To all, that think THEY are fucked up
Posted by Beret on July 28, 2002 at 14:54:14: Previous Next
I'm growing my hair out for 3 Month now from a buzzcut. I have no problems with parents or friends about my hair. But what i have just noticed is, that I have to go to the "Bundesheer" (The Austrian Army, but every Austrian man has to join them for 9 Month or have to do an 12Months social-work instead of this). I have to go there September 2003. The Handbook i got for information tells about hairstyles:
"Deine Haare sollten gepflegt und derart geschnitten sein, dass sie bei aufrechter Kopfhaltung den Hemdkragen nicht berühren und Ohren und Stirn nicht von überhängenden Harren bedeckt werden"
which means something like:
If you hold your head upright (don't know if that word is right, i looked it up in dictionary, i mean to look straight forward), your hair is not allowed to:
-touch your collar
-hang over your ears
-hang into your forehead
That means I have to cut my hear right after i got out of the awkward-stage and redo the growing-thing after 9 Months.....
I don't have enough time to do the social-work instead (hey guys, thats 3 months more) so i have no choice that does not include hurting myself (just kidding *G*)
So thats what my problem is ;-)
Another question: What is the best allowed hairstyle, that includes the 3 points up there and that allows me to grow my hair out the fastest way possible after that 9 Months. Maybe i go back to buzzcut for that time cause its convenient, and grow it out after that time.
Thx for answers
PS:The good thing is, that i have long hair for about 4 months before that =) and i will go to the barber just one day before my first day at the Bundesheer,that's for sure.
Re: To all, that think THEY are fucked up
Posted by Crinius on July 28, 2002 at 20:12:12: Previous Next
In Reply to: To all, that think THEY are fucked up posted by Beret on July 28, 2002 at 14:54:14:
Jo servus. Das is aber ein Pech. Gsixt deswegen geh ich zum Zivildienst :PPP
Um amal im Wiener Slang zu reden.
So I just talked a little bit with my austrian longhair friend :D
Re: To all, that think THEY are fucked up
Posted by Beret on July 29, 2002 at 13:15:57: Previous Next
In Reply to: Re: To all, that think THEY are fucked up posted by Crinius on July 28, 2002 at 20:12:12:
: Jo servus. Das is aber ein Pech. Gsixt deswegen geh ich zum Zivildienst :PPP
: Um amal im Wiener Slang zu reden.
: So I just talked a little bit with my austrian longhair friend :D
Translation (short form): Hi. What a pitty. Thats why I go for the social-thing :PPP
Just to talk some Vienna-Slang
Jo mei, mi intressiert des BH mehr und i mog net wirkli 3 Monat mehr mochn =). I moch des jetz und scheiss drauf; komm eh zur Fliegerabwehr.
Translation of answere: Yeah, but I'm more interested in the Army-thing than in the Social-thing and i don't really like to spent 3 more Month on that kind of stuff. I will do it and don#t give a f* about; I will get a place at the air-defense (the guys that detect and shoot up jets).
Greets Beret
fucked up...Well...
Posted by LucksKind on July 28, 2002 at 20:12:17: Previous Next
In Reply to: To all, that think THEY are fucked up posted by Beret on July 28, 2002 at 14:54:14:
...yes...'upright' is a good word for what you described.
Here's my advice:
If you have to have your hair cut to the length you mentioned,
then I would have the hair cut all in ONE LENGTH so that when it does start growing out...
1. You hair will have much less of an 'awkward stage' to go through.
2. Because it is one length, some of the hairs will naturally be longer (especially those starting at the top of the head) you will
have a head start in regrowing your hair.
Also, have you hair cut in one length maylook strange when it is straight down, but if you comb it into a style it should look fairly 'normal.'
Good luck.
Once Again
Posted by Santiago on July 29, 2002 at 04:55:50: Previous Next
In Reply to: fucked up...Well... posted by LucksKind on July 28, 2002 at 20:12:17:
I had your exact same problem in January. I was in the middle of the awckward stage and sort of getting out, and I had these biased and non-thinking military on top of me. I was delayed a year on my service. Here, you have to get unlucky to serve. 9 out of 10 walk away with it, and just have to cut for the picture! Its a silly document, but I was looking at having my hair no longer than an inch for a year. As I was delayed, no chance for getting lucky. How did I walk away? Simple.
I got a medical checkup and was declared, non fit for service. Just because I have a problem in one eye. Very little by the way. My point is, these military laws are old. They include a lot of conditions that help you be declared unfit. So if you are lucky you might fall ito one of those and laugh at their faces. Good luck, chet it out, you might be very happy about it.
Re: Once Again
Posted by Beret on July 29, 2002 at 08:42:07: Previous Next
In Reply to: Once Again posted by Santiago on July 29, 2002 at 04:55:50:
: I got a medical checkup and was declared, non fit for service. Just because I have a problem in one eye. Very little by the way. My point is, these military laws are old. They include a lot of conditions that help you be declared unfit. So if you are lucky you might fall ito one of those and laugh at their faces. Good luck, chet it out, you might be very happy about it.
That thing is called "Stellung" in Austria and i got a "neunertauglich" (9 out of 9 points) at the brain-tests and 8 out of 9 for my fitness and body way to get around this... they even asked me if i want to join them for a longer period and get a higher degree (i mean more stars on my uniform)...
so i think i do that all one length-thing and i ask the barber if he could get it looking longhaired but following the rules =)
Re: To all, that think THEY are fucked up
Posted by Remi on July 29, 2002 at 04:56:53: Previous Next
In Reply to: To all, that think THEY are fucked up posted by Beret on July 28, 2002 at 14:54:14:
Army and long hair don't mix! Only true war heroes like Rambo are allowed to sport long hair.
Re: To all, that think THEY are fucked up
Posted by Kev on July 29, 2002 at 17:05:58: Previous Next
In Reply to: To all, that think THEY are fucked up posted by Beret on July 28, 2002 at 14:54:14:
Hi. I'm no expert, but that didn't too impossible. Just put it in a bun or a ponytail (if it's not too long) or something. Do they allow that?
: I'm growing my hair out for 3 Month now from a buzzcut. I have no problems with parents or friends about my hair. But what i have just noticed is, that I have to go to the "Bundesheer" (The Austrian Army, but every Austrian man has to join them for 9 Month or have to do an 12Months social-work instead of this). I have to go there September 2003. The Handbook i got for information tells about hairstyles:
: "Deine Haare sollten gepflegt und derart geschnitten sein, dass sie bei aufrechter Kopfhaltung den Hemdkragen nicht berühren und Ohren und Stirn nicht von überhängenden Harren bedeckt werden"
: which means something like:
: If you hold your head upright (don't know if that word is right, i looked it up in dictionary, i mean to look straight forward), your hair is not allowed to:
: -touch your collar
: -hang over your ears
: -hang into your forehead
: That means I have to cut my hear right after i got out of the awkward-stage and redo the growing-thing after 9 Months.....
: I don't have enough time to do the social-work instead (hey guys, thats 3 months more) so i have no choice that does not include hurting myself (just kidding *G*)
: So thats what my problem is ;-)
: Another question: What is the best allowed hairstyle, that includes the 3 points up there and that allows me to grow my hair out the fastest way possible after that 9 Months. Maybe i go back to buzzcut for that time cause its convenient, and grow it out after that time.
: Thx for answers
: Beret
: PS:The good thing is, that i have long hair for about 4 months before that =) and i will go to the barber just one day before my first day at the Bundesheer,that's for sure.