New here, thank goodness for the site!
Posted by CJ on September 07, 2002 at 22:08:17: Previous Next
Well, so, yah, i'm new.....
Okay, I'm growing out my hair and I've gotten to that just-touching-the-shoulder thing. Well, okay, only when it's straight.... My hair is naturally curly, and naturally blond (my mousy brown, fine and thin mom hates me *G*), which leads to a big, thick (statistically, blonds have thicker hair, wierd, eh?) mas of spirals... We're not talking Justin Guarini here, but big, loopy spiral curls. (just, BTW, girls *really* dig it)
So, i'm trying to figure out something to do with it to keep it out of my face without looking like a blond sumo wrestler or ninja or something.... Straighteing helps some, as i can bring a ponytail slightly down off the crown a bit, but i still get wispy bits coming out.... Of course, shoulder length isn't my target length. I'm looking to about, oh, 16-20 inches here. My main motivation is to actually donate to locks of love (, but I do plan on keeping it long after i cut. Like, cut it down to, oh, 8 inches or so and let it get back to just below shoulder length (ya know, long enough to pull into a ponytail at the nape of the neck without having loose bits). My problem is, i don't want the ninja look (i'm not coordinated enough to pull off being a ninja, i really *am* blond), and i don't want that whole *ahem* homo look going on. Not that there's anything wrong with that, its just not me.
Frankly, as it is, I like wearing it down, loose and curly, a little in the face, but there are times when practicality warrants that something other than my current corruption of Shirley Temple look be done.
Funnily enough, I used to have stick straight hair. it was always thick, and always blond (used to be danged-near white, now is darkish honey with natural streaks), but I didn't get the curls till puberty set in real well (like, fifteen). I laugh now thinking how much i used to wish i had curly hair... Gah, now i take an hour and a half to straighten it if i want a semi-sleek look.
Okay, i know that was long, but, hey, so id the hair. Glad there's a site like this out here. 'Cause i need some help. Also, hows about some conditioning tips? It's way coarse, and i kinda wanna get a soft, shiny thing going, as opposed to a main that frightens small animals.....
Re: New here, thank goodness for the site!
Posted by Victor on September 07, 2002 at 22:22:59: Previous Next
In Reply to: New here, thank goodness for the site! posted by CJ on September 07, 2002 at 22:08:17:
: So, i'm trying to figure out something to do with it to keep it out of my face without looking like a blond sumo wrestler or ninja or something.... Straighteing helps some, as i can bring a ponytail slightly down off the crown a bit, but i still get wispy bits coming out.... Of course, shoulder length isn't my target length. I'm looking to about, oh, 16-20 inches here. My main motivation is to actually donate to locks of love (,
If this is your motivation for growing your hair out, I would suggest that you really research Locks of Love. Look at what they do with hair donations, how long it must be to be used, whether it is even used for wigs at all (or sold for cash), etc. I think many people have an inaccurate impression of how this company works, and shows like the Maury Povich show don't explain it much.
There have been discussions here about them before. Unfortunately, the search phrase locks of love will return no results, but you can find articles by searching for other terms like "donate". Also read through their entire website so you know what their claims are.
They do not make wigs from all or even most of the hair donated to them. And the wigs are not generally given to cancer patients. Most of the donated hair seems to be sold for cash.
Re: New here, thank goodness for the site!
Posted by STALKER on September 08, 2002 at 01:42:07: Previous Next
In Reply to: Re: New here, thank goodness for the site! posted by Victor on September 07, 2002 at 22:22:59:
: If this is your motivation for growing your hair out, I would suggest that you really research Locks of Love. Look at what they do with hair donations, how long it must be to be used, whether it is even used for wigs at all (or sold for cash), etc. I think many people have an inaccurate impression of how this company works, and shows like the Maury Povich show don't explain it much.
: There have been discussions here about them before. Unfortunately, the search phrase locks love will return no[?] results, but you can find articles by searching for other terms like donate. Also read through their entire website so you know what their claims are.
: They do not make wigs from all or even most of the hair donated to them. And the wigs are not generally given to cancer patients. Most of the donated hair seems to be sold for cash.
Re: locks & locks of crap
Posted by Hair Religion on September 09, 2002 at 13:17:51: Previous Next
In Reply to: Re: New here, thank goodness for the site! posted by STALKER on September 08, 2002 at 01:42:07:
Girls under 6 receive synthetic hairpieces from "locks of love". Aren't they always crying about how these children need your long hair?
I have some info on my site about this wacky organization.
Re: locks & locks of crap
Posted by Victor on September 09, 2002 at 13:22:25: Previous Next
In Reply to: Re: locks & locks of crap posted by Hair Religion on September 09, 2002 at 13:17:51:
: I have some info on my site about this wacky organization.
