Thats nice, very nice.
Posted by InUtero on July 11, 2002 at 12:48:53: Previous Next
Okay, a friend of mine just sent me an email. Here is the link.
Ive also put it at the bottom, take a look at it.
How sad are them? They arnt sad because of how they have their hair- thats choice, but how they search for fotos to post on their board. I didn't find their comments offensive at all, but the fact they used my picture.
Because of this I will not be posting any more pictures, and maybe change my name on the board. Also, the pics may be removed from the site.
I'l let you know.
Re: Thats nice, very nice.
Posted by Wolff on July 11, 2002 at 13:13:10: Previous Next
In Reply to: Thats nice, very nice. posted by InUtero on July 11, 2002 at 12:48:53:
That's sick dude. Some people just have no respect for others. They have way too much time on their hands. Don't let it phase you though.
Re: Thats nice, very nice.
Posted by Mantraschism on July 11, 2002 at 13:35:31: Previous Next
In Reply to: Thats nice, very nice. posted by InUtero on July 11, 2002 at 12:48:53:
Omfg, that's f'd up. I can't believe they'd do something like that! Well, to hell with them, and keep growing!
Re: Thats nice, very nice.
Posted by Madoc on July 11, 2002 at 14:26:43: Previous Next
In Reply to: Thats nice, very nice. posted by InUtero on July 11, 2002 at 12:48:53:
Come on! Not this stuff again!
Look, we've been through this more than once now. Why bother again?
The folks over at the Buzzcut Board are - guess what - into buzzcuts! Amazing! Horrible! Oh my!
Yes, some of them seem to get their kicks out of "forced haircut" scene and other such fantasies. Fine. That's their fetish. So long as they stay in their sick little corner of the world then that's their deal.
Jumping over there and berating them for their fetish is not only counter-productive, not only lowering yourselves to their level, not only infringing on their rights to free speech, it is also exactly what they want. Guys like that _want_ folks to get upset. That is why they are so obnoxious. It gets them off.
Guys, let's just leave this one as is. Yeah, the buzz cut boys are a pretty lame bunch. Yeah, what they espouse is pretty damn sad. It is however, their deal, their expression, and their fetish. Leave them be and let them be pathetic on their own.
Re: Thats nice, very nice.
Posted by j.s. on July 11, 2002 at 14:43:50: Previous Next
In Reply to: Re: Thats nice, very nice. posted by Madoc on July 11, 2002 at 14:26:43:
i think the objection is using the photo of one of the participants here without his consent.... yes- let them get their jollies from their forced haircut fantasies, but the use of james's photo for their little brand of gang ridicule is a step over the line.
the internet!
Posted by Wayne on July 11, 2002 at 15:00:08: Previous Next
In Reply to: Re: Thats nice, very nice. posted by j.s. on July 11, 2002 at 14:43:50:
When will people understand that if you post anything on the internet? it is accessible to the whole world. Anyone can take that image and use it as they want.
That is a good thing and a BAD thing.
Unless you are willing to do a costly and risky lawsuit, you will never win the battle, and only stress yourself out.
Re: the internet!
Posted by j.s. on July 11, 2002 at 15:25:36: Previous Next
In Reply to: the internet! posted by Wayne on July 11, 2002 at 15:00:08:
most of us are well aware of the fact that posting one's pic on the web makes it freely available. if someone is willing to misuse the resource in the manner demonstrated by the buzzboard then they must realize that they are going to invite abuse.
this needn't be battled in courts- the image was taken from inUtero's host - perhaps they can be useful in dealing with this unauthorized use.
Re: the internet!
Posted by Bill on July 11, 2002 at 19:12:54: Previous Next
In Reply to: the internet! posted by Wayne on July 11, 2002 at 15:00:08:
: When will people understand that if you post anything on the internet? it is accessible to the whole world. Anyone can take that image and use it as they want.
Yeah, and they can take your picture in a shopping mall or at a public fair. You can go crawl under a rock and hide, but what kind of life is that?
It's not the Internet, it's life. I'm gonna LIVE mine. :-)
Re: Thats nice, very nice.
Posted by Mantraschism on July 11, 2002 at 14:55:28: Previous Next
In Reply to: Re: Thats nice, very nice. posted by Madoc on July 11, 2002 at 14:26:43:
You *obviously* didn't look over there. No one cares that they prefer buzzcuts. What we care about is that one of them came over here and took InUtero's picture (yes, that's HIM in that pic) without his consent, and proceeded to discuss over there what should be done about his long hair. That, my friend, is wrong.
Re: Thats nice, very nice.
Posted by Madoc on July 11, 2002 at 15:38:37: Previous Next
In Reply to: Re: Thats nice, very nice. posted by Mantraschism on July 11, 2002 at 14:55:28:
You're right. I didn't look through the full text of those messages. I just saw "buzzcut" in the URL and I bailed.
