January 16, 2004 at 15:33:14: Previous Next
In Reply to: Comment on the Tonight Show posted by Redleader on January 14, 2004 at 22:44:03:
: I was thinking about this tonight while at a local mall. I bought a slice of Pizza from Sabarro and saw three long-haired guys working at the same time. One had an intricate braid almost to his waist. I then took my tray to the seating area and noticed a group of six younger-looking adults seated around a table. Four of the six (and coincidently the same ratio of guys to the group) all hand long ponytails.
: I've been hesitent to declare that long hair is back 'in,' but after the past few days, I truely believe that it is. This is predominantly a good thing, but a part of my mind enjoys being in the small minority.
I live in SC and work in a plant of about 400 employees. The vast majority of the men I work with have short hair; indeed, several of them look ready to ship out to Marine boot camp. Of the buzzcutted guys, I think that a few of them might be attractive if they'd just grow their hair. Quite a few have just average short hair, ho hum. One guy had beautiful long hair halfway down his back, but he cut it because it was "too much trouble to care for". But even his short cut is on the long side of short, if you know what I mean. He's still attractive, but he doesn't make me drool like he used to. Another man has hair slightly past his collar, which he trims when it just gets past that awkward stage, but never to true short hair. There are a couple of guys with ponytails, one of which braids his on occasion. Two black guys at the plant have long hair, one with dreads, and the other who wears it tightly pulled back into a bun. Unfortunately, none of the management level men have long hair, but all have the almost obligatory corporate short hair uniform.
One thing that's interesting about my plant, which makes nutitional products, is that we have to wear hair nets while working. They've never asked any man to cut his hair, but merely to contain it in a hair net while working.