offered money to cut it?
Posted by Tony on July 03, 2002 at 17:11:27: Previous Next
Have any of you been offered a lot money to get your hair cut? Unfortunately I need money and a rich friend of my father told me he would give me $500.00 if he could cut my hair. I told him no way but he keeps bringing it up and last time he said he would give me $800.00, I just may let him as I need the money and I guess it will grow back, I hate this. I'm part Italian and have heavy black hair that is almost all one length and just reaches my shoulder blades. I'll let you know what happens...If any of you have long hair and money you are lucky. Tony
Re: offered money to cut it?
Posted by Remi on July 03, 2002 at 17:37:19: Previous Next
In Reply to: offered money to cut it? posted by Tony on July 03, 2002 at 17:11:27:
He must be extremely jealous or something.
Re: offered money to cut it?
Posted by Ken on July 03, 2002 at 17:54:00: Previous Next
In Reply to: offered money to cut it? posted by Tony on July 03, 2002 at 17:11:27:
Paying to cut and/or buy a guy's hair is not all that uncommon. You're lucky to be getting such a generous offer.
Re: offered money to cut it?
Posted by MG on July 04, 2002 at 01:48:19: Previous Next
In Reply to: Re: offered money to cut it? posted by Ken on July 03, 2002 at 17:54:00:
: Paying to cut and/or buy a guy's hair is not all that uncommon. You're lucky to be getting such a generous offer.
Generous? For 4 or 5 years of hair growth he should be talking five
figures at least. Minimum.
Re: offered money to cut it?
Posted by Anon. on July 04, 2002 at 07:16:32: Previous Next
In Reply to: Re: offered money to cut it? posted by MG on July 04, 2002 at 01:48:19:
: : Paying to cut and/or buy a guy's hair is not all that uncommon. You're lucky to be getting such a generous offer.
: Generous? For 4 or 5 years of hair growth he should be talking five
: figures at least. Minimum.
In your dreams. It's just hair. Ponytails are sold on ebay every day...inexpensively.
Re: offered money to cut it?
Posted by MG on July 04, 2002 at 21:38:21: Previous Next
In Reply to: Re: offered money to cut it? posted by Anon. on July 04, 2002 at 07:16:32:
: : : Paying to cut and/or buy a guy's hair is not all that uncommon. You're lucky to be getting such a generous offer.
: : Generous? For 4 or 5 years of hair growth he should be talking five
: : figures at least. Minimum.
: In your dreams. It's just hair. Ponytails are sold on ebay every day...inexpensively.
Yeah, but not MY ponytail. If someone wants to pay me to cut mine
they better have real deep pockets. But then I value mine more than
most I guess.
Re: offered money to cut it?
Posted by The Rev on July 03, 2002 at 17:54:12: Previous Next
In Reply to: offered money to cut it? posted by Tony on July 03, 2002 at 17:11:27:
Does he want the hair for some purpose, or does he just want YOU to NOT have it?
The Rev
Re: offered money to cut it?
Posted by oDD_LotS on July 03, 2002 at 17:56:21: Previous Next
In Reply to: offered money to cut it? posted by Tony on July 03, 2002 at 17:11:27:
: Have any of you been offered a lot money to get your hair cut?
Actually, yes. My "loving" grandparents offered at least 1500 for my hair, and around 1000 for my beard, however I decided that personal satisfaction with my appearance was worth waiting it out. Although it's your hair, I suggest you do the same. When my hair was not NEARLY as long as it is now, I got a considerable amount cut off, and it was something that I have regretted ever since. If nothing else, it gives you a cool story to tell when you say that you turned down 800 dollars in favor of a flowing mane.
Hang in there.
Re: offered money to cut it?
Posted by blaistom on July 03, 2002 at 18:03:03: Previous Next
In Reply to: offered money to cut it? posted by Tony on July 03, 2002 at 17:11:27:
: Have any of you been offered a lot money to get your hair cut? Unfortunately I need money and a rich friend of my father told me he would give me $500.00 if he could cut my hair. I told him no way but he keeps bringing it up and last time he said he would give me $800.00, I just may let him as I need the money and I guess it will grow back, I hate this. I'm part Italian and have heavy black hair that is almost all one length and just reaches my shoulder blades. I'll let you know what happens...If any of you have long hair and money you are lucky. Tony
Re: offered money to cut it?
