10 Reasons I love my long hair!
Posted by The Rev on July 29, 2002 at 17:06:03: Previous Next
There's been so much focus on the negatives of long hair lately (harrassment from the buzz board, stereotypes, etc.) that I thought I might throw out some positives for discussion:
1) The way it sticks to my back when I get out of the pool.
2) The way it seems to embolden women to flirt with me (long hair is like an explicit invitiation :)
3) My resemblance to Aragorn
4) That feeling of being special, belonging to a privileged few.
5) The fact that it scares conformists >:-)
6) The way it tickles my shoulders when I take my shirt off
7) The feeling of accomplishment that comes with ALL THAT PATIENCE waiting for it to grow.
8) Being able to look in the mirror and see my real self.
9) Hair Jewelry (ties, cuffs, and other forms of personalization)
10) Being dead sexy!
Please feel free to add to, or discuss, any submission.
The Rev
Re: 10 Reasons
Posted by LucksKind on July 29, 2002 at 19:41:39: Previous Next
In Reply to: 10 Reasons I love my long hair! posted by The Rev on July 29, 2002 at 17:06:03:
Yes, I think that is a GREAT list! Especially reasons like #4 (belonging to a priveleged few) and #8 (seeing my real self
in the mirror)!
All in all it makes me feel more "here and now" if that
makes any sense!
Aragorn the character or the actor who plays him?
Viggo Mortensen
Posted by Draco on July 30, 2002 at 01:13:25: Previous Next
In Reply to: Re: 10 Reasons posted by LucksKind on July 29, 2002 at 19:41:39:
: Yes, I think that is a GREAT list! Especially reasons like #4 (belonging to a priveleged few) and #8 (seeing my real self
: in the mirror)!
: All in all it makes me feel more "here and now" if that
: makes any sense!
: Aragorn the character or the actor who plays him?
Re: 10 Reasons
Posted by The Rev on July 30, 2002 at 10:14:36: Previous Next
In Reply to: Re: 10 Reasons posted by LucksKind on July 29, 2002 at 19:41:39:
: Aragorn the character or the actor who plays him?
Whoever has the longer hair.
The Rev
Posted by Ryan S on July 29, 2002 at 20:46:14: Previous Next
In Reply to: 10 Reasons I love my long hair! posted by The Rev on July 29, 2002 at 17:06:03:
I like the 3rd one the best!
Re: 10 Reasons I love my long hair!
Posted by RedRocker on July 30, 2002 at 02:45:31: Previous Next
In Reply to: 10 Reasons I love my long hair! posted by The Rev on July 29, 2002 at 17:06:03:
Man, I couldn't have said it better -- especially reason number 2!! Perhaps this should be posted the 'Buzzboard' -- I'm sure the remarks would be entertaining, albeit biased and disputed.
1 Reason I love my long(ish) hair
Posted by Mantraschism on July 30, 2002 at 06:16:26: Previous Next
In Reply to: Re: 10 Reasons I love my long hair! posted by RedRocker on July 30, 2002 at 02:45:31:
1. It owns.
Well, that about sums it up, I think. =D \m/
Re: 10 Reasons I love my long hair!
Posted by Mark on August 01, 2002 at 03:46:19: Previous Next
In Reply to: Re: 10 Reasons I love my long hair! posted by RedRocker on July 30, 2002 at 02:45:31:
Great reasons - I think I've got another one too:
Go stand on the beach and let your hair down. The feeling of the sea breeze blowing back through your hair is fantastic. It's one of the best feelings I know.
Re: 10 Reasons I love my long hair!
Posted by SteveP on July 30, 2002 at 04:12:00: Previous Next
In Reply to: 10 Reasons I love my long hair! posted by The Rev on July 29, 2002 at 17:06:03:
: There's been so much focus on the negatives of long hair lately (harrassment from the buzz board, stereotypes, etc.) that I thought I might throw out some positives for discussion:
: 1) The way it sticks to my back when I get out of the pool.
: 2) The way it seems to embolden women to flirt with me (long hair is like an explicit invitiation :)
: 3) My resemblance to Aragorn
: 4) That feeling of being special, belonging to a privileged few.
: 5) The fact that it scares conformists >:-)
: 6) The way it tickles my shoulders when I take my shirt off
: 7) The feeling of accomplishment that comes with ALL THAT PATIENCE waiting for it to grow.
