Question for Nyghtfall & all

Question for Nyghtfall & all
Posted by FITMUS on November 16, 2002 at 00:41:51: Previous Next

This is a follow-up to Remi's thread regarding the need for protection against discrimination against long-haired men. I haven't been on in a few days, so I thought I'd post a fresh thread.

I wholeheartedly agree with Remi that there needs to be some type of protection against discrimination against men with long hair. While I respect Nyghtfall's opinion that long hair could be conceived as a little more than a fashion statement, something is fundamentally wrong when women can have long hair in the work place and make their "fashion statement", but men can't. I mean after all, isn't it a safe assumption that many, if not most, women have long hair to make a "fashion statemtn"? To me, this is a violation of the Equal Protection Clause of the 14th Amendment. True, one can not change the color of their skin color (racial discrimination unconstitutional), one can not change their sex (inequality b/w men and women unconstitutional), and one cannot change their handicap (ADA & Civil Rights Acts passed to protect their rights). And true, hair length is something in our reasonable control.

However, I have a couple of questions for Nyghtfall, just out of curiosity and friendly debate. I believe subjective reasons for growing are irrelevant in respect to long hair discrimination against a man in the work environment...who cares what his reason is to grow..."fashion statement" or "identity". I also think it's irrelevant that hair length is in a man's control (it's in a woman's control, too), while race, sex, and handicap are not, at least reasonably. The bottom line is that men are being discriminated against in the workplace for having long hair, while women are not.

So, Nyghtfall, aside from the subjective reason(s) why men are growing their hair (fashion or identity), do you think it's fair, and equal treatment, for a woman to have long hair in a particular work environment, but not a man, simply because of his sex? Do you think this is a form of sexual discrimination?

P.S.--Although the question is mainly addressed to Nyghtfall, I'd like to hear anyone who has an opinion. Lastly, I'd like to reiterate that this thread was for friendly debate, that's all.

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