You're also right that using someone else's photo without their permission is a wrong thing to do. Having suffered such crap myself I fully agree that they should not have done that and should remove that pic from their forum.
You would think those clowns would have learned by now. I notice that the same guys who were pulling this sort of thing last year are still pulling it now. They got their sorry butts shut down for that the last time. I guess their short hair fetish must have addled their brains or something.
IU, light 'em up! Find their webhost and make a formal complaint. Do it by the numbers and see if you can't get some redress from those idiots.
: You *obviously* didn't look over there. No one cares that they prefer buzzcuts. What we care about is that one of them came over here and took InUtero's picture (yes, that's HIM in that pic) without his consent, and proceeded to discuss over there what should be done about his long hair. That, my friend, is wrong.
Re: Thats nice, very nice.
Posted by Skarred Orange on July 11, 2002 at 15:48:39: Previous Next
In Reply to: Re: Thats nice, very nice. posted by Madoc on July 11, 2002 at 15:38:37:
: IU, light 'em up! Find their webhost and make a formal complaint. Do it by the numbers and see if you can't get some redress from those idiots.
Re: That's nice, very nice?
Posted by Draco on July 12, 2002 at 01:03:15: Previous Next
In Reply to: Re: Thats nice, very nice. posted by Madoc on July 11, 2002 at 15:38:37:
: Mantra,
: You're right. I didn't look through the full text of those messages. I just saw "buzzcut" in the URL and I bailed.
: You're also right that using someone else's photo without their permission is a wrong thing to do. Having suffered such crap myself I fully agree that they should not have done that and should remove that pic from their forum.
: You would think those clowns would have learned by now. I notice that the same guys who were pulling this sort of thing last year are still pulling it now. They got their sorry butts shut down for that the last time. I guess their short hair fetish must have addled their brains or something.
: IU, light 'em up! Find their webhost and make a formal complaint. Do it by the numbers and see if you can't get some redress from those idiots.
: Madoc
Madoc Rules! He is One Wise Man. nm
Posted by longhair43 on July 12, 2002 at 11:16:32: Previous Next
In Reply to: Re: Thats nice, very nice. posted by Madoc on July 11, 2002 at 15:38:37:
Re: Victor Rules! He is One Wise Man.
Posted by Draco on July 12, 2002 at 20:51:17: Previous Next
In Reply to: Madoc Rules! He is One Wise Man. nm posted by longhair43 on July 12, 2002 at 11:16:32:
Thanks, webmaster, for fixing the year on the SCREENED messages, and for adding the Previous & Next links on the SCREENED messages. It now seems that the Y2K problem has been licked in ALL the messages!
By the way, I haven't seen the latest "Chamber of Horrors" at the latest HairCut Site. Perhaps, they have finally wised up, and aren't using pictures and defaming famous long hairs such as the Samsons [who are on Victor's Long-Hair Site]? Also, BuzzTown Barber Shop doesn't put down long hair the way that BuzzBoard does!
Re: Thats nice, very nice.
Posted by Anon. on July 11, 2002 at 17:41:59: Previous Next
In Reply to: Re: Thats nice, very nice. posted by Mantraschism on July 11, 2002 at 14:55:28:
I am a frequent reader of both boards. Do you really think anyone who posts something on the WORLDWIDE WEB can have any control on what happens to the picture? In the context of modern technology, do you think anyone can presume to retain control of such content? IMHO, even attempts at copyright are a joke when the technology itself invites you to click and paste. People who are sensitive about the use of images shouldn't post them on the web in the first place.
Re: Thats nice, very nice.
Posted by j.s. on July 11, 2002 at 17:54:14: Previous Next
In Reply to: Re: Thats nice, very nice. posted by Anon. on July 11, 2002 at 17:41:59:
true enough. pictures posted on the wwweb are readily available to any idiot to misuse as he sees fit. we may not be able to stop it but must we sit idly by and allow it to be convenient? the image on the buzzboard is directly linked to inUtero's website... i might suggest that he formulate a creatively responsive graphic of the exact same name as the photo and replace it on his site :-)
Posted by j.s. on July 11, 2002 at 18:00:53: Previous Next
In Reply to: Re: Thats nice, very nice. posted by j.s. on July 11, 2002 at 17:54:14:'re stumped as what to replace your photo with i might suggest checking out for inspiration.
Re: Thats nice, very nice.
Posted by InUtero on July 11, 2002 at 16:06:25: Previous Next
In Reply to: Re: Thats nice, very nice. posted by Madoc on July 11, 2002 at 14:26:43:
I dont go over their dissing them to shreds, I dont care about them. Its the fact they used MY picture without any concent, to joke about. I dont care about the jokes etc I get that everyday.
