and yet, another work story...
Posted by Treyn on November 14, 2003 at 22:48:07: Previous Next
My partner and I was doing a furniture repair pick-up today for an older lady who, for one, had an attitude about her that was kind of getting on my nerves from the get-go. You know, kind of the bossy disposition. No big deal though, I am easy going enough to let things like that pass me by. Anyway, as like most days, I was wearing my hair loose. My hair is finally getting long enough to fall all over my face when I am manuevering around with furniture, which was the case at this ladies house. We were picking up a reclining chair that we only needed the base for repair, so we took off the back of the chair and I was placing it in a room that she instructed me to put it in. As I was doing so, my hair was falling in my face, I was throwing my head around to get it out of my face so I could see what I was doing, to which she commented, "You need something to tie your hair back out of your face, don't you." So I replied "Oh, sometimes I wear a hat." Then she stated, "That, or a pair of scissors to cut it would do!" All I had to say to that was, "OOOHHH, I am sure that ain't going to happen, I want it this way." We all laughed and went our merry ways on that note. All in all, I am glad that I am finally achieving length that is getting peoples attention, positively or negatively, doesn't matter to me, I enjoy both! Peace!
Re: and yet, another work story...
Posted by ahren on November 14, 2003 at 22:58:26: Previous Next
In Reply to: and yet, another work story... posted by Treyn on November 14, 2003 at 22:48:07:
I get some kind of strange satisfaction out of the negative coments too. What's up with that?
Re: and yet, another work story...
Posted by Nyghtfall on November 15, 2003 at 02:29:27: Previous Next
In Reply to: Re: and yet, another work story... posted by ahren on November 14, 2003 at 22:58:26:
: I get some kind of strange satisfaction out of the negative coments too. What's up with that?
It usually means you're growing your hair for shock value, which means there's some aspect of your personality that craves attention. You might want to consider working to resolve whatever issues you have with society.
Re: and yet, another work story...
Posted by Sorted on November 15, 2003 at 11:00:33: Previous Next
In Reply to: Re: and yet, another work story... posted by Nyghtfall on November 15, 2003 at 02:29:27:
: : I get some kind of strange satisfaction out of the negative coments too. What's up with that?
: It usually means you're growing your hair for shock value, which means there's some aspect of your personality that craves attention. You might want to consider working to resolve whatever issues you have with society.
Sure I love the attention, but I dont think I need to: "consider working to resolve whatever issues you have with society"
Just because you enjoy attention doesn't make you a goofball... I'd be more worried about a person that wants to shy away, be left alone and never seen... because that shows a lack of confidence and self esteem.
Whilst attention seeking can also be linked to a lack of confience its also linked with a desire for fame, recognition and social popularity. Which is what our society is entirely based around. So how can this be an issue with society?
Re: and yet, another work story...
Posted by Nyghtfall on November 15, 2003 at 23:38:20: Previous Next
In Reply to: Re: and yet, another work story... posted by Sorted on November 15, 2003 at 11:00:33:
: Sure I love the attention, but I dont think I need to: "consider working to resolve whatever issues you have with society"
There's a difference between enjoying the attention one gets with having long hair, and actually liking the negative attention, which is what ahren said he does. One says you're proud of how you look, and enjoy the positive attention you receive when others take notice. The other says you're looking for a confrontation. One should nurture the former, not the latter.
Negative attention-seeking is usually done by people who feel rejected and cast out from the rest of society. It's why children will often act out their own aggressions. I was merely suggesting that ahren may have deep-seated feelings of his own, that he might want to consider working to resolve.
: Just because you enjoy attention doesn't make you a goofball...
Of course it doesn't. Attention-seeking is fun and healthy, when received in a positive light.
Re: and yet, another work story...
Posted by ahren on November 16, 2003 at 08:26:50: Previous Next
In Reply to: Re: and yet, another work story... posted by Nyghtfall on November 15, 2003 at 23:38:20:
Actually I think it's less specifically enjoying the negative attention so much as it's just likeing getting any attention about it at all. I've always had a regular boring haircut. Now that my hair is getting longer I get noticed for it. I find myself enjoying this attention. Funny thing is, I didn't think I would. Like I replyed to Treyn, I was shy and didn't like getting noticed. I guess through this whole thing my hair changed and so did I. But heck, I've been going through a lot of changes recently. When my little brother died I was like, dang, I've been wasting my life, I need to get my ass in gear. So as far as having issues, yes you are probobly right. But as far as everything goes, I am generally happier nowadays and more satisfied with who I am. I started doing all the things I wanted to do, like grow my hair, take a martial art, learn guitar. As far as these social side effects of my hair, I am curious to know what you mean by deep-seated feelings. And now that I can think of nothing else to say, I'll end with your hair looks badass man. And your name isn't a reference to blind guardian's song nightfall is it? I've been meaning to ask that.
Re: and yet, another work story...
Posted by Nyghtfall on November 16, 2003 at 11:51:14: Previous Next
In Reply to: Re: and yet, another work story... posted by ahren on November 16, 2003 at 08:26:50:
: Actually I think it's less specifically enjoying the negative attention so much as it's just likeing getting any attention about it at all.
THAT, I comletely understand. I went through the same thing when I first started growing my hair out. Positive, negative, it was ALL good, because I was GETTING attention, and not because I felt I needed the attention. Rather, I was both intrigued and flattered by it.
My apologies for misinterpretting your original post.
Re: and yet, another work story...
Posted by ahren on November 16, 2003 at 01:14:58: Previous Next
In Reply to: Re: and yet, another work story... posted by Sorted on November 15, 2003 at 11:00:33:
: Just because you enjoy attention doesn't make you a goofball... I'd be more worried about a person that wants to shy away, be left alone and never seen... because that shows a lack of confidence and self esteem.
hmm... interestingly enough that's how I used to be. I guess I went from one extreme to the other.
