Gay or Druggie?

Gay or Druggie?
Posted by Sorted on December 24, 2003 at 12:12:12: Previous Next

Last week I had another weird experience whilst I was back in the UK, (specifically Portsmouth on the south coast.) I'd taken to occasionally wearing my hair in a half tail, particularly on bad days so I kinda expected some comments, but nothing prepared me for this.

I was ordering some drinks at a bar and this hard looking guy wearing a works jacket and sporting a skinhead with a 5 oclock shaddow that could have sunk Europe into darkness, turns around to me and says:

"Your on drugs, aren't u?"

"Excuse me?"

"Don't deny it, I can see it in your eyes!"

I check my eyes in a mirror hanging behind the bar, they aren't bloodshot, and my pupils are wide. Confused I reply that I think he's mistaken.

"Either that or your gay! That's it you're Gay aren't you?" he continues... looking around at the back of my head.

Ahh the penny drops.... its a hair thing... I must be either Gay or on Drugs to wear my hair longer than 2 inches... or worse in a half tail.

Why am I destined to continually encounter the Eternally Biggoted?

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