Its the principle.
Re: Thats nice, very nice.
Posted by Marco on July 11, 2002 at 16:18:21: Previous Next
In Reply to: Re: Thats nice, very nice. posted by InUtero on July 11, 2002 at 16:06:25:
: I dont go over their dissing them to shreds, I dont care about them. Its the fact they used MY picture without any concent, to joke about. I dont care about the jokes etc I get that everyday.
: Its the principle.
Sorry it happened bud! You are a better person than them. Don't let it get under your skin.
Re: Thats nice, very nice.
Posted by Skarred Orange on July 11, 2002 at 15:38:32: Previous Next
In Reply to: Thats nice, very nice. posted by InUtero on July 11, 2002 at 12:48:53:
: Okay, a friend of mine just sent me an email. Here is the link.
: Ive also put it at the bottom, take a look at it.
: How sad are them? They arnt sad because of how they have their hair- thats choice, but how they search for fotos to post on their board. I didn't find their comments offensive at all, but the fact they used my picture.
: Because of this I will not be posting any more pictures, and maybe change my name on the board. Also, the pics may be removed from the site.
: I'l let you know.
I don't blame you bud! Oh well we know which is the better board anyway. You don't see us posting pictures of their bald heads on this site and say what they should do to it, proving we're above their level.
Re: Thats nice, very nice.
Posted by Treyn on July 11, 2002 at 18:00:35: Previous Next
In Reply to: Thats nice, very nice. posted by InUtero on July 11, 2002 at 12:48:53:
Yea, I agree that was wrong of them to do and all, but here is my opinion on the matter: The more they post us guys over there, the more chance some of those guys on that board will get to taking a closer look and think, "Hey, maybe I should try the longhair thing, that looks pretty cool!" I mean, whats the challenge in having short hair, you can achieve that inside of five minutes. What we're doing over here is worthwhile endurance that takes patience and developes perseverance! After all, most guys love a good challenge. And another thing, I'll bet if some of those guys were told they would never last doing what we do, it would fire them up to try it if only to prove us wrong, then in the process end up loving it! KEEP IT LONG, RIGHT OR WRONG!!!!!
they did it to me too
Posted by headbanger on July 11, 2002 at 19:04:40: Previous Next
In Reply to: Thats nice, very nice. posted by InUtero on July 11, 2002 at 12:48:53:
a few months ago they did the exact same thing with me.
the point is this. reading the board over there im seeing fights starting again just like what happened with mine. i see sensible posts on both boards, and i see ignorant posts on both as well. what we need to do is just not care. inutero i know from experience what its like, but then again we posted pictures of us on the internet. (isnt that the sort of thing your computer illiterate mother always warned you about? "you dont know what kind of sickos are on that thing!":)...) stuff like this is going to happen and we just need to let it slide. we dont want to start any kind of flame wars and have to have either boards taken down because BOTH of them have plenty of legitimate and interesting posts made by considerate people just looking to share information/meet people etc. there will always be inconsiderate people in the world. just ignore them and keep your hair growing(but then again if you want you could shave it and post on the buzzboard its up to you). furthermore, i would also like to clarify the fact that this post was not meant to reprimand anyone because it seems to me that this time around the negative "dude this guys a moron" posts were kept to a minimum. im not posting this because i feel anyone hndled this in an irresponsible way, im just staing my opinion.
wow thats a mouthful... :)
Re: they did it to me too
Posted by Marco on July 12, 2002 at 01:03:05: Previous Next
In Reply to: they did it to me too posted by headbanger on July 11, 2002 at 19:04:40:
: a few months ago they did the exact same thing with me.
: see.
: the point is this. reading the board over there im seeing fights starting again just like what happened with mine. i see sensible posts on both boards, and i see ignorant posts on both as well. what we need to do is just not care. inutero i know from experience what its like, but then again we posted pictures of us on the internet. (isnt that the sort of thing your computer illiterate mother always warned you about? "you dont know what kind of sickos are on that thing!":)...) stuff like this is going to happen and we just need to let it slide. we dont want to start any kind of flame wars and have to have either boards taken down because BOTH of them have plenty of legitimate and interesting posts made by considerate people just looking to share information/meet people etc. there will always be inconsiderate people in the world. just ignore them and keep your hair growing(but then again if you want you could shave it and post on the buzzboard its up to you). furthermore, i would also like to clarify the fact that this post was not meant to reprimand anyone because it seems to me that this time around the negative "dude this guys a moron" posts were kept to a minimum. im not posting this because i feel anyone hndled this in an irresponsible way, im just staing my opinion.