Re: and yet, another work story...
Posted by Terry on November 15, 2003 at 07:51:28: Previous Next
In Reply to: and yet, another work story... posted by Treyn on November 14, 2003 at 22:48:07:
: As I was doing so, my hair was falling in my
: face, I was throwing my head around to get it
: out of my face so I could see what I was doing,
How is it at the place where you work, where you said your coworkers tease you about your hair? If your hair is always falling in your face and you are tossing it out of your eyes, do you think that's a big reason they think, hmmmm, cut the darn hair, treyn!?
Nice observation, but...
Posted by Treyn on November 15, 2003 at 12:59:47: Previous Next
In Reply to: Re: and yet, another work story... posted by Terry on November 15, 2003 at 07:51:28:
... it doesn't bother me what opinions of my hair my co-workers may have. They have no authority to make me cut it, therefore it doesn't bother me when they say I need to cut it. I am not the kind of person who would avoid wearing my hair down just because of what people might say or think. If they don't like it, that's their problem. The only man I am worried about is my main boss who has the authority to make me cut it or fire me. This man has never had a problem with my hair, so what ever problems anyone else has with my hair has no bearing on how I wear my hair. Untill the day my main boss comes up to me and says hide the hair under a hat or cut it, I will have no problem wearing it loose, though at times I do wear a hat when it is exeptionaly windy out. Peace!
Re: Nice observation, but...
Posted by Terry on November 16, 2003 at 08:26:44: Previous Next
In Reply to: Nice observation, but... posted by Treyn on November 15, 2003 at 12:59:47:
I think the only time someone's long hair becomes most apparent is when it hangs in front of the face, particulary when it flops over a person's eyes. I think that's a big reason most guys who I've seen with really long hair seem to like it tightly wound up in a ponytail. But since that makes a guy look like he might just as well have short hair, I've often wondered why even bother having long hair? I sometime think such guys prefer a long hairstyle mainly because they're too busy or lazy to run to the barber shop every few weeks.
Personally, I think long hair looks better when left loose and free flowing.
Really Long Hair
Posted by Elizabeth Regina on November 16, 2003 at 14:37:59: Previous Next
In Reply to: Re: Nice observation, but... posted by Terry on November 16, 2003 at 08:26:44:
Hello Terry,
Actually, really long hair will often be up on many men as a hair care issue, though seeing unimpeded is a good reason too. Preventing tangles as much as possible goes a long way in keeping long hair healthy enough to have around a long time. Ponytails and braids are one way to protect the hair and they are easily changed to loose hair when that handsome man wants to show his hair off perhaps for a special event or at home to the delight of their loved one. The ponytail is an attractive look in itself, certainly seen from the back or side it can not be realistically argued that the man might as well have short hair.
Hair textures and qualities vary so much from man to man that it is unrealistic to think loose hair at all times is a practical style for all of them. There will be men who want that look and can carry it off without massive detangling at the end of the day, others could not, and still more do not have their hair long for that loose style anyway.
As for some long haired men just being lazy, I think it could be argued with equal plausibility that the same can be said of people that regularly need the services of a barber, they might be too lazy to take the time to create a long hair look. Alternatively, instead of calling it lazy, consider the untrimmed man practical for giving up something others deem necessary when it really is not at all.
: I think the only time someone's long hair becomes most apparent is when it hangs in front of the face, particulary when it flops over a person's eyes. I think that's a big reason most guys who I've seen with really long hair seem to like it tightly wound up in a ponytail. But since that makes a guy look like he might just as well have short hair, I've often wondered why even bother having long hair? I sometime think such guys prefer a long hairstyle mainly because they're too busy or lazy to run to the barber shop every few weeks.
: Personally, I think long hair looks better when left loose and free flowing.
Re: Nice observation, but...
Posted by Absalom on November 18, 2003 at 00:50:36: Previous Next
In Reply to: Re: Nice observation, but... posted by Terry on November 16, 2003 at 08:26:44:
: I think the only time someone's long hair becomes most apparent is when it hangs in front of the face, particulary when it flops over a person's eyes. I think that's a big reason most guys who I've seen with really long hair seem to like it tightly wound up in a ponytail. But since that makes a guy look like he might just as well have short hair, I've often wondered why even bother having long hair? I sometime think such guys prefer a long hairstyle mainly because they're too busy or lazy to run to the barber shop every few weeks.
: Personally, I think long hair looks better when left loose and free flowing.
Free flowing works fine for perfectly straight hair but not for other hair types. I have a mix of curly, wavy, straight, coarse, medium, and fine hair. If it is worn loose it will tangle, knot, and mat very quickly causing massive loss and breakage. I work very hard to keep my hair in good condition. I do not have the ideal hair type to grow to extreme length but managed to pull it off anyway. I found a way around the problem by keeping it in a pony tail which currently reaches to about 4 inches above my knees. I keep multiple hair bands along its entire length as well, usually 8 to 10 of them. Without this method my hair would max out maybe at mid back length at best due to loss from tangling, matting, knots, and breakage and would also look bad due to all the damage. My method has prevented the damage and allowed an otherwise unachievable hair length to be realized. I hope this clarifies why free flowing hair is not for everyone. Absalom
Re: and yet, another work story...
Posted by Txclpr on November 15, 2003 at 22:21:10: Previous Next
In Reply to: and yet, another work story... posted by Treyn on November 14, 2003 at 22:48:07:
Treyn bro,
You have one of the best heads of hair around by far and I see a lot of them. Keep up the great work and let it flow dude. Most people are just jealous when a guy has better looking hair than they do. Let's face it, women (and some men) can be catty. Meow!!!!! :-)
Hang in there bro.