Picture and question

Picture and question
Posted by Stormdog on March 06, 2003 at 23:06:24: Previous Next

For those interested, here's a picture of me from a few days ago. That's about three years worth of hair now, I think... It's been a while, I can't remember for sure. *grin*

Question: My hair seems a little thin at the ends, as can be expected I suppose. I'm just wondering what the rest of you think of it. Is it worth doing anything like trimming to it at this point, or is it fine as it is? I always tend to think it looks kinda sloppy, but that's me. Heh. I suspect that since it has that degree of curliness to it that trimming wouldn't really straighten it up much, and I'd prefer to avoid getting it cut until I see just how long it'll get. But I'll stop rambling. General comments welcome.

On another subject, I see a few people are in need of space to post pictures. I have a server that I wouldn't mind donating a little space on for that purpose. I don't have a whole lot of time to poke at it, but I can stick pictures on there once in while. E-mail me if you're interested.

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