Gender Bender...Part Deux
Posted by Ian on September 29, 2002 at 03:54:19: Previous Next
A few people were talking about the "Gender Bender" phenomenon a little ways down...and I had an experience that still makes me laugh. I started modeling nude for art classes when I was a frosh in college and at that time, my hair was about 2-3 inches below my waist. I was finishing up a class, the art students had left, and I was in the front of the ecture hall, totally nude, my back facing the door, brushing out my long hair that had been pulled back in a ponytail. I head the door open but I figured it was the professor, who often came back after class to tell me about my next assignment. The next thing I heard was a guy saying "You are the hottest chick on campus...." and I recognized the voice as one of the idiot jocks on the football team. Obviously, he thought he was speaking to one of the many female models (they outnumbered the guys about 5-1). I continued to brush my hair. " are making me H-O-T" he then which point I turned around, and in my deepest voice said "I'll take that as a compliment". He turned ten shades of red and stammered like an idiot....It was the best!
Re: Gender Bender...Part Deux
Posted by Marco on September 29, 2002 at 08:00:39: Previous Next
In Reply to: Gender Bender...Part Deux posted by Ian on September 29, 2002 at 03:54:19:
: A few people were talking about the "Gender Bender" phenomenon a little ways down...and I had an experience that still makes me laugh. I started modeling nude for art classes when I was a frosh in college and at that time, my hair was about 2-3 inches below my waist. I was finishing up a class, the art students had left, and I was in the front of the ecture hall, totally nude, my back facing the door, brushing out my long hair that had been pulled back in a ponytail. I head the door open but I figured it was the professor, who often came back after class to tell me about my next assignment. The next thing I heard was a guy saying "You are the hottest chick on campus...." and I recognized the voice as one of the idiot jocks on the football team. Obviously, he thought he was speaking to one of the many female models (they outnumbered the guys about 5-1). I continued to brush my hair. " are making me H-O-T" he then which point I turned around, and in my deepest voice said "I'll take that as a compliment". He turned ten shades of red and stammered like an idiot....It was the best!
Sounds pretty funny man. Was the pay any good?
Re: Gender Bender...Part Deux
Posted by Ian on September 29, 2002 at 09:25:06: Previous Next
In Reply to: Re: Gender Bender...Part Deux posted by Marco on September 29, 2002 at 08:00:39:
Sounds pretty funny man. Was the pay any good?
The pay was VERY good, in my opinion...depending on the class size, I'd started off making anywhere between 12.50-17.50 per hour. I still model nude (been doing this now for about 4 years), and average pay is $35.00 per hour.
Re: Gender Bender...Part Deux
Posted by Marco on September 29, 2002 at 17:46:58: Previous Next
In Reply to: Re: Gender Bender...Part Deux posted by Ian on September 29, 2002 at 09:25:06:
: Sounds pretty funny man. Was the pay any good?
: The pay was VERY good, in my opinion...depending on the class size, I'd started off making anywhere between 12.50-17.50 per hour. I still model nude (been doing this now for about 4 years), and average pay is $35.00 per hour.
Sounds pun intended! Sign me up man!
Gender Bender.......he..he...
Posted by LucksKind on September 29, 2002 at 08:13:48: Previous Next
In Reply to: Gender Bender...Part Deux posted by Ian on September 29, 2002 at 03:54:19:
"He turned ten shades of red and stammered like an idiot....It was the best!"
I love those stories. Thanks!
Re: Gender Bender...Part Deux
Posted by seraphim on September 30, 2002 at 14:01:50: Previous Next
In Reply to: Gender Bender...Part Deux posted by Ian on September 29, 2002 at 03:54:19:
: He turned ten shades of red and stammered like an idiot....It was
: the best!
On one occasion a few years ago when I had longer hair (between my shoulder blades), I was wearing fairly tight jeans over some biker boots. I bent over to straighten the cuffs, causing my hair to spill all over the ground. From behind me, I heard a guy call, in obvious longing, "Oh baby, don't bend over like that!"
I straightened up and turned around, in time to see his jaw drop and hear him stammer, "Uh...sorry man..."
Too bad. He was cute. ;-)
Re: Gender Bender...Part Deux
Posted by Nyghtfall on September 30, 2002 at 19:58:19: Previous Next
In Reply to: Gender Bender...Part Deux posted by Ian on September 29, 2002 at 03:54:19:
: He turned ten shades of red and stammered like an idiot....It was the best!
That is classic!
When my wife and I were engaged, we took a trip down to Dillard's to get registered for wedding presents. I was wearing a pony tale that I had fastened with one of my black ribbons (ribbons are wonderfully effective for bringing back the feel of the 19th century, when the British used to wear them at the ends of their wigs).
One of the female clerks approached us from behind and asked, "May I help you ladies?" I wish I'd had a camera to capture the look of shock and embarrassment that enveloped her face at that point.
That was back in 1994. My hair was just a couple of inches past my shoulders at that point. You can see it in one of our wedding photos on my wife's web site. It's the top pic, in black and white. I'm the in front, closest to the camera.