haircut for car
Posted by Brad on September 30, 2002 at 16:47:56: Previous Next
I have very heavy brown hair that is now all one length and currently 17" long from the base of my braid. My dad said he would buy me a new car of my choice if I cut it off. I asked him how short and he said off my ears?! I love my hair and get good compliments but a new car might help with the loss? What should I do? Brad
Re: haircut for car
Posted by Zapper on September 30, 2002 at 17:37:01: Previous Next
In Reply to: haircut for car posted by Brad on September 30, 2002 at 16:47:56:
The car of your choice? Get that in writing, or make sure he really means any car of your choice. Have him buy the car first. (How about a new Thunderbird, or maybe a new Hummer, or a maybe a classic Jaguar E-Type). Go with him when you buy the car. Make sure the car is registered in your name. Get the car, and drive straight to Great Clips. Have your hair cut as agreed. It will be the most expensive haircut he ever paid for. Now you have the car. Start growing hair again. And in three years, your hair will be long again, and if you are a safe driver, you will still have the car.
Re: haircut for car
Posted by SixStringThing on September 30, 2002 at 18:07:36: Previous Next
In Reply to: Re: haircut for car posted by Zapper on September 30, 2002 at 17:37:01:
I wouldn't do it. I mean if you have a job you can probably get a rather decent car, not like you really need some extremely expensive car. The way I see it as long as it gets you from point a to point b and it looks/works ok then its a good car.
Posted by Treyn on September 30, 2002 at 18:34:54: Previous Next
In Reply to: haircut for car posted by Brad on September 30, 2002 at 16:47:56:
I've gotta honestly say that I wouldn't do it. Unless of course my hair was really unhealthy and in crappy shape. Then it would be a great opportunity to start over. After getting the car of course! Peace!!!!!
Re: haircut for car
Posted by Nyghtfall on September 30, 2002 at 18:39:00: Previous Next
In Reply to: haircut for car posted by Brad on September 30, 2002 at 16:47:56:
: I love my hair and get good compliments but a new car might help with the loss? What should I do?
My mother (god rest her soul - she died 2 years ago) once sent me a check for $500 with a letter attached in which she advised me that I was welcome to keep it on the condition that I cut all of my hair off.
She was raised with the belief that men with long hair are usually gay, and was perpetually worried about the impression her family had of her whenever they saw me and my hair.
I take great pride in the effort I've gone through to grow it, and am a strong advocate of individual freedoms and personal appearance. Long hair, I believe, is the ultimate form of self-expression, as it requires a good deal of patience and perserverence to grow (you can tell a lot about a man by the length of their hair), and is the most marked feature on anyone you might spot, even from a distance.
Suffice it to say, there was zero thought required on my part as to how to respond to her offer, regardless of my love for her and my continued efforts to get her to respect me for who I am and not what I look like, not to mention teaching her family to do the same. I promptly destroyed the check and called her with my reply and assured her of how much I loved her.
My advice to you is to follow your heart. Which is more important to you? A new car, or your hair?
Right choice and...
Posted by LucksKind on September 30, 2002 at 19:42:46: Previous Next
In Reply to: Re: haircut for car posted by Nyghtfall on September 30, 2002 at 18:39:00: handled the 'situation' nicely, too!
Re: haircut for car
Posted by Marco on October 01, 2002 at 08:43:14: Previous Next
In Reply to: Re: haircut for car posted by Nyghtfall on September 30, 2002 at 18:39:00:
: : I love my hair and get good compliments but a new car might help with the loss? What should I do?
: My mother (god rest her soul - she died 2 years ago) once sent me a check for $500 with a letter attached in which she advised me that I was welcome to keep it on the condition that I cut all of my hair off.
: She was raised with the belief that men with long hair are usually gay, and was perpetually worried about the impression her family had of her whenever they saw me and my hair.
: I take great pride in the effort I've gone through to grow it, and am a strong advocate of individual freedoms and personal appearance. Long hair, I believe, is the ultimate form of self-expression, as it requires a good deal of patience and perserverence to grow (you can tell a lot about a man by the length of their hair), and is the most marked feature on anyone you might spot, even from a distance.