Posted by Bill on July 03, 2002 at 18:42:54: Previous Next
In Reply to: offered money to cut it? posted by Tony on July 03, 2002 at 17:11:27:
: Have any of you been offered a lot money to get your hair cut? Unfortunately I need money and a rich friend of my father told me he would give me $500.00 if he could cut my hair.
There's a vast difference between "he will give me money if I get it cut" and "he will give me money if he could cut it". The former is an offer from someone who is merely a control freak, while the latter is an offer from someone who has escalated his urges to control others by wrapping them into a fetish. If someone in furtherance of such should offer money to manipulate you with his own hand, or wants pictures, we have names for both parties to this transaction:
He's a john.
You're a prostitute.
And if you're under 18, we have another name for him, whether money is exchanged or not:
It's "felon".
If you have any doubts about his motives, ask him if the offer still stands if you get it cut at a barber shop, with no watching by him, and no pictures before nor after. And dude, make sure the money is transferred in advance to a third party stakeholder so you don't get stiffed. A control freak may really get off on dissing you in that way.
Let's hope you are not so desperate for money that you would resort to prostitution, though sadly, many abandoned youth in our cities do. "Abandoned" must not fully describe you; you have some kind of relationship with your father it appears. I would have a LONG conversation with your father about your monetary needs if you're on the verge of resorting to prostitution, but far more, I'd talk to Dad about the company he keeps.
Re: offered money to cut it?
Posted by Ken on July 03, 2002 at 18:56:42: Previous Next
In Reply to: Re: offered money to cut it? posted by Bill on July 03, 2002 at 18:42:54:
I would hardly equate this to a felony.
Re: offered money to cut it?
Posted by Bill on July 03, 2002 at 19:17:01: Previous Next
In Reply to: Re: offered money to cut it? posted by Ken on July 03, 2002 at 18:56:42:
: I would hardly equate this to a felony.
The police would disagree. If you have a fetish and you lay a hand on a minor to exercise it, you watch the minor in its exercise, you photograph the minor in its exercise, or you possess such photographs, you're looking at major jail time, pal. And probably lifetime membership in Megan's club when you get out, too.
Re: offered money to cut it?
Posted by Andy on July 03, 2002 at 19:52:48: Previous Next
In Reply to: Re: offered money to cut it? posted by Bill on July 03, 2002 at 19:17:01:
I would hardly equate it to a fetish.
Posted by Toby on July 03, 2002 at 19:32:48: Previous Next
In Reply to: Re: offered money to cut it? posted by Bill on July 03, 2002 at 18:42:54:
You should calm down!
It's just hair, not a kidney.
Just take it as a compliment, say no to the money, and get on with your life.
Re: Wow....
Posted by Ken on July 03, 2002 at 20:00:49: Previous Next
In Reply to: Wow.... posted by Toby on July 03, 2002 at 19:32:48:
: You should calm down!
: It's just hair, not a kidney.
: Just take it as a compliment, say no to the money, and get on with your life.
Or take the money if and when you do decide to cut your hair, and don't waste it on a barbershop floor.
Re: offered money to cut it?
Posted by Donald on July 03, 2002 at 19:45:48: Previous Next
In Reply to: Re: offered money to cut it? posted by Bill on July 03, 2002 at 18:42:54:
Are we sure Bill is a minor?
I didn't perceive that from the original message, but their is nothing that says one way or the other.
I doubt that it is illegal for a father to cut a minor child's hair against his wishes as long as he doesn't hurt him doing so. It would be unfortuneate and signs of a strained relationship, but not criminal.
Fetishes (w/o involvement with minors) are not illegal, either. If someone consents to participate, either for pay or for free, is not criminal. I would wager that most people with fetishes are NOT dangerous or sick people. Confused and desperate, maybe.
Common sense and good judgement should prevail if somoeone offers you money to cut your hair. Simply ask someone why they want to do it and insisting on seeing the money before any cutting takes place.
Or just say no.
My uncle got $3000
Posted by Andy on July 03, 2002 at 19:59:24: Previous Next
In Reply to: offered money to cut it? posted by Tony on July 03, 2002 at 17:11:27:
In Australia, we have this shave for a cure thing(not sure if it is in america) where basically people donate to luekemia (spelling) foundation for someone to cut his hair.