: 8) Being able to look in the mirror and see my real self.
: 9) Hair Jewelry (ties, cuffs, and other forms of personalization)
: 10) Being dead sexy!
: Please feel free to add to, or discuss, any submission.
: The Rev
I totally agree with all 10 of your reasons. I'd like to add a couple comments to a couple of them.
1. Feeling it stick your back when you get out of the pool-- A while back on the board there was a poll of "milestones" I realized a couple months ago after growing my hair for a little over 2 years that I could reach the tips of my hair on my back with my hand behind me when It was wet. Thats a milestone for me!! Now I can reach it when its dry too--so cool!!
6. Its nice to see how long its getting in the back, but to be able to feel it between your shoulder blades is awesome--Haven't worn a shirt much this summer!!
8. Seeing my real self in the morror-- I waited for so many years to grow my hair out because of my former job, sometimes in the morning I still can't believe I've finnally getting to have the hair length I've always wanted
Milestone for this year---Mid-back/nipple length I hope!!
Re: 10 Reasons I love my long hair!
Posted by 4everlong on July 30, 2002 at 04:12:05: Previous Next
In Reply to: 10 Reasons I love my long hair! posted by The Rev on July 29, 2002 at 17:06:03:
: There's been so much focus on the negatives of long hair lately (harrassment from the buzz board, stereotypes, etc.) that I thought I might throw out some positives for discussion:
: 1) The way it sticks to my back when I get out of the pool.
: 2) The way it seems to embolden women to flirt with me (long hair is like an explicit invitiation :)
: 3) My resemblance to Aragorn
: 4) That feeling of being special, belonging to a privileged few.
: 5) The fact that it scares conformists >:-)
: 6) The way it tickles my shoulders when I take my shirt off
: 7) The feeling of accomplishment that comes with ALL THAT PATIENCE waiting for it to grow.
: 8) Being able to look in the mirror and see my real self.
: 9) Hair Jewelry (ties, cuffs, and other forms of personalization)
: 10) Being dead sexy!
: Please feel free to add to, or discuss, any submission.
: The Rev
I like your reason # 5 the best!!!
Re: 10 Reasons I love my long hair!
Posted by FITMUS on July 30, 2002 at 14:53:05: Previous Next
In Reply to: 10 Reasons I love my long hair! posted by The Rev on July 29, 2002 at 17:06:03:
Hi Rev,
As always, it's nice to see your positive comments. You did a great job in listing the pluses of long hair! I'd like to also add:
1. It makes a statement that men should be treated equally and not discriminated against
2. There's a special comradery among us guys interested in long hair
3. It shows courage
Re: 10 Reasons I love my long hair!
Posted by NorCal Scott on August 01, 2002 at 21:57:44: Previous Next
In Reply to: 10 Reasons I love my long hair! posted by The Rev on July 29, 2002 at 17:06:03:
I love how it feels against my bare back. Wonderful!
The downside: It takes longer to care for!
: There's been so much focus on the negatives of long hair lately (harrassment from the buzz board, stereotypes, etc.) that I thought I might throw out some positives for discussion:
Re: 10 Reasons I love my long hair!
Posted by luna on August 12, 2002 at 22:10:31: Previous Next
In Reply to: 10 Reasons I love my long hair! posted by The Rev on July 29, 2002 at 17:06:03:
: There's been so much focus on the negatives of long hair lately (harrassment from the buzz board, stereotypes, etc.) that I thought I might throw out some positives for discussion:
: 1) The way it sticks to my back when I get out of the pool.
: 2) The way it seems to embolden women to flirt with me (long hair is like an explicit invitiation :)
: 3) My resemblance to Aragorn
: 4) That feeling of being special, belonging to a privileged few.
: 5) The fact that it scares conformists >:-)
: 6) The way it tickles my shoulders when I take my shirt off
: 7) The feeling of accomplishment that comes with ALL THAT PATIENCE waiting for it to grow.
: 8) Being able to look in the mirror and see my real self.
: 9) Hair Jewelry (ties, cuffs, and other forms of personalization)
: 10) Being dead sexy!
i hate confomists and love long hair in genral
: Please feel free to add to, or discuss, any submission.
: The Rev