: Suffice it to say, there was zero thought required on my part as to how to respond to her offer, regardless of my love for her and my continued efforts to get her to respect me for who I am and not what I look like, not to mention teaching her family to do the same. I promptly destroyed the check and called her with my reply and assured her of how much I loved her.
: My advice to you is to follow your heart. Which is more important to you? A new car, or your hair?
That is a good philosophy man. Thanks for sharing!
Re: haircut for car
Posted by Veloso on October 01, 2002 at 10:06:37: Previous Next
In Reply to: Re: haircut for car posted by Nyghtfall on September 30, 2002 at 18:39:00:
: My advice to you is to follow your heart. Which is more important to you? A new car, or your hair?
Yeah, but... wow.
I mean, I love my long hair, but it wouldn't even take $35,000 to get me to cut it off. $5,000 would probably do it.
Re: haircut for car
Posted by Dawn on September 30, 2002 at 19:49:05: Previous Next
In Reply to: haircut for car posted by Brad on September 30, 2002 at 16:47:56:
: I see this as more than just a haircut for car. But perhaps I view life far different given my background. I see this as a proposal for buying someone, and if what you have is for sale then the offer is a no brainer.GO hair will grow back and you still have a car.My curiousity however would want to know what his motive is and why he feels its worth ( for talking sake lets just assume the car has a cost of $35,000 ) to entice you to cut off your hair. Is he embaressed of you and your long hair ? Jealous ? Want to prove you will do anything for the right ammount ? Or perhaps this was just a whim and wanted to see your reaction? If any of these are factors or reasons, I too like the thought of saying i can live with my convictions and my feelings of who I am and how I look. I would take him to a veeeeeeeeery expensive dealership.... price out just what I wanted with all the goodies ......... then just get up and say ....... naaah , I like me the way I am.
: I have very heavy brown hair that is now all one length and currently 17" long from the base of my braid. My dad said he would buy me a new car of my choice if I cut it off. I asked him how short and he said off my ears?! I love my hair and get good compliments but a new car might help with the loss? What should I do? Brad
don't cut hair, buy ur self turbo dodge!
Posted by tommy turbo on September 30, 2002 at 21:27:33: Previous Next
In Reply to: haircut for car posted by Brad on September 30, 2002 at 16:47:56:
Brad, here is my two cents. I wouldn't cut my hair for a new car, I would work for my own. I have 4 as it is, all because of my own money.
Work hard, and you can have your own, on your terms. Heck Buy a 85-92 turbocharged chrysler or dodge, and have fun. They are inexpensive, and have excellent performance potential. I have 3 so I know. I bought each one for $700-$3000. I have put plenty of money into them but they will all be like new when I am done. Heck one is already almost finished in its restoration.
You can buy one cheap and make it really fast for a few bucks if you aren't conserned about looks. I like mine to look good.
You're Being Taken For a Ride
Posted by 4everlong on October 01, 2002 at 12:32:03: Previous Next
In Reply to: haircut for car posted by Brad on September 30, 2002 at 16:47:56:
: I have very heavy brown hair that is now all one length and currently 17" long from the base of my braid. My dad said he would buy me a new car of my choice if I cut it off. I asked him how short and he said off my ears?! I love my hair and get good compliments but a new car might help with the loss? What should I do? Brad
I think you are being taken for a ride just because of your hair. I wouldn't cut my hair for a car if I received this offer. Besides, I have some questions to ask you:
1) Car of your choice? What does that mean? A Jaguar? Mercedes Benz?BMW? Ferrari?
2) How much does your Dad intend to spend for a car for you? Is the sky the limit?
3) How old are you? Do you have a job? Can you afford to keep a car on the road, including car insurance?
4) Is it worth losing your hair (your identity) for a material item which can taken away from you, especially if you can't financially keep it on the road?
5) Can you trust your Dad to come through with the deal (your hair for a car)? Remember what the short haired Enron, and Inclone executives did. They told their employees everything was fine until they took the money and ran!!! The employees were screwed.
The decision is yours, of course. Yes, a car may be an extension of your identity? But is it worth losing another part of your identity (your hair) over? I'd say NO!!!!!!!!