Where? I couldn't find any.
Re: locks & locks of crap
Posted by Hair Religion on September 09, 2002 at 13:48:19: Previous Next
In Reply to: Re: locks & locks of crap posted by Victor on September 09, 2002 at 13:22:25:
Under "Ways to respond to reactions".
Posted by Cactus Jack on September 08, 2002 at 16:34:42: Previous Next
In Reply to: Re: New here, thank goodness for the site! posted by Victor on September 07, 2002 at 22:22:59:
Locks of Love is a Bull S%#@ organization
they get THOUSANDS of ponytails and such and only mabey a hundred or so get turned into wigs, and half those arent even given to people, they are SOLD for PROFIT
and whats left they actually DISCARD!!!
i'd never, EVER give my hair to a fake organization like that, and if someone asks me to i'll tell them what they do with the hair they get,
please don't grow your hair just for THAT, it would just be a HUGE waste of time,energy and money so you can grow your hair to cut and it will end up either sold for profit without you making a DIME or end up in the garbage somewhere
Response, and respectful disagreement....
Posted by CJ-new guy on September 09, 2002 at 13:18:02: Previous Next
In Reply to: Re: New here, thank goodness for the site! posted by Victor on September 07, 2002 at 22:22:59:
: : So, i'm trying to figure out something to do with it to keep it out of my face without looking like a blond sumo wrestler or ninja or something.... Straighteing helps some, as i can bring a ponytail slightly down off the crown a bit, but i still get wispy bits coming out.... Of course, shoulder length isn't my target length. I'm looking to about, oh, 16-20 inches here. My main motivation is to actually donate to locks of love (,
: If this is your motivation for growing your hair out, I would suggest that you really research Locks of Love.
Yeah, did that. A year ago. I may be blond, but I'm not a twit.
: Look at what they do with hair donations, how long it must be to be used,
Yup, looked into that to. 10" minimum. Not color treated, not damaged, etc....
: whether it is even used for wigs at all (or sold for cash), etc. I think many people have an inaccurate impression of how this company works, and shows like the Maury Povich show don't explain it much.
Most of that depends on quality. They clearly state that they make the prostheses with short, gray, or colored hair, and then sell them as a fund-generating measure. $3,000 bucks a pop....
: There have been discussions here about them before. Unfortunately, the search phrase locks of love will return no results, but you can find articles by searching for other terms like "donate". Also read through their entire website so you know what their claims are.
See statement above in RE: my motivation.
: They do not make wigs from all or even most of the hair donated to them. And the wigs are not generally given to cancer patients. Most of the donated hair seems to be sold for cash.
Incorrect. They make wigs from most of it, some of the *wigs* they sell. I imagine they sell some of the hair, but they make more selling the $3,000 wigs.... Makes sense to me... It would have to be of very high quality to be used as a prosthesis for a child with a possibly compromised immune system, and gray, damaged, etc would be imnappropriate. And no, the majority of charitable recipients are patients with allopecia. I am aware of this, but a certainly aooreciable number are children with cancer.
BBB Report
Posted by Victor on September 09, 2002 at 20:30:21: Previous Next
In Reply to: Response, and respectful disagreement.... posted by CJ-new guy on September 09, 2002 at 13:18:02:
Please read the linked Better Business Bureau Report
Re: BBB Report
Posted by CJ-new guy on September 10, 2002 at 11:23:41: Previous Next
In Reply to: BBB Report posted by Victor on September 09, 2002 at 20:30:21:
: Please read the linked Better Business Bureau Report
Seems open to several interpretations if you ask me.... I've seen worse, much, much worse. I still find them to be a worthy cause.
One other point: No, i was not coerced into this. I made this descision long before I even stopped getting my hair cut. It was an independent descision based on a feeling of loss and a need to do something to remember a dear friend of mine that died of cancer. I resent the twisting of this into a debate about the moral rectitude of the charity or a questioning of my methods.
Re: BBB Report
Posted by Victor on September 10, 2002 at 13:19:16: Previous Next
In Reply to: Re: BBB Report posted by CJ-new guy on September 10, 2002 at 11:23:41:
: : Please read the linked Better Business Bureau Report
: Seems open to several interpretations if you ask me.... I've seen worse, much, much worse. I still find them to be a worthy cause.
: One other point: No, i was not coerced into this. I made this descision long before I even stopped getting my hair cut. It was an independent descision based on a feeling of loss and a need to do something to remember a dear friend of mine that died of cancer. I resent the twisting of this into a debate about the moral rectitude of the charity or a questioning of my methods.
Don't be resentful. I was merely suggesting that you make an informed decision. It sounds like you're doing just that.