I'm pretty sure that is what pat rafter did..
anyway, the concept is that the person who has the hair, sets a kind of target for the people who donate to reach, and if that target is met, the hair goes...
my uncle lives in a country town and had long hair for at least 20 years and most people wanted to see it go. there were some who wanted it to stay and offered him money to keep it
he set the limit at $3000 and that was raised so the hair went, and in sunny QLD in summer, that wasn't such a smart idea...
since then he has grown it out again...
(and lived happily ever after :P)
Re: My uncle got $3000
Posted by RedRocker on July 04, 2002 at 22:49:48: Previous Next
In Reply to: My uncle got $3000 posted by Andy on July 03, 2002 at 19:59:24:
Well, you're uncle made a personal sacrifice to help others. I think that was a good thing. A much as he probably hated to do it; it was beneficial to people. If it was the money alone, I would've disagreed with his decision. In this case I respect his decision. Besides, hair does grow back!! The people who wanted him to cut it probably thought he would leave it that way (LOL).
Re: offered money to cut it?
Posted by RedRocker on July 03, 2002 at 22:57:05: Previous Next
In Reply to: offered money to cut it? posted by Tony on July 03, 2002 at 17:11:27:
Hmmm. Tell him to multipy that figure by 10 or you'll never consider it. It's basically "selling out". I suppose if you're in a financial bind -- make it worth sticking his nose in your business. You said he's rich, right? Make it worth your while if you're going to do it. 500 or 1000 bucks doesn't go very far these days, anyway. I'm hoping you won't do it, or better yet; tell him to stick it up...
Yes. Was offered $1000 by my mother.
Posted by John L. on July 04, 2002 at 03:08:13: Previous Next
In Reply to: offered money to cut it? posted by Tony on July 03, 2002 at 17:11:27:
This was about 8 months ago. I declined the offer.
Ok, I just need to rant...
Posted by Jin on July 04, 2002 at 06:26:11: Previous Next
In Reply to: offered money to cut it? posted by Tony on July 03, 2002 at 17:11:27:
Sorry guys, but I think I'm feeling extremely down now, that I need to borrow this platform to rant!
No, I wasn't offered any money to have my hair cut or whatsoever. But I was threatened, insulted and humiliated by my mum (no less!) two days ago, to cut my hair. She called me a transvestite and said that it's shameful (for her or my future girlfriend) to go out with me.
How can a mother ever say this to her own son is beyond me. Anyway, I had a terrible shouting match with her that day (which I think all our neighbours would have heard the details) and I just stormed out of my home. The moment she called me those ugly names, I simply went mad and nearly gave her a big whack... but luckily... I didn't (or else, I think I'll regret it for the whole of my life).
Actually, during the time when I'm growing my hair out, she's constantly been giving me lots and lots of grieve. She dictated (yes, it's dictated) me to tie it up at ALL TIMES, in a ponytail or whatever styles she deem "professional" and "masculine" (or even more ridiculously, the styles that some celebrity long-haired males wear, EVEN IF IT'S OBVIOUSLY FEMININE, JUST AS SOMEONE HAD WORN IT, IT'S OK). I can NEVER leave my hair loose when I go out with her and I CANNOT even tie a brown scrunchie, she'll say it's like a flower. HACKKKKK!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Growing long hair in my country is hard enough (due to its rarity and people would definitely view you as an oddity). She simply CANNOT stand people looking MY WAY when I go out with her. She'll ALWAYS ASSUME that people looked at me WITH DISGUST. Never before she'll stand up for her own son and she'll always assume that everybody will think like the way she does. She's a BIGOT!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
In fact, my experience (that is, when she's not around me) is, people tend to look at my hair with admiration (yes, THAT I'm very sure). I've always received compliments about my hair and kind people always asked me not to cut it (AND THEY'RE STRANGERS, mind you!!). Occasionally, I'll get mistaken as a lady but I'll simply brush that off as oversight on the pedestrian's part (NOT MY FAULT). But I CANNOT imagine if my mum is beside me when people mistake me for one. I think I'll get humiliated (PUBLICLY) by my mum (even worse, together with THAT STRANGER).
After that episode, I can no longer picture myself to forgive her and forget about this matter (and oh... can I ever, when she'll always give me grieve on my long hair). I think it's now either my mum, or my hair. Seeing the way she had handled me, I'm leaning towards choosing my hair.
