a little advice
Posted by Phage on June 24, 2002 at 02:31:04: Previous Next
Hi, I've been lurking here for a short time while I've been trying to decide to grow my hair or not. I suppose this is mainly because of my taste in music, heavy metal.
I've come to the conclusion that'd I'd really like to grow my hair down to my shoulders. Yet there is one thing concerning me. Basically like every other 18 year old I don't want to be single forever... I've asked several women/girls what they think of men with long hair, 1 said it wouldn't suit me(but wouldn't give reasons), 1 said that I should never do it if I ever wanted a girlfriend, while another said that some men could look good with long hair if they looked after it(but then she likes heavy music as well).
What are your experience with relationships with women and long hair?
Re: a little advice
Posted by S-17 on June 24, 2002 at 03:43:34: Previous Next
In Reply to: a little advice posted by Phage on June 24, 2002 at 02:31:04:
My hair is still in the awkward stage, so i'm not a true longhair. and i had the same responses - it won't suit you etc. - when i asked girls but in the end i thought i'd do it anyway because it's my hair and i want it long so who cares what they think. As for girls not liking it, i think that is only true to girls that conform to the sterotype and therefore will only like whatever everyone else is liking, but liking heavy metal you wont want a girl like this, you want a girl who likes metal too, and i think heavy metal girls, rock chicks etc. find long hair kool. But it's up to you man.
I though after having longish hair for almost a year have got a girlfriend and im in the awkward stage!!
Re: a little advice
Posted by Remi on June 24, 2002 at 04:25:39: Previous Next
In Reply to: Re: a little advice posted by S-17 on June 24, 2002 at 03:43:34:
Also note that girls are not even knowing what they're talking about most of the time. They will say that its ugly, but in themselves they think it look great. They just don't want to admit the thruth. Its like when a guy see a fat girl. He will say that shes a fat ugly bitche, but he won't admit that he find her cute.
Re: a little advice
Posted by Phage on June 24, 2002 at 14:46:41: Previous Next
In Reply to: Re: a little advice posted by S-17 on June 24, 2002 at 03:43:34:
thanks for the advice, I think your the only person who understood what I was asking properly, but then maybe I didn't make it very clear in the orginal post, sorry.
you might be seeing me as a regualr here soon as I'm almost certain that I will grow it long =) I'm off to uni in october and it'll be a great time to grow it.
My hairs at about 3 inches long on top at the moment, nearing eye level
: My hair is still in the awkward stage, so i'm not a true longhair. and i had the same responses - it won't suit you etc. - when i asked girls but in the end i thought i'd do it anyway because it's my hair and i want it long so who cares what they think. As for girls not liking it, i think that is only true to girls that conform to the sterotype and therefore will only like whatever everyone else is liking, but liking heavy metal you wont want a girl like this, you want a girl who likes metal too, and i think heavy metal girls, rock chicks etc. find long hair kool. But it's up to you man.
: I though after having longish hair for almost a year have got a girlfriend and im in the awkward stage!!
Re: a little advice
Posted by Tim W. on June 24, 2002 at 19:10:33: Previous Next
In Reply to: Re: a little advice posted by S-17 on June 24, 2002 at 03:43:34:
Girls either liked my hair really long or really short. So now, they think I'm ugly.
Well, grow your hair out at least once. If you don't, you'll keep on wondering what you'd look like with long hair.
Re: a little advice
Posted by Remi on June 24, 2002 at 03:48:53: Previous Next
In Reply to: a little advice posted by Phage on June 24, 2002 at 02:31:04:
First, its very rare that I hang with girls, so I don't really care at what they say:) Anyway, I remember that my dog looked so much better when his hair was long. When he was trimmed, I tought he was more ugly.
Re: a little advice
Posted by Robert on June 24, 2002 at 05:36:52: Previous Next
In Reply to: a little advice posted by Phage on June 24, 2002 at 02:31:04:
At 42 and married for 20 years, I am well past 18 and looking for a possible wife. But, I am a teacher working all day in a building of mostly women. I get very positive comments from my female colleagues all the time about my hair. And, interestingly enough, so does my wife who is also a teacher in the same school system.
Here's what I would say to you--stop asking these girls what they think. This is very much like the kid walking around asking mom for permission to ride his bike in some new terrain, and mom is always going to say "no dear, too dangerous." If you want long hair, grow long hair and develop some self confidence around yourself. That's what people are drawn to--who we are--not our hair.
: Hi, I've been lurking here for a short time while I've been trying to decide to grow my hair or not. I suppose this is mainly because of my taste in music, heavy metal.
: I've come to the conclusion that'd I'd really like to grow my hair down to my shoulders. Yet there is one thing concerning me. Basically like every other 18 year old I don't want to be single forever... I've asked several women/girls what they think of men with long hair, 1 said it wouldn't suit me(but wouldn't give reasons), 1 said that I should never do it if I ever wanted a girlfriend, while another said that some men could look good with long hair if they looked after it(but then she likes heavy music as well).
