is it worth it
Posted by pat on July 10, 2002 at 14:52:55: Previous Next
Well im wondering if you think its worth letting my hair grow, here are my moms restrictions:
1 hair must get a slight trim every 1-2 months to get rid of split ends
2 hair is to be washed,conditioned, and combed every day
3 the back of you hair will always be cutt to start to get even with the front
4 when long enough for pony tail it must always be up, around her
5 and finally I must always do good in school or she will make me cutt it to my normal buzz
also there was another about somthing if the bangs are going to be hanging in my eyes im going to have to get them cut so i think gel will help there so what do you think, is it worth letting grow, id reallly like it long but i dont know if i want to obay all these rules expecially the trim thing
Re: is it worth it
Posted by The Rev on July 10, 2002 at 15:14:43: Previous Next
In Reply to: is it worth it posted by pat on July 10, 2002 at 14:52:55:
Basically, it sounds like she wants you to look good and be smart. That seems worth it to me. Just make sure to advise her that there is an awkward stage, and assure her that it WILL look better. Wearing hats or 'do rags is a good idea too. Keep any downside out of mom's notice as much as is ethical.
The Rev
Re: is it worth it
Posted by Tim W. on July 10, 2002 at 15:24:32: Previous Next
In Reply to: is it worth it posted by pat on July 10, 2002 at 14:52:55:
Sounds all right with me. Some longhairs do most or all of these things anyway.
Re: is it worth it
Posted by Mantraschism on July 10, 2002 at 15:28:11: Previous Next
In Reply to: is it worth it posted by pat on July 10, 2002 at 14:52:55:
Your hair's never gonna get long if you trim it like that. How long is it now? It'll be like three years before you start to see any real length. Trims make the growing process A LOT longer, and you'll be in the awkward stage A LOT LONGER. I've only had one trim, and it slowed me down substantially. If you trim every month or two... well, you won't get anywhere. Your hair will just look bad for an unnecessarily long time. Does your mom realize this?
Besides, if you take really good care of your hair, the chances of split ends showing up are pretty slim. I've gone months without trimming, and not a single split end has reared its little head.
The part about cutting the back so that the side and front can catch up... that's reasonable. If you don't, you'll start to look like you have a mullet. BUT - I wouldn't cut it until it actual starts to get some length. And don't really cut it, just trim it so that it hangs around that length until your bangs and all start to catch up. When they're just about there, I'd say that it's safe to then leave your hair alone and let it grow.
As far as washing and conditioning every day, that depends on your hair, IMO. I, personally, don't wash my hair every day, just because shampoo's kinda damaging, and because my hair's so hard to restrain after it's been washed. My hair's really oily, so I just let the oil soak through my hair for a day or two. Lots of people just wash it every other day. This is really more or less one of those 'do what you think is right' things.
About your bangs: why would you cut them? Don't you want to let *all* of your hair grow? Trimming his bangs is one mistake my best friend made. The back was getting longish, but everything else was kinda short. T_T So he was getting a mullet. Just deal with the bangs in your eyes (mine are always in my eyes) until they're long enough to tuck behind your ears. At first, you'll have to keep shoving them back, but do what you gotta do. After a while, they'll be long enough to stay tucked behind your ears, and then you'll only have a little while to wait until you can start pulling the rest of your hair into a ponytail. Just FYI, nine inches is the length when you can start putting your hair into a pony tail. I don't know if you can put your bangs into the tail at this length, but at that point they're staying behind your ears just fine.
As for wearing it up around her: that's really no big deal. Just do what she wants as far as that goes, and then you can wear it however you want.
And I guess doing good in school is one of those things that you should do anyway... even though I didn't. But now you have extra motivation. =P
My advice: talk to her some more, explain to her some of these things (ESPECIALLY about trimming). Then, if she's understanding and reasonable, you should be able to at least get by without trimming. Washing every day... well, it's not that big a deal. So yeah, just go ahead and do it, unless you can convince her of some of the things I've told you. Cutting the back... like I said, is logical, but if you can convince her to let you hold off on trimming the back until it starts to get a little long, then I'd say do it.
To be honest, your mom's better about this than many people's on this board. See: Jin. My mom hasn't given me any rules about it, said anything about it, nothing. I'm really quite surprised. =O
Well, good luck with it, and I hope some of the things I've said will help you on your journey! =D
Re: is it worth it
Posted by pat on July 10, 2002 at 17:59:55: Previous Next
In Reply to: is it worth it posted by pat on July 10, 2002 at 14:52:55:
im at like 6 months now and thats why i desided id tell her that i was growing it long because she kept asking when im going to get it cutt. So these rules are ok then, i talked to her about the trims and she said as long as she can look through it and it doesent seem to be damaged or split she will let me get by but the back she says just has to go because she truly does hate mullets because her brother has one and she says it is awfull looking and men with long beutriful hair look good as long as its not hair that looks like you are a bum and never had a hair cutt, i also talked to her about the awkward stage and she said shes fine with that as long as it dont look to bad. she also suggested a bowl cutt for me to start growing my hair long from because it looks more masculin or somthing like that but that one is stricky up to me.
Re: is it worth it
Posted by Mantraschism on July 10, 2002 at 18:05:05: Previous Next
In Reply to: Re: is it worth it posted by pat on July 10, 2002 at 17:59:55:
Good! Those sound like fair rules then. Trimming the back until the front and sides catch up is a reasonable and logical thing to do. I don't know anyone who likes the mullet look; I, personally, hate it. I'm glad she was reasonable.
So have fun growing! How long are you wanting it to get?
Re: is it worth it
Posted by S-17 on July 11, 2002 at 08:08:03: Previous Next
In Reply to: Re: is it worth it posted by pat on July 10, 2002 at 17:59:55:
I tell you what though mate, when you go to get the back trimmed dont let the hairdresser get carried away.....she cut my back so that the front is now actually longer then it, the front goes down to my bottom lip when pulled and the back is about 1/2 a centimeter shorter. But i think when it gets to like my chin i'll get it cut so that it's even.
good luck mate
Re: is it worth it
Posted by MG on July 10, 2002 at 18:13:19: Previous Next
In Reply to: is it worth it posted by pat on July 10, 2002 at 14:52:55:
: Well im wondering if you think its worth letting my hair grow, here are my moms restrictions:
: 1 hair must get a slight trim every 1-2 months to get rid of split ends
Too often, maybe twice a year maximum.
: 2 hair is to be washed,conditioned, and combed every day
Every two or three days would be better, depends on your hair.
: 3 the back of you hair will always be cutt to start to get even with the front
: 4 when long enough for pony tail it must always be up, around her
Shouldn't be a problem.
: 5 and finally I must always do good in school or she will make me cutt it to my normal buzz
This would help you in more ways than one. Maybe you could become one
of us few long haired professionals.
: also there was another about somthing if the bangs are going to be hanging in my eyes im going to have to get them cut so i think gel will help there so what do you think, is it worth letting grow, id reallly like it long but i dont know if i want to obay all these rules expecially the trim thing
Re: is it worth it
Posted by pat on July 10, 2002 at 22:05:55: Previous Next
In Reply to: is it worth it posted by pat on July 10, 2002 at 14:52:55:
im planning on letting it grow as long as it wants so i will never have a goal. im just wondering at what age it will stop growing or i go bald