And as a rebellous person that I am, THE MORE SHE OPPOSE ME OF DOING IT (growing long hair), THE MORE I'LL DO IT! I'll grow my hair to the floor and let it loose to drag on the floor, IN FRONT OF HER IN THE PUBLIC.
I think I'd had the last straw of her and I guess it's now good riddance..... S***!!!
Sorry for the long message and I sincerely thank everyone for allowing me to have this violent rant. I hope you don't mind my tone and expletives (I guess most of you haven't "seen" this side of me).
Thanks again :))
no problem
Posted by j.s. on July 04, 2002 at 07:21:14: Previous Next
In Reply to: Ok, I just need to rant... posted by Jin on July 04, 2002 at 06:26:11:
...and don't apologize. you are showing why your decision to grow your hair is a particularly courageous one. it is troubling to realize that it is straining your relationship with your mother.
apparently your mom believes that you need her approval before making decisions... or that the acceptance of her peers is so important tp her that she would dictate the hairstyle of her adult son in order to win their approval.
whatever the case, engaging in shouting matches is not going to help. i get the sense that any argument from either side is going to result in an escalated response from the other- so arguing any further on the issue may cost you your relationship with your mother (if it hasn't already).
if you can't control the situation then you must control yourself within it. if a perfect stranger is going to think negative things about you based on your hair then how much weight do you really want to give his or her opinion? if your mom is going to be narrow-minded then feel sorry for her because it says alot more about her than your hair length could ever suggest about you.
well... i hope this makes sense and helps
Re: Ok, I just need to rant...
Posted by Robert on July 04, 2002 at 11:45:53: Previous Next
In Reply to: Ok, I just need to rant... posted by Jin on July 04, 2002 at 06:26:11:
Yes, mothers. I'm glad that you could vent what's been happening to you here. Probably most of us have had to put up with mother-dictating at some point in our lives, if not over hair, then over almost everything else. I look around, at 42, and see that many men never are able to claim their own lives back from mom. She is an indomitable force. I would offer two things, knowing this is unsolicited. You may ignore, of course.
First, is it possible that you mom, given her culture and background, age and education, is doing the best she can? This doesn't make what she is doing okay, but it might take some of the edge off for you if you can acknowledge, at least to yourself, that she is doing the best she can. She probably causes herself a great deal of suffering, too.
Second, realizing that she may be doing the best she can, take up your own life as your own. Let go of any reaction that is about getting back at her. Those kinds of actions/reactions only place us more deeply in mom's control. It's time to let go, not get back! Every inch of hair that you grow as reaction to mom, in a sense, belongs to her, and then you are wearing her, energetically speaking. Is that what you want?
Be angry. Then let your anger clarify for you who you are. You can afford to be gentle with her. She is doing the best she can. Do the best you can. One day it will pay off for you.
: Sorry guys, but I think I'm feeling extremely down now, that I need to borrow this platform to rant!
: No, I wasn't offered any money to have my hair cut or whatsoever. But I was threatened, insulted and humiliated by my mum (no less!) two days ago, to cut my hair. She called me a transvestite and said that it's shameful (for her or my future girlfriend) to go out with me.
: How can a mother ever say this to her own son is beyond me. Anyway, I had a terrible shouting match with her that day (which I think all our neighbours would have heard the details) and I just stormed out of my home. The moment she called me those ugly names, I simply went mad and nearly gave her a big whack... but luckily... I didn't (or else, I think I'll regret it for the whole of my life).
: Actually, during the time when I'm growing my hair out, she's constantly been giving me lots and lots of grieve. She dictated (yes, it's dictated) me to tie it up at ALL TIMES, in a ponytail or whatever styles she deem "professional" and "masculine" (or even more ridiculously, the styles that some celebrity long-haired males wear, EVEN IF IT'S OBVIOUSLY FEMININE, JUST AS SOMEONE HAD WORN IT, IT'S OK). I can NEVER leave my hair loose when I go out with her and I CANNOT even tie a brown scrunchie, she'll say it's like a flower. HACKKKKK!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
: Growing long hair in my country is hard enough (due to its rarity and people would definitely view you as an oddity). She simply CANNOT stand people looking MY WAY when I go out with her. She'll ALWAYS ASSUME that people looked at me WITH DISGUST. Never before she'll stand up for her own son and she'll always assume that everybody will think like the way she does. She's a BIGOT!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
: In fact, my experience (that is, when she's not around me) is, people tend to look at my hair with admiration (yes, THAT I'm very sure). I've always received compliments about my hair and kind people always asked me not to cut it (AND THEY'RE STRANGERS, mind you!!). Occasionally, I'll get mistaken as a lady but I'll simply brush that off as oversight on the pedestrian's part (NOT MY FAULT). But I CANNOT imagine if my mum is beside me when people mistake me for one. I think I'll get humiliated (PUBLICLY) by my mum (even worse, together with THAT STRANGER).