Posted by CJ_new guy on September 11, 2002 at 15:08:12: Previous Next
In Reply to: Re: BBB Report posted by Victor on September 10, 2002 at 13:19:16:
: : : Please read the linked Better Business Bureau Report
: : Seems open to several interpretations if you ask me.... I've seen worse, much, much worse. I still find them to be a worthy cause.
: : One other point: No, i was not coerced into this. I made this descision long before I even stopped getting my hair cut. It was an independent descision based on a feeling of loss and a need to do something to remember a dear friend of mine that died of cancer. I resent the twisting of this into a debate about the moral rectitude of the charity or a questioning of my methods.
: Don't be resentful. I was merely suggesting that you make an informed decision. It sounds like you're doing just that.
Sorry about that... Still a pretty raw wound. It was quite sudden.
Re: BBB Report
Posted by Hair Religion on September 10, 2002 at 16:19:53: Previous Next
In Reply to: Re: BBB Report posted by CJ-new guy on September 10, 2002 at 11:23:41:
>>I resent the twisting of this into a debate about the moral rectitude of the charity
There isn't much twisting going on. Locks of Love claim to be a charity but the BBB says that it doesn't meet the criteria for a non-profit charity. Where do you suppose the 43% profit goes? Obivously not towards the 3% promotion or 50% operating costs. By the way they run things there you would be better off keeping your hair for yourself. Keep in mind that the few people who MAY even get some of yours and others hair for a wig are getting it for cosmetic enhancement (like a hat or synthetic wig, which kids under 7 get from them anyway). It's not like blood donation or a kidney. But if you want to just get rid of your hair then I'd be the first person to get out of your way.
Re: BBB Report
Posted by CJ-new guy on September 11, 2002 at 17:52:51: Previous Next
In Reply to: Re: BBB Report posted by Hair Religion on September 10, 2002 at 16:19:53:
: >>I resent the twisting of this into a debate about the moral rectitude of the charity
: There isn't much twisting going on. Locks of Love claim to be a charity but the BBB says that it doesn't meet the criteria for a non-profit charity. Where do you suppose the 43% profit goes? Obivously not towards the 3% promotion or 50% operating costs. By the way they run things there you would be better off keeping your hair for yourself. Keep in mind that the few people who MAY even get some of yours and others hair for a wig are getting it for cosmetic enhancement (like a hat or synthetic wig, which kids under 7 get from them anyway). It's not like blood donation or a kidney. But if you want to just get rid of your hair then I'd be the first person to get out of your way.
Its a pretty harsh thing to live through as a kid.... Especially for girls. My cousin has allopecia, but she only lost a little before she got treatment. I'll not comment on anything esle, as I feel I made my point that I'm satisfied with them. An argument will hardly make me change my mind.
Not like i'm cutting it all off.... i'll bring it right back to about where i am now and then let it get about 14 inches long.... Probably keep it there, too.
Posted by LucksKind on September 08, 2002 at 08:34:13: Previous Next
In Reply to: New here, thank goodness for the site! posted by CJ on September 07, 2002 at 22:08:17:
...If Locksoflove is the Motivating Factor for growing...
....why not just send a nice cash donation...
Re: Locks-Of-Love? … LoL
Posted by STALKER on September 08, 2002 at 16:34:52: Previous Next
In Reply to: LocksOfLove?...LoL posted by LucksKind on September 08, 2002 at 08:34:13:
: …If Locks-of-love is the Motivating Factor for growing…
LoL Laugh out loud
LoL Laughing out Loud
LoL Lots of Luck
LoL Lots of Love
LoL Locks of Love
LoL Little old Lady
Re: Locks-Of-Love? … LoL
Posted by CJ-new guy on September 09, 2002 at 13:17:57: Previous Next
In Reply to: Re: Locks-Of-Love? … LoL posted by STALKER on September 08, 2002 at 16:34:52:
: :
: : …If Locks-of-love is the Motivating Factor for growing…
: LoL Laugh out loud
: LoL Laughing out Loud
: LoL Lots of Luck
: LoL Lots of Love
: LoL Locks of Love
: LoL Little old Lady
Well, it isn't the only reason. I like it long, but, well, it isn't my entire life. Besides the only cash donation that even makes an impact is gonna be a four-figure one.....
Well, I dunno....
Posted by CJ-new guy on September 09, 2002 at 13:18:12: Previous Next
In Reply to: New here, thank goodness for the site! posted by CJ on September 07, 2002 at 22:08:17:
Yeesh, I can understand the love of hair and all, but, you know, sometimes, it seems to border on obsession, here. Some of it extends far into obsessive territory...
You know, I've never been one to hedge anyone's freedom of expression or right to be themselves, so if hair is your thing, absolutely *GO* for it! More power to ya! Frankly, it just isn't my life like it seems to be for some of you.
