pending haircut

pending haircut
Posted by Woodman on March 04, 2004 at 11:10:19: Previous Next

Ok, first let me say I enjoy this sight and value the opinions of other long hairs out there. Here is my situation; I have 1 year of hair growth to this day. I use to color my hair and the colored part is damaged. I have probably 2 to 3 inches of my natural color. I can either color it again and deal with the whole damaged color hair look or I can get a cut and get rid of the color and start fresh with my natural color. If I get is cut I plan on NOT coloring it again and go with my natural color and undamaged hair. I'm still on a mission of growing it as long as I possibly can. So do I color the 4 inch at the end or cut it and start fresh. Please respond soon as a pending 1630 haircut is in process. By the way of course my wife and family would lean toward the cut. I need my brothers in arms to give me any advice or twist on this matter.

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