: After that episode, I can no longer picture myself to forgive her and forget about this matter (and oh... can I ever, when she'll always give me grieve on my long hair). I think it's now either my mum, or my hair. Seeing the way she had handled me, I'm leaning towards choosing my hair.
: And as a rebellous person that I am, THE MORE SHE OPPOSE ME OF DOING IT (growing long hair), THE MORE I'LL DO IT! I'll grow my hair to the floor and let it loose to drag on the floor, IN FRONT OF HER IN THE PUBLIC.
: I think I'd had the last straw of her and I guess it's now good riddance..... S***!!!
: Sorry for the long message and I sincerely thank everyone for allowing me to have this violent rant. I hope you don't mind my tone and expletives (I guess most of you haven't "seen" this side of me).
: Thanks again :))
: Sigh,
: Jin
Re: Ok, I just need to rant...
Posted by John L. on July 04, 2002 at 13:42:56: Previous Next
In Reply to: Ok, I just need to rant... posted by Jin on July 04, 2002 at 06:26:11:
Jin, sounds like you're in the same boat as I am. I've been dealing with this for the past 5 months.
: Sorry guys, but I think I'm feeling extremely down now, that I need to borrow this platform to rant!
: No, I wasn't offered any money to have my hair cut or whatsoever. But I was threatened, insulted and humiliated by my mum (no less!) two days ago, to cut my hair. She called me a transvestite and said that it's shameful (for her or my future girlfriend) to go out with me.
: How can a mother ever say this to her own son is beyond me. Anyway, I had a terrible shouting match with her that day (which I think all our neighbours would have heard the details) and I just stormed out of my home. The moment she called me those ugly names, I simply went mad and nearly gave her a big whack... but luckily... I didn't (or else, I think I'll regret it for the whole of my life).
: Actually, during the time when I'm growing my hair out, she's constantly been giving me lots and lots of grieve. She dictated (yes, it's dictated) me to tie it up at ALL TIMES, in a ponytail or whatever styles she deem "professional" and "masculine" (or even more ridiculously, the styles that some celebrity long-haired males wear, EVEN IF IT'S OBVIOUSLY FEMININE, JUST AS SOMEONE HAD WORN IT, IT'S OK). I can NEVER leave my hair loose when I go out with her and I CANNOT even tie a brown scrunchie, she'll say it's like a flower. HACKKKKK!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
: Growing long hair in my country is hard enough (due to its rarity and people would definitely view you as an oddity). She simply CANNOT stand people looking MY WAY when I go out with her. She'll ALWAYS ASSUME that people looked at me WITH DISGUST. Never before she'll stand up for her own son and she'll always assume that everybody will think like the way she does. She's a BIGOT!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
: In fact, my experience (that is, when she's not around me) is, people tend to look at my hair with admiration (yes, THAT I'm very sure). I've always received compliments about my hair and kind people always asked me not to cut it (AND THEY'RE STRANGERS, mind you!!). Occasionally, I'll get mistaken as a lady but I'll simply brush that off as oversight on the pedestrian's part (NOT MY FAULT). But I CANNOT imagine if my mum is beside me when people mistake me for one. I think I'll get humiliated (PUBLICLY) by my mum (even worse, together with THAT STRANGER).
: After that episode, I can no longer picture myself to forgive her and forget about this matter (and oh... can I ever, when she'll always give me grieve on my long hair). I think it's now either my mum, or my hair. Seeing the way she had handled me, I'm leaning towards choosing my hair.
: And as a rebellous person that I am, THE MORE SHE OPPOSE ME OF DOING IT (growing long hair), THE MORE I'LL DO IT! I'll grow my hair to the floor and let it loose to drag on the floor, IN FRONT OF HER IN THE PUBLIC.
