A hair care Poll...

A hair care Poll...
Posted by Treyn on January 24, 2004 at 10:20:57: Previous Next

I have learned lately from a few sources that daily moisture is rather vital for healthy hair. That doesn't happen with me like it does with most other people and I am starting to slightly pay for it. I shampoo and condition once a week on the weekend and water rarely sees my head in between unless I get caught in a rain storm. I'm not a dirty person per say, just tend to be lazy in this department and I desperately need to change this.

I am looking to gather a general consencus here on weekly hair care routines concerning shampooing and conditiong and other things such as hot oil treatments and the like.

So let's have it, what are everyone's weekly hair care routines. I know this has probably been polled in the past, but I wish to reopen it for discussion. Peace!

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