Expectation Poll

Expectation Poll
Posted by Santiago on August 25, 2002 at 00:12:58: Previous Next

I'd like to know what people have and are aiming for, this might help us all out so, try too answer all the questions.

1.- How old are you?

2.- How long is your hair now?

3.- What type of hair(curly, wavy, straight)?

4.- What color is your hair?

5.- How long have you been growing?

6.- What is your aim, or length goal?

7.- Do you have any role model(s)?

8.- Do you intend to change anything about it (relax, perm, dye)?

9.- Have you gotten more possitive or more negative attention?

10.- What is the weirdest thing that has happened to you regarding your hair?

Well, I think that's it.

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