: I think I'd had the last straw of her and I guess it's now good riddance..... S***!!!
: Sorry for the long message and I sincerely thank everyone for allowing me to have this violent rant. I hope you don't mind my tone and expletives (I guess most of you haven't "seen" this side of me).
: Thanks again :))
: Sigh,
: Jin
Re: offered money to cut it?
Posted by Silverfire on July 04, 2002 at 09:48:25: Previous Next
In Reply to: offered money to cut it? posted by Tony on July 03, 2002 at 17:11:27:
My grandmother was constantly complaining every time I had my bangs past my nose for a few years, so to shut her up I cut it, mostly because she threatened that she wouldn't take me to Newfoundland if I didn't, and for em that is NOT a light threat, because Newfoundland is, to me, the best place in the world. And so I would get it cut. The last time was approximately a year ago...Anyway, as for the money, she was always saying she would give me the money to have it cut...
But this year, I just dug in my heels, because I have figured out that she NEEDS me in Newfoundland to help take care of my grandpa, and I just put up with her complaining. She didn't even say anything wen I started tieing it! And yesterday she said she hoped it would be long enough by the time we go so that my bangs can go in the tie! I almost grabbed her and said "Who are you and what have you done with grandma??" *lol*
Re: offered money to cut it?
Posted by Cactus Jack on July 04, 2002 at 17:21:11: Previous Next
In Reply to: offered money to cut it? posted by Tony on July 03, 2002 at 17:11:27:
well i am a kinda poor person BUT i wouldent cut my Hair right now for anything, some of my family members would probabaly love to see me cut it but i don't think they would offer me anything for it lol
Re: offered money to cut it?
Posted by Tony on July 04, 2002 at 18:42:37: Previous Next
In Reply to: offered money to cut it? posted by Tony on July 03, 2002 at 17:11:27:
: Have any of you been offered a lot money to get your hair cut? Unfortunately I need money and a rich friend of my father told me he would give me $500.00 if he could cut my hair. I told him no way but he keeps bringing it up and last time he said he would give me $800.00, I just may let him as I need the money and I guess it will grow back, I hate this. I'm part Italian and have heavy black hair that is almost all one length and just reaches my shoulder blades. I'll let you know what happens...If any of you have long hair and money you are lucky. Tony
A quick followup to say I am of age, 22, and I do need the money and will go for a lot more cash. Also he said he would cut it or I could go to a barbershop, he just doesn't understand long hair and I would probably get a better job (unfortunately he is probably right about the job thing). I hate to cut my hair as I like having it and get compliments on, but I may end up cutting it. I'll let you know what happens, HAVE A GREAT 4TH!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Re: offered money to cut it?
Posted by Hair Religion on July 06, 2002 at 13:02:02: Previous Next
In Reply to: offered money to cut it? posted by Tony on July 03, 2002 at 17:11:27:
>>Unfortunately I need money and a rich friend of my father told me he would give me $500.00 if he could cut my hair.
Tell him that his attempts to treat you like a child or a prostitute are not appreciated.
Offer him $500 to grow his hair and then scoff at him for turning down money when he says no. That'll teach the rich bastard!
Better yet, tell him you'll take $10,000 (Bo Derek did it for $1,000,000 at least a decade ago, he'd be getting a deal) and he has to shave his balls. If that doesn't shut him up on the spot in any social situation then you may have to tell him to #$*@ off. His attempts to single you out and embarass you will be matched.
It's not "just hair", it's a naturally growing part of your body.
Re: offered money to cut it?
Posted by Alanzo on July 06, 2002 at 16:34:10: Previous Next
In Reply to: Re: offered money to cut it? posted by Hair Religion on July 06, 2002 at 13:02:02:
What is wrong with just saying no?
Why complicate the situation?
Re: offered money to cut it?
Posted by Hair Religion on July 07, 2002 at 11:27:43: Previous Next
In Reply to: Re: offered money to cut it? posted by Alanzo on July 06, 2002 at 16:34:10:
Why not? Sometimes you need to make a point. If you noticed in his post he turned down the $500 offer and then the money guy kept upping the amount. I guess just saying NO didn't do much, wouldn't you agree? The person making things complicated is the one who is trying to manipulate.