New here, thank goodness for the site!

New here, thank goodness for the site!
Posted by CJ on September 07, 2002 at 22:08:17: Previous Next

Well, so, yah, i'm new.....

Okay, I'm growing out my hair and I've gotten to that just-touching-the-shoulder thing. Well, okay, only when it's straight.... My hair is naturally curly, and naturally blond (my mousy brown, fine and thin mom hates me *G*), which leads to a big, thick (statistically, blonds have thicker hair, wierd, eh?) mas of spirals... We're not talking Justin Guarini here, but big, loopy spiral curls. (just, BTW, girls *really* dig it)

So, i'm trying to figure out something to do with it to keep it out of my face without looking like a blond sumo wrestler or ninja or something.... Straighteing helps some, as i can bring a ponytail slightly down off the crown a bit, but i still get wispy bits coming out.... Of course, shoulder length isn't my target length. I'm looking to about, oh, 16-20 inches here. My main motivation is to actually donate to locks of love (, but I do plan on keeping it long after i cut. Like, cut it down to, oh, 8 inches or so and let it get back to just below shoulder length (ya know, long enough to pull into a ponytail at the nape of the neck without having loose bits). My problem is, i don't want the ninja look (i'm not coordinated enough to pull off being a ninja, i really *am* blond), and i don't want that whole *ahem* homo look going on. Not that there's anything wrong with that, its just not me.

Frankly, as it is, I like wearing it down, loose and curly, a little in the face, but there are times when practicality warrants that something other than my current corruption of Shirley Temple look be done.

Funnily enough, I used to have stick straight hair. it was always thick, and always blond (used to be danged-near white, now is darkish honey with natural streaks), but I didn't get the curls till puberty set in real well (like, fifteen). I laugh now thinking how much i used to wish i had curly hair... Gah, now i take an hour and a half to straighten it if i want a semi-sleek look.

Okay, i know that was long, but, hey, so id the hair. Glad there's a site like this out here. 'Cause i need some help. Also, hows about some conditioning tips? It's way coarse, and i kinda wanna get a soft, shiny thing going, as opposed to a main that frightens small animals.....

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