: wow thats a mouthful... :)
Dude when are you going to post a better pic. Hair looks awesome but last pic was not so great.
Re: they did it to me too
Posted by MG on July 12, 2002 at 01:03:10: Previous Next
In Reply to: they did it to me too posted by headbanger on July 11, 2002 at 19:04:40:
: a few months ago they did the exact same thing with me.
: see.
: the point is this. reading the board over there im seeing fights starting again just like what happened with mine. i see sensible posts on both boards, and i see ignorant posts on both as well. what we need to do is just not care. inutero i know from experience what its like, but then again we posted pictures of us on the internet. (isnt that the sort of thing your computer illiterate mother always warned you about? "you dont know what kind of sickos are on that thing!":)...) stuff like this is going to happen and we just need to let it slide. we dont want to start any kind of flame wars and have to have either boards taken down because BOTH of them have plenty of legitimate and interesting posts made by considerate people just looking to share information/meet people etc. there will always be inconsiderate people in the world. just ignore them and keep your hair growing(but then again if you want you could shave it and post on the buzzboard its up to you). furthermore, i would also like to clarify the fact that this post was not meant to reprimand anyone because it seems to me that this time around the negative "dude this guys a moron" posts were kept to a minimum. im not posting this because i feel anyone hndled this in an irresponsible way, im just staing my opinion.
: wow thats a mouthful... :)
Hey InUtero, I agree with headbanger. You should just ignore them.
Keep your name and your pics and be proud of them. What those people
think should mean NOTHING to you. Have confidence in yourself and
stuff like this will mean no more than a mosquito buzzing around.
well put...
Posted by j.s. on July 12, 2002 at 04:04:36: Previous Next
In Reply to: they did it to me too posted by headbanger on July 11, 2002 at 19:04:40:
you make good points...
i STILL think inUtero ought to peruse to find an image to post on his site and rename it jamesclose.jpg so the picture linked to the buzzboard can be appropriate to the spirit of 'mad flatters' original post.
incidently, while curt, military father, buzzed tom, and others may have contributed their derision & abuse it is mad flatter who goes to other sites and links images to buzzboard.
let it slide? that makes it convenient for them to continue doing it. there are other ways to respond besides engaging in a flame war.
Re: they did it to me too
Posted by Draco on July 12, 2002 at 10:18:22: Previous Next
In Reply to: they did it to me too posted by headbanger on July 11, 2002 at 19:04:40:
: a few months ago they did the exact same thing with me.
: see.
: the point is this. reading the board over there im seeing fights starting again just like what happened with mine. i see sensible posts on both boards, and i see ignorant posts on both as well. what we need to do is just not care. inutero i know from experience what its like, but then again we posted pictures of us on the internet. (isnt that the sort of thing your computer illiterate mother always warned you about? "you dont know what kind of sickos are on that thing!":)...) stuff like this is going to happen and we just need to let it slide. we dont want to start any kind of flame wars and have to have either boards taken down because BOTH of them have plenty of legitimate and interesting posts made by considerate people just looking to share information/meet people etc. there will always be inconsiderate people in the world. just ignore them and keep your hair growing(but then again if you want you could shave it and post on the buzzboard its up to you). furthermore, i would also like to clarify the fact that this post was not meant to reprimand anyone because it seems to me that this time around the negative "dude this guys a moron" posts were kept to a minimum. im not posting this because i feel anyone hndled this in an irresponsible way, im just staing my opinion.
Not to mention "Notice that you smell…"
(It's in there somewhere; it's just some imbecilic, moronic, [teen-age?] response to the debate about linking to the "public" folder.)
sorry for long message
Posted by Squall on July 12, 2002 at 10:18:27: Previous Next
In Reply to: Thats nice, very nice. posted by InUtero on July 11, 2002 at 12:48:53:
That really takes a higher degree of courage and endurance for people to grow thier hair long. Some of the people on the 'buzzcut board' compare us longhairs to the fairer sex. I think you are more of a man if you have long hair due to the numerous snide commentsy ou encounter in daily life, the akward stage, the amount of care taken with long hair and many other reasons. Short hair is achieved instantly with scissors long hair is not. Reading some of the comments on that board were really narrow minded and using someone elses picture to gain comments and popularity is as shallow as you can get. It just gos to show there isn't much to say about short hair - if it's short it's short there is no variety. With long hair you have straight, wavy, curly, different styles different lengths and a whole new experience which is well worth the wait. If you look at history many men had long hair especially in the renaissance period and they were knights who were men. The native American Indians were as tough as you can get most of them had long hair. I think that everyone is entitled to their own opinion but using someone elses picture to put that opinion forward is just a dirty trick. I think we should send as many anonymous long hair pictures as we can to that board as a form of passive resistance.