For that reason, and others (namely that I am a bit put off by this buzzcut/longhair war that seems to flare up occasionally (I mean, who knew there was an actual debate about this, with religious overtones???)), I probably won't be back here. It seems like too much of a subculture trying to happen or something. Nope, I have my own obsessions, and despite the fact that I love my hair, I can't commit to allocating that much of my life to it.
So, I bid you all a respectful farewell, and more power to ya! Keep it growing! We all have to have passion somewhere, but mine just isn't my hair. I have far too many other obsessions to get so hung on this issue. If that is your thing, hey, fantastic, but it isn't mine, so I don't think I'll really fit in here.
Like I said, nothing against you all, nothing at all, I just don't think I have the kind of commitment to hair that you all seem to have. So, peace, love, and harmony to you all!
Re: Well, I dunno....
Posted by Hair Religion on September 09, 2002 at 15:49:07: Previous Next
In Reply to: Well, I dunno.... posted by CJ-new guy on September 09, 2002 at 13:18:12:
Gee, it's like a sub-culture? Wouldn't suprise me considering the issues involved but before you run off maybe you could elaborate and explain why you think it borders on a sub-culture mindset. Hit and run posters making statements become boring because it's always the same so if you have a problem with the group after such a short time we'd like to know how you came to your conclusions. Long hair IS a real committment and I am suprised that you seemed to only discover this after visiting the "longhair hyperboard". Maybe long hair to you was what we consider short hair? But you must have stopped in here for some reason other than to tell us about "lock of love".
Re: Well, I dunno....
Posted by CJ-new guy on September 10, 2002 at 16:19:48: Previous Next
In Reply to: Re: Well, I dunno.... posted by Hair Religion on September 09, 2002 at 15:49:07:
: Gee, it's like a sub-culture? Wouldn't suprise me considering the issues involved but before you run off maybe you could elaborate and explain why you think it borders on a sub-culture mindset. Hit and run posters making statements become boring because it's always the same so if you have a problem with the group after such a short time we'd like to know how you came to your conclusions. Long hair IS a real committment
Yes, a year and a half later, I am well aware of that. i had no illusions on that score..... I just see that many of you seem to allocate a large portion of your lives to it. I can't do that. Well, take your handle. hair religion.... I LOVE my hair, i do, but I just don't have an obsession with it. It is there, I enjoy it, I take great care of it, but I can't see actually having a debate about the pros and cons. I figure, its dead keratin, who cares if i grow it or not? I just didn't realize people could find it evil or whatever. It seems like there is just too many *issues* here that I never even thought about. I guess I just didn't realize how deep it runs.
: and I am suprised that you seemed to only discover this after visiting the "longhair hyperboard".
Oh, no, i knew that ahead of time. i just had no idea there was so much of a socio-political aspect. i mean, it *is* just hair. I could shave it all off tomorrow and grow it right back. One of the few things truly plastic about being a human being..... I plan on growing it pretty long after the LOL thing (shoulderblade), but I just never had a clue that people could take this thing and make an issue out of it.
: Maybe long hair to you was what we consider short hair? But you must have stopped in here for some reason other than to tell us about "lock of love".
Actually, yes, if you read the entirety of the original post, I really came looking for solutions and care tips.
I think the biggest turnoff is the buzzcut war that apparently flares up here periodically. I mean, there has to be other things to debate about and the Jerry Fallwell-esque nature of some of the volleys is a *HUGE* turnoff. That and the entire board seems a bit contentious on certain issues. Anti-conformity is one thing, but some here seem to think that there is something fundamentally wrong with people that can't take their hair so seriously as to make it a political weapon. I just have to mull this stuff over. I mean, to me it is *just* hair. I don't think that POV clicks with the general feeling of this board. No offense meant and no grudge against anyone here, just that my personal perspective on the whole thing seems to be out of sync with the rest of you. My obsessions are art, orchids, and writing, not my hair.
That's what I mean. From my perspective, I have long hair, but I am not a *longhair.* I don't define myself by the length of my hair. Not that there is anything wrong with any of you doing so! We all need a point of reference for ourselves in this world, mine just doesn't seem to be the same as many here, or even similar. I am not leaving out of spite or feelings of superiority, just that I don't think i'll fit in here.
I do appreciate the chance to express my feelings on the matter and your kind invitation to do so. You are apparently, on the whole, a very openminded and fair group, but I just don't feel i have a lot to contribute to this group since my general ideology differs so drastically. I know I hate fluff on the forums in which i *am* an active participant, so i would hate to provide a source of fluff here..... pun intended, there....
Thanks again for the chance to explain my motivations. I'll probably lurk a while, but like I said, I doubt I'll have much of any value to contribute.