My hair is keeping me from work...

My hair is keeping me from work...
Posted by Dandee on November 04, 2002 at 19:30:36: Previous Next

My hair is keeping me from working the job I want. The world is so damn f__ked up. I applied for a ranger job in Cal. and one in Oregon and they all said they have this neat-nick anal retentive code of no hair past the collar. This is the type of work I am looking for and my hair took five years to get where it is today. I would hate to cut it. It is very thick dark brown hair with a bit of gray through it. It is not that I am vain, it is just that when it is short it gets too wavey and out of control. I do not really like the pony tail anymore, but it looks its neatest in this manner. I have a B.A. and it looks like I am going to have to get more schooling beyond it with the hope of gaining more choices. I would really like to shit on these anal bastards. You know, the old fart with the little American flag in his lapel. Or the ex-military dick who is now a cop.
It's funny, all that trash they caught at Enron stealing the poor working mans' money I do not recall any of them being long hairs.
You know what this country has taught us from day one? If you just look the part you can screw your neighbor's wife and rip off your pastor-ALL IN THE SAME F__KING DAY.

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