: What are your experience with relationships with women and long hair?
Re: a little advice
Posted by 4everlong on June 24, 2002 at 12:18:51: Previous Next
In Reply to: Re: a little advice posted by Robert on June 24, 2002 at 05:36:52:
: At 42 and married for 20 years, I am well past 18 and looking for a possible wife. But, I am a teacher working all day in a building of mostly women. I get very positive comments from my female colleagues all the time about my hair. And, interestingly enough, so does my wife who is also a teacher in the same school system.
: Here's what I would say to you--stop asking these girls what they think. This is very much like the kid walking around asking mom for permission to ride his bike in some new terrain, and mom is always going to say "no dear, too dangerous." If you want long hair, grow long hair and develop some self confidence around yourself. That's what people are drawn to--who we are--not our hair.
: Robert
I agree with what Robert said. You can ask 10 different girls what they think of guys in long hair, and you will get 10 different answers. Why should you have your hair the way girls want it. Do they control your hair or dictate how you should have your hair? Grow your hair the way YOU want it. It's a part of YOUR body which YOU control.
Re: a little advice
Posted by David on June 24, 2002 at 08:20:06: Previous Next
In Reply to: a little advice posted by Phage on June 24, 2002 at 02:31:04:
I told some girls in my highschool class that I was growing my hair out and they had so-so responses. I hadn't seen them in well over a year, and just saw them last Friday. They couldn't stop complimenting how great my hair looked. Right now I just have that mid-long Scott Stapp (the guy from Creed) look. Girls don't have any clue what you're hair will look like when it's long, so how would they be able to tell you if they think it would look good or not?
Besides these girls, I get compliments on my hair all the time from girls/women. Just try it, it will be worth it.
While I'm at it, I'll go ahead and warn you. To make it through the "awkward stage" (even though I'm probably still in it), you're going to have to have some self-confidence. Even though your hair may look like crap, if you act like you are happy with yourself and your appearance and display self-confidence, others will be drawn to you and probably think you're hair looks awesome! Just keep that in mind, it will make the in-between stage go by so much smoother.
Re: More girls!
Posted by Anon on June 24, 2002 at 20:04:18: Previous Next
In Reply to: a little advice posted by Phage on June 24, 2002 at 02:31:04:
: What are your experience with relationships with women and long hair?
In my experience, I have had a lot more girls come after me since I've had longer (shoulder length) hair than any other time, which is great! I think it might be just cause it is different to everyone else who has short hair. It sort of makes you look like you don't want to follow the rest of the crowd and if you leave it untidyish as it sometimes is with me it might give you that sort of carefree, don't give a S*** look (although it takes a lot of care in reality but it's worth it!).
The main thing is that you have your hair how you like it and how it makes you happy. I'm only talking from my experience, long hair seems to suit me better than short hair so it works for me!
Posted by Nick on June 24, 2002 at 22:20:02: Previous Next
In Reply to: Re: More girls! posted by Anon on June 24, 2002 at 20:04:18:
I was never popular with girls in fact none even really liked me for some reason. I guess I have changed since then in other ways but I know my hair has a lot to do with it. I agree it makes you look like an individual person, not someone who just wants to fit in and look like everyone else (if only short haired people realized that WE aren't the ones that have stupid looking hair, but I guess the slurs are just a part of being a longhair)
Re: a little advice
Posted by RedRocker on June 24, 2002 at 22:09:30: Previous Next
In Reply to: a little advice posted by Phage on June 24, 2002 at 02:31:04:
DEFINITELY grow your hair long. The women that (generally) don't like long hair on men are looking for a conformist stereotype guy and really aren't worth your time. I think you'll find that women will like it better.
I've ran into women I knew from high school who didn't recognize me (my hair was much shorter then). They were attracted to me, when they weren't before!
I think (most) women tend to view a man with long hair as "the bad boy". This is a big turn on for most of them. They want to know what makes you tick -- why you are different -- you are a "rebel". Trust me -- this can be a VERY good thing!
So, in short, you will get more women with long hair than with short hair (at least in my experience). Grow on!!
I can't wait!
Posted by Mike on June 24, 2002 at 22:27:02: Previous Next
In Reply to: a little advice posted by Phage on June 24, 2002 at 02:31:04:
Believe it or not I can't wait to go back to school as it will be my first schoolyear of my life with long hair (My hair grows really fast during the summer months and on top of that I had started before the end of last year, but nobody suspected anything yet) I never had any luck with girls so I guess I will see how having a lot of hair changes things! EVERY single guy in my high school has short hair, the longest i've seen is no more than a few inches, so I will surely be different & hope that I am seen that way.
Re: a little advice
Posted by The Rev on June 25, 2002 at 14:30:33: Previous Next
In Reply to: a little advice posted by Phage on June 24, 2002 at 02:31:04:
Maybe you should ask this guy:
The Rev