i'm a newbie too

i'm a newbie too
Posted by Tmac on October 04, 2003 at 02:35:12: Previous Next

Ok. I've never grown out my hair before, I have always had it short. In fact, 2002 was all about shaved head. Well just this past March, I think it was the last time I ever got it shaved off, I decided to let my hair grow just a little bit and I got a trim in April. After that I never got my hair cut. I never thought of having long hair and how it would suit me so I decided to just leave it and see what happens, you know, try something different. As the months flew by my hair started growing a lot. Now being in the "awkard" stage, and I really really do hate it...I decided to do a google "long hair for men" and landed here. I'm glad I did 'cause after reading some of the posts I felt better. You guys are all about encouragement and DON